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Repair Methods of the Roofing Structures. Rak-43.3313 Repair Methods of Structures, exercise (4 cr) Esko Sistonen. Condensation/ventilation problem. Details of flat roof. Water laying in the rain water duct. Details of pitched roof.
Repair Methods of the Roofing Structures Rak-43.3313 Repair Methods of Structures, exercise (4 cr) Esko Sistonen
Waterlaying in the rainwaterduct Details of pitchedroof packedchambersealingsareincomplete in ridgeroof
The most common roof damage • Water leaks • -roofing damage • Chassis damage • Heat-insulation layer wetting • Water pooling at the roof surface and the formation of ice • -follow-through and damage at related structures • -Eaves damage • -supporting roof structure damage
Water vapor is removed from the ventilation air in the air space or light gravel insulation layer to the atmosphere. Thermal insulating layer on the inside must be vapor barrier. Ventilated air space Ventilated lightweight insulating layer of gravel
Typical repair methods: -Local repair methods -Surface treatment with emulsion or bitumen solution -New roof membrane on top of the old one -Demolition of the old membrane and installing the new one -Building an ridge roof
Several internet links http://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/rooftimber/rooftimber.htm http://www.dublincity.ie/Planning/HeritageConservation/Conservation/Pages/DoEHLGArchitecturalHeritagePublicationsandConservationAdviceSeries.aspx http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/publications/pdfs/corporate/repairing_roofs_ceilings.pdf http://ebooks.narotama.ac.id/files/Building%20Surveys%20and%20Reports%20(4th%20Edition)/Chapter%2010%20%20Roof%20Structures%20and%20Coverings.pdf http://www.rci-online.org/interface/2009-04-koziol-giffin.pdf http://www.whatprice.co.uk/roof-damage.html http://www.ruukkiroofs.com/Roofing-products/Ruukki-Classic-solar-thermal-roof
Several standards… SFS-EN 1296 (February 2001). Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Bitumen, plastic and rubber sheets for roofing. Method of artificial ageing by long term exposure to elevated temperature. SFS-EN 1297 (December 2004). Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Bitumen, plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing. Method of artificial ageing by long term exposure to the combination of UV radiation, elevated temperature and water. SFS-EN 491 (December 2011). Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding - Test methods . SFS-EN 13693 + A1 (November 2009). Precast concrete products - Special roof elements.