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The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: What happens when you create a spacetime?. The SDSS Evolution of the spacetime Galaxies, halos, and mass Halos labeled by galaxies Halos labeled by groups/clusters Combining with simulations. Tim McKay Department of Physics University of Michigan
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: What happens when you create a spacetime? • The SDSS • Evolution of the spacetime • Galaxies, halos, and mass • Halos labeled by galaxies • Halos labeled by groups/clusters • Combining with simulations Tim McKay Department of Physics University of Michigan November, 2002 FNAL Starry Messages
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: SDSS • Deep imaging of 10,000 sq. deg. in 5 colors >108 galaxies imaged (in u, g, r, i, z) • Spectroscopy of 106 galaxies and 105 quasars Brightest million galaxies (zmed=0.1) • The goal: comprehensive astronomical observations (like a collider detector…) • ~30 Terabytes of total data • ~200 total scientists • Current data: • ~4000 sq. degrees of imaging • <3% photometric uncertainty • ~3x105 spectra www.sdss.org Funding: Sloan Foundation, NASA, NSF, DOE, and member institutions FNAL Starry Messages
The SDSS organization Project director John Peoples SDSS is a joint project of • The University of Chicago • Fermilab • The Institute for Advanced Study • The Japan Participation Group • The Johns Hopkins University • The Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) • The Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics (MPA) • New Mexico State University • Princeton University • University of Pittsburgh • The United States Naval Observatory • The University of Washington. Apache Point Observatory, site of the SDSS telescopes, is operated by the Astrophysical Research Consortium (ARC). Funding for the project has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the SDSS member institutions, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, and the Max Planck Society. The SDSS Web site is http://www.sdss.org/. > 200 scientists FNAL Starry Messages
SDSS Science goals Large, accurate, homogeneous data set for study of the local universe • Primary goal: Structure in the Universe • Revolutionizing many other studies (much of traditional astronomy): • Properties of objects: stars, galaxies, quasars, groups, clusters • Processes: the origins of morphology, quasar evolution • Early results: distant quasars, L+T dwarfs, halo structure, reionization, luminosity function, galaxy evolution, stellar populations FNAL Starry Messages
Collective output from the SDSS • Terabytes of high quality 5 color imaging and spectroscopic data • Extremely high quality initial reductions by “photo” • Astrometric and photometric calibrations • Merging of five colors • Excellent spectroscopic reductions by “spectro” • Very accurate redshifts • Spectral type information • Pipelines and operation: collaboration of Fermilab, Princeton, and Chicago • Precision and accuracy really unprecedented • Analogous to calibrated reconstructed event files • All of this becoming available publicly: • EDR Jan. 2001: 400 sq. deg. + 35000 spectra • DR1 Jan. 2003: 2000+ sq. deg. & 200000+ spectra Analyses are really just beginning! FNAL Starry Messages
Photometric precisionSky is full of calibration targets! Zeljko Ivezic: Princeton 733 days apart 2.8 million objects FNAL Starry Messages
SDSS Journal Publications Three-Dimensional Genus Statistics of Galaxies in the SDSS Early Data Release C. Hikage 0207377 PASJ, accepted Color Confirmation of Asteroid Families Z. Ivezic 0208098AJ, 124:2943 (2002) A First Look at White - M dwarf Pairs in SDSS S. Raymond AJ submitted The Broad-band Optical Properties of Galaxies with Redshifts 0.0 < z < 0.2 M. Blanton 0209479 ApJ submitted The Application of Photometric Redshifts to the SDSS Early Data Release I. Csabai AJ submitted Galaxy Star-Formation as a Function of Environment in the Early Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey P. Gomez 0210193 ApJ, accepted Two Rare Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables with Extreme Cyclotron Features Identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey P. Szkody 0208241 ApJL, accepted Two-Dimensional Topology of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey F. Hoyle 0206146 ApJ, accepted The Cluster Mass Function from Early SDSS Data: Cosmological Implications N. Bahcall 0205490 ApJ submitted The Redshift of the Lensing Galaxy in PMN J0134-0931 P. Hall 0207317ApJ, 575:L51, (2002) SDSS 0924+0219: an Interesting "Three Component" Gravitationally Lensed Quasar N. Inada AJ submitted SDSS 1226$-$0006: A Gravitationally Lensed Quasar Candidate from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey N. Inada AJ submitted Kinematic Study of the Disrupting Globular Cluster Palomar 5 using VLT Spectra M. Odenkirchen 0206276AJ 124:1497 (2002) The Dependence of Star Formation History and Internal Structure on Stellar Mass for 80,000 Low Redshift Galaxies G. Kauffmann 0205070 MNRAS, submitted A Feature at z ~ 3.2 in the Evolution of the Ly-alpha Forest Optical Depth M. Bernardi 0206293 AJ, accepted Stellar Masses and Star Formation Histories for 80,000 Galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey G. Kauffmann 0204055 MNRAS, submitted Cosmological Information from Quasar-Galaxy Correlations induced by Weak Lensing B. Menard 0203163A&A 386,784-795 (2002) Faint High Latitude Carbon Stars Discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Methods and Initial Results B. Margon 0206413AJ, 124:1651 (2002) Composite Luminosity Functions of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Cut and Enhance Galaxy Cluster Catalog T. Goto 0205413PASJ 54:515 (2002) Estimating Fixed Frame Galaxy Magnitudes in the SDSS M. Blanton 0205243 AJ, Submitted The Luminosity Density of Red Galaxies D. Hogg 0204436AJ,124,646,2002 Exploratory Chandra Observations of the Three Highest Redshift Quasars W. Brandt 0202235ApJ, 569,5 (2002) Optical and Radio Properties of Extragalactic Sources Observed by the FIRST Survey and the SDSS Z. Ivezic 0202408AJ 124:2364-2400 (2002) Comparison of Positions and Magnitudes of Asteroids Observed in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey with those Predicted for Known Asteroids M. Juric 0202468AJ,124:1776 (2002) Characterization of M, L and T Dwarfs in Sloan Digital Sky Survey S. Hawley 0204065AJ, 123:3409 (2002) LOTIS, Super-LOTIS, SDSS and Tautenburg Observations of GRB010921 H. Park 0112397ApJ, Lett 571, 131 (2002) VLT Optical and Near-IR Observations of the z=6.28 Quasar 1030+0524 L. Pentericci 0112075AJ, 123,2151 (2002) Unusual Broad Absorption Line Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey P. Hall 0203252ApJS, 141, 267 (2002) Dynamical Confirmation of SDSS Weak Lensing Scaling Laws T. McKay 0204383ApJ Lett, 571, 85 (2002) SDSS J124602.54+011318.8: A Highly Luminous Optical Transient at a Redshift of 0.385 D. Vanden Berk 0111054ApJ 576:673 (2002) Higher Order Moments of the Angular Distribution of Galaxies I. Szapudi 0111058ApJ, 570,75 (2002) Early-type Galaxies in the SDSS M. Bernardi 0110344 AJ, submitted An SDSS Survey for Resolved Milky Way Satellite Galaxies I: Detection Limits B. Willman 0111025AJ, 123,848 (2002) The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog I. Early Data Release D. Schneider 0110629AJ, 123,567 (2002) The Angular Clustering of Galaxy Pairs L. Infante 0111019ApJ, 567,155 (2002) L Dwarfs Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data II. Hobby-Eberly Telescope Observations D. Schneider 0110273AJ, 123:458 (2002) The Ghost of Sagittarius and Lumps in the Halo of the Milky Way H. Newberg 0111095ApJ,569,245 (2002) The Cut & Enhance method: Selecting Clusters of Galaxies from the SDSS Commissioning Data T. Goto 0112482AJ, 123, 1807 (2002) Towards Spectral Classification of L and T Dwarfs: Infrared and Optical Spectroscopy and Analysis T. Geballe 0108443ApJ, 564:466 (2002) Infrared Photometry of Late M, L, and T Dwarfs S. Leggett 0108435ApJ, 564:452 (2002) New insights on the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy from SDSS: a larger radius and no tidal tails M. Odenkirchen 0108100AJ, 122:2538 (2001) Evidence for Reionization at z~6: Detection of a Gunn-Peterson Trough in a z=6.28 Quasar R. Becker 0108097AJ, 122:2850 (2001) A Survey of z>5.8 Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey I: Discovery of Three New Quasars and the Spatial Density of Luminous Quasars at z~6 X. Fan 0108063AJ, 122:2833 (2001) Galaxy Mass and Luminosity Scaling Laws Determined by Weak Gravitational Lensing T. McKay 0108013 ApJ, submitted The 3D Power Spectrum from Early SDSS Angular Clustering S. Dodelson 0107421ApJ, 572:140 (2002) KL Estimation of the Power Spectrum Parameters from the Angular Distribution of Galaxies in Early SDSS Data A. Szalay 0107419 ApJ, submitted The Angular Power Spectrum of Galaxies from Early SDSS Data M. Tegmark 0107418ApJ, 571, 191-205 (2002) The Angular Correlation Function of Galaxies from Early SDSS Data A. Connolly 0107417 ApJ, submitted Analysis of Systematic Effects and Statistical Uncertainties in Angular Clustering of Galaxies from Early SDSS Data R. Scranton 0107416 ApJ, submitted Color Separation of Galaxy Types in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Imaging Data I. Strateva 0107201AJ,122,1861 (2001) Galaxy Clustering in Early SDSS Redshift Data I. Zehavi 0106476ApJ,571,172 (2002) Cataclysmic Variables from SDSS I. The First Results P. Szkody 0110291AJ, 123:430 (2002) Detecting Clusters of Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey I: Monte Carlo Comparison of Cluster Detection Algorithms R. Kim 0110259AJ, 123:20 (2002) Photometric Redshifts of Quasars G. Richards 0106038AJ, 122:1151 (2001) Photometric Redshifts from Reconstructed Quasar Templates T. Budavari 0106036AJ, 122:1163 (2001) Galaxy Number Counts from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data N. Yasuda 0105545AJ, 122:1104 (2001) Solar System Objects Observed in the SDSS Commissioning Data Z. Ivezic 0105511AJ,122:2749 (2001) Statistical Properties of Bright Galaxies in the SDSS Photometric System K. Shimasaku 0105401AJ, 122:1238 (2001) Composite Quasar Spectra From the Sloan Digital Sky Survey D. Vanden Berk 0105231AJ, 122:549 (2001) Sloan Digital Sky Survey Multicolor Observations of GRB010222 B. Lee 0104201ApJ, 561:183 (2001) High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data VI. Sloan Digital Sky Survey Spectrograph Observations S. Anderson 0103228AJ, 122:503 (2001) Weak-Lensing Measurements of 42 SDSS/RASS Galaxy Clusters E. Sheldon 0103029ApJ, 554:881 (2001) Broad Absorption Line Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey with VLA-FIRST Radio Detections K. Menou 0102410ApJ, 561:645 (2001) Stellar Population Studies with the SDSS I. The Vertical Distribution of Stars in the Milky Way B. Chen ApJ, 553:184 (2001) A New Very Cool White Dwarf Discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey H. Harris 0101021ApJ Lett, 549:109 (2001) Detection of Massive Tidal Tails around the Globular Cluster Palomar 5 with Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data M. Odenkirchen 0012311ApJ Lett, 548:165 (2001) The Luminosity Function of Galaxies in SDSS Commissioning Data M. Blanton 0012085AJ, 121:2358 (2001) Colors of 2625 Quasars at 0 < z < 5 Measured in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Photometric System G. Richards 0012449AJ, 121:2308 (2001) The First Hour of Extragalactic Data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Spectroscopic Commissioning: The Coma Cluster F. Castander 0010470AJ, 121:2331 (2001) High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data V. Hobby-Eberly Telescope Observations D. Schneider 0012083AJ, 121:1232 (2001) High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data IV: Luminosity Function from the Fall Equatorial Stripe Sample X. Fan 0008123AJ, 121:54 (2001) High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data III: A Color Selected-Sample at i* < 20 in the Fall Equatorial Stripe X. Fan 0008122AJ, 121:31 (2001) Optical and Infrared Colors of Stars Observed by 2MASS and SDSS K. Finlator 0010052AJ, 120:2615 (2000) Discovery of a Pair of z=4.25 Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey D. Schneider 0008401AJ, 120:2183 (2000) Five High-Redshift Quasars Discovered in Commissioning Imaging Data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey W. Zheng 0005247AJ, 120:1607 (2000) Weak Lensing with SDSS Commissioning Data: The Galaxy-Mass Correlation Function to 1/h Mpc P. Fischer 9912119AJ, 120:1198 (2000) The Discovery of a Luminous z=5.80 Quasar from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey X. Fan 0005414AJ, 120:1167 (2000) The Missing Link: Early Methane ("T") Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey S. Leggett 0004408ApJ Lett, 536:35 (2000) Candidate RR Lyrae Stars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data Z. Ivezic 0004130AJ, 120:963 (2000) Identification of A-colored Stars and Structure in the Halo of the Milky Way from SDSS Commissioning Data B. Yanny 0004128ApJ, 540:825 (2000) The Discovery of a Second Field Methane Brown Dwarf from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data Z. Tsvetanov 0001062ApJ Lett, 531:61 (2000) The Low Resolution Spectrograph of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope II. Observations of Quasar Candidates from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey D. Schneider 9910306PASP, 112:6 (2000) The Discovery of a High-Redshift Quasar without Emission Lines from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data X. Fan 9910001ApJ Lett, 526:57 (1999) L Dwarfs Found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Imaging Data X. Fan 9909263AJ, 119:928 (2000) High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data II: The Spring Equatorial Stripe X. Fan 9909169AJ, 119:1 (2000) The Discovery of a Field Methane Dwarf from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data M. Strauss 9905391ApJ Lett, 522:61 (1999) High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data X. Fan 9903237AJ, 118:1 (1999) FNAL Starry Messages
SDSS Journal Publications Three-Dimensional Genus Statistics of Galaxies in the SDSS Early Data Release C. Hikage 0207377 PASJ, accepted Color Confirmation of Asteroid Families Z. Ivezic 0208098AJ, 124:2943 (2002) A First Look at White - M dwarf Pairs in SDSS S. Raymond AJ submitted The Broad-band Optical Properties of Galaxies with Redshifts 0.0 < z < 0.2 M. Blanton 0209479 ApJ submitted The Application of Photometric Redshifts to the SDSS Early Data Release I. Csabai AJ submitted Galaxy Star-Formation as a Function of Environment in the Early Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey P. Gomez 0210193 ApJ, accepted Two Rare Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables with Extreme Cyclotron Features Identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey P. Szkody 0208241 ApJL, accepted Two-Dimensional Topology of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey F. Hoyle 0206146 ApJ, accepted The Cluster Mass Function from Early SDSS Data: Cosmological Implications N. Bahcall 0205490 ApJ submitted The Redshift of the Lensing Galaxy in PMN J0134-0931 P. Hall 0207317ApJ, 575:L51, (2002) SDSS 0924+0219: an Interesting "Three Component" Gravitationally Lensed Quasar N. Inada AJ submitted SDSS 1226$-$0006: A Gravitationally Lensed Quasar Candidate from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey N. Inada AJ submitted Kinematic Study of the Disrupting Globular Cluster Palomar 5 using VLT Spectra M. Odenkirchen 0206276AJ 124:1497 (2002) The Dependence of Star Formation History and Internal Structure on Stellar Mass for 80,000 Low Redshift Galaxies G. Kauffmann 0205070 MNRAS, submitted A Feature at z ~ 3.2 in the Evolution of the Ly-alpha Forest Optical Depth M. Bernardi 0206293 AJ, accepted Stellar Masses and Star Formation Histories for 80,000 Galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey G. Kauffmann 0204055 MNRAS, submitted Cosmological Information from Quasar-Galaxy Correlations induced by Weak Lensing B. Menard 0203163A&A 386,784-795 (2002) Faint High Latitude Carbon Stars Discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Methods and Initial Results B. Margon 0206413AJ, 124:1651 (2002) Composite Luminosity Functions of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Cut and Enhance Galaxy Cluster Catalog T. Goto 0205413PASJ 54:515 (2002) Estimating Fixed Frame Galaxy Magnitudes in the SDSS M. Blanton 0205243 AJ, Submitted The Luminosity Density of Red Galaxies D. Hogg 0204436AJ,124,646,2002 Exploratory Chandra Observations of the Three Highest Redshift Quasars W. Brandt 0202235ApJ, 569,5 (2002) Optical and Radio Properties of Extragalactic Sources Observed by the FIRST Survey and the SDSS Z. Ivezic 0202408AJ 124:2364-2400 (2002) Comparison of Positions and Magnitudes of Asteroids Observed in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey with those Predicted for Known Asteroids M. Juric 0202468AJ,124:1776 (2002) Characterization of M, L and T Dwarfs in Sloan Digital Sky Survey S. Hawley 0204065AJ, 123:3409 (2002) LOTIS, Super-LOTIS, SDSS and Tautenburg Observations of GRB010921 H. Park 0112397ApJ, Lett 571, 131 (2002) VLT Optical and Near-IR Observations of the z=6.28 Quasar 1030+0524 L. Pentericci 0112075AJ, 123,2151 (2002) Unusual Broad Absorption Line Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey P. Hall 0203252ApJS, 141, 267 (2002) Dynamical Confirmation of SDSS Weak Lensing Scaling Laws T. McKay 0204383ApJ Lett, 571, 85 (2002) SDSS J124602.54+011318.8: A Highly Luminous Optical Transient at a Redshift of 0.385 D. Vanden Berk 0111054ApJ 576:673 (2002) Higher Order Moments of the Angular Distribution of Galaxies I. Szapudi 0111058ApJ, 570,75 (2002) Early-type Galaxies in the SDSS M. Bernardi 0110344 AJ, submitted An SDSS Survey for Resolved Milky Way Satellite Galaxies I: Detection Limits B. Willman 0111025AJ, 123,848 (2002) The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog I. Early Data Release D. Schneider 0110629AJ, 123,567 (2002) The Angular Clustering of Galaxy Pairs L. Infante 0111019ApJ, 567,155 (2002) L Dwarfs Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data II. Hobby-Eberly Telescope Observations D. Schneider 0110273AJ, 123:458 (2002) The Ghost of Sagittarius and Lumps in the Halo of the Milky Way H. Newberg 0111095ApJ,569,245 (2002) The Cut & Enhance method: Selecting Clusters of Galaxies from the SDSS Commissioning Data T. Goto 0112482AJ, 123, 1807 (2002) Towards Spectral Classification of L and T Dwarfs: Infrared and Optical Spectroscopy and Analysis T. Geballe 0108443ApJ, 564:466 (2002) Infrared Photometry of Late M, L, and T Dwarfs S. Leggett 0108435ApJ, 564:452 (2002) New insights on the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy from SDSS: a larger radius and no tidal tails M. Odenkirchen 0108100AJ, 122:2538 (2001) Evidence for Reionization at z~6: Detection of a Gunn-Peterson Trough in a z=6.28 Quasar R. Becker 0108097AJ, 122:2850 (2001) A Survey of z>5.8 Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey I: Discovery of Three New Quasars and the Spatial Density of Luminous Quasars at z~6 X. Fan 0108063AJ, 122:2833 (2001) Galaxy Mass and Luminosity Scaling Laws Determined by Weak Gravitational Lensing T. McKay 0108013 ApJ, submitted The 3D Power Spectrum from Early SDSS Angular Clustering S. Dodelson 0107421ApJ, 572:140 (2002) KL Estimation of the Power Spectrum Parameters from the Angular Distribution of Galaxies in Early SDSS Data A. Szalay 0107419 ApJ, submitted The Angular Power Spectrum of Galaxies from Early SDSS Data M. Tegmark 0107418ApJ, 571, 191-205 (2002) The Angular Correlation Function of Galaxies from Early SDSS Data A. Connolly 0107417 ApJ, submitted Analysis of Systematic Effects and Statistical Uncertainties in Angular Clustering of Galaxies from Early SDSS Data R. Scranton 0107416 ApJ, submitted Color Separation of Galaxy Types in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Imaging Data I. Strateva 0107201AJ,122,1861 (2001) Galaxy Clustering in Early SDSS Redshift Data I. Zehavi 0106476ApJ,571,172 (2002) Cataclysmic Variables from SDSS I. The First Results P. Szkody 0110291AJ, 123:430 (2002) Detecting Clusters of Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey I: Monte Carlo Comparison of Cluster Detection Algorithms R. Kim 0110259AJ, 123:20 (2002) Photometric Redshifts of Quasars G. Richards 0106038AJ, 122:1151 (2001) Photometric Redshifts from Reconstructed Quasar Templates T. Budavari 0106036AJ, 122:1163 (2001) Galaxy Number Counts from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data N. Yasuda 0105545AJ, 122:1104 (2001) Solar System Objects Observed in the SDSS Commissioning Data Z. Ivezic 0105511AJ,122:2749 (2001) Statistical Properties of Bright Galaxies in the SDSS Photometric System K. Shimasaku 0105401AJ, 122:1238 (2001) Composite Quasar Spectra From the Sloan Digital Sky Survey D. Vanden Berk 0105231AJ, 122:549 (2001) Sloan Digital Sky Survey Multicolor Observations of GRB010222 B. Lee 0104201ApJ, 561:183 (2001) High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data VI. Sloan Digital Sky Survey Spectrograph Observations S. Anderson 0103228AJ, 122:503 (2001) Weak-Lensing Measurements of 42 SDSS/RASS Galaxy Clusters E. Sheldon 0103029ApJ, 554:881 (2001) Broad Absorption Line Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey with VLA-FIRST Radio Detections K. Menou 0102410ApJ, 561:645 (2001) Stellar Population Studies with the SDSS I. The Vertical Distribution of Stars in the Milky Way B. Chen ApJ, 553:184 (2001) A New Very Cool White Dwarf Discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey H. Harris 0101021ApJ Lett, 549:109 (2001) Detection of Massive Tidal Tails around the Globular Cluster Palomar 5 with Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data M. Odenkirchen 0012311ApJ Lett, 548:165 (2001) The Luminosity Function of Galaxies in SDSS Commissioning Data M. Blanton 0012085AJ, 121:2358 (2001) Colors of 2625 Quasars at 0 < z < 5 Measured in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Photometric System G. Richards 0012449AJ, 121:2308 (2001) The First Hour of Extragalactic Data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Spectroscopic Commissioning: The Coma Cluster F. Castander 0010470AJ, 121:2331 (2001) High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data V. Hobby-Eberly Telescope Observations D. Schneider 0012083AJ, 121:1232 (2001) High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data IV: Luminosity Function from the Fall Equatorial Stripe Sample X. Fan 0008123AJ, 121:54 (2001) High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data III: A Color Selected-Sample at i* < 20 in the Fall Equatorial Stripe X. Fan 0008122AJ, 121:31 (2001) Optical and Infrared Colors of Stars Observed by 2MASS and SDSS K. Finlator 0010052AJ, 120:2615 (2000) Discovery of a Pair of z=4.25 Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey D. Schneider 0008401AJ, 120:2183 (2000) Five High-Redshift Quasars Discovered in Commissioning Imaging Data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey W. Zheng 0005247AJ, 120:1607 (2000) Weak Lensing with SDSS Commissioning Data: The Galaxy-Mass Correlation Function to 1/h Mpc P. Fischer 9912119AJ, 120:1198 (2000) The Discovery of a Luminous z=5.80 Quasar from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey X. Fan 0005414AJ, 120:1167 (2000) The Missing Link: Early Methane ("T") Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey S. Leggett 0004408ApJ Lett, 536:35 (2000) Candidate RR Lyrae Stars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data Z. Ivezic 0004130AJ, 120:963 (2000) Identification of A-colored Stars and Structure in the Halo of the Milky Way from SDSS Commissioning Data B. Yanny 0004128ApJ, 540:825 (2000) The Discovery of a Second Field Methane Brown Dwarf from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data Z. Tsvetanov 0001062ApJ Lett, 531:61 (2000) The Low Resolution Spectrograph of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope II. Observations of Quasar Candidates from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey D. Schneider 9910306PASP, 112:6 (2000) The Discovery of a High-Redshift Quasar without Emission Lines from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data X. Fan 9910001ApJ Lett, 526:57 (1999) L Dwarfs Found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Imaging Data X. Fan 9909263AJ, 119:928 (2000) High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data II: The Spring Equatorial Stripe X. Fan 9909169AJ, 119:1 (2000) The Discovery of a Field Methane Dwarf from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data M. Strauss 9905391ApJ Lett, 522:61 (1999) High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data X. Fan 9903237AJ, 118:1 (1999) 87 in this list FNAL Starry Messages
SDSS Publications by outside scientists Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Early Data Release R. Williams 0208211 AJ, accepted Magnetic white dwarfs in the Early Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey B. Gaensicke 0208454A&A 394, 957-963 (2002) Broad Absorption Line Quasars in the Early Data Release from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey A. Tolea 0209081ApJ Lett 578:L31-L35 (2002) Galaxy clustering in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS): a first comparison with the APM Galaxy Survey Gaztanaga MNRAS, 333:L21 (2002) SDSS J124602.54+011318.8: A Highly Variable Active Galactic Nucleus, Not an Orphan Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow A. Gal-Yam PASP 114:587 (2002) Constraining the Redshift z=6 Quasar Luminosity Function Using Gravitational Lensing Z. Haiman 0206441 ApJ, submitted Detection of He II reionization in the SDSS quasar sample T. Theuns 0206319ApJ Lett, 574:111 (2002) A Constraint on the Gravitational Lensing Magnification and Age of the Redshift z=6.28 Quasar SDSS 1030+0524 Z. Haiman 0205143ApJ 578:702 (2002) A Physical Model for the Luminosity Function of High-Redshift Quasars S. Wyithe 0206154 ApJ submitted Morphological Butcher-Oemler effect in the SDSS Cut & Enhance Galaxy Cluster Catalog T. Goto PASJ, submitted SDSS Survey for Resolved Milky Way Satellite Galaxies II: High Velocity Clouds in the EDR B. Willman 0208260 AJ, accepted The Sloan Digital Sky Survey J. Loveday 0207189 Contemporary Physics, accepted Broad Emission Line Shifts in Quasars: An Orientation Measure for Radio-Quiet Quasars? G. Richards 0204162AJ 124:1 (2002) Large Scale Structure in the SDSS Galaxy Survey A. Doroshkevich 0206301 MNRAS submitted Revision of the Selection Function of the Optical Redshift Survey using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Early Data Release H. Yoshiguchi PASJ submitted Stellar-Mass Black Holes in the Solar Neighborhood J. Chisholm ApJ submitted The Pairwise Velocity Distribution Function of Galaxies in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey, Two-Degree Field Survey, and Sloan Digital Sky Survey S. Landy ApJL 567, L1 (2002) Approaching Reionization: The Evolution of the Ly Forest from z = 4 to z = 6 A. Songaila AJ, 123:2183-2196, (2002 May) Constraining the Matter Power Spectrum Normalization Using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey/ROSAT All-Sky Survey and REFLEX Cluster Surveys P. Viana ApJ, 569, L75-L78, (2002, April 20) Chandra Detection of Highest Redshift (z 6) Quasars in X-Rays S. Mathur ApJ, 570, L5-L8, (2002 May 1) The Shapes of Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey S. Alam ApJ,570,610-617 (2002 May 10) CO (J=6-5) Observations of the Quasar SDSS 1044-0125 at z=5.8 I. Iwata PASJ, 53:871 (2001) An Improved Red Spectrum of the Methane or T Dwarf SDSS 1624+0029: The Role of the Alkali Metals J. Liebert 2000ApJ...533L.155L Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Cool Brown Dwarf, SDSS 1624+00 T. Nakajima 2000PASJ...52...87N Mock 2dF and SDSS galaxy redshift surveys S. Cole 1998MNRAS.300..945C Search for Molecular Gas in the quasar SDSS 1044-0125 at z=5.73 D. Wilner 2002AJ....123.1288W Cluster detection from surface-brightness fluctuations in SDSS data M. Bartelmann A&A 388, 732-740 Large scale structures in the Early SDSS: Comparison of the North and South Galactic strips FNAL Starry Messages
SDSS Publications by outside scientists Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Early Data Release R. Williams 0208211 AJ, accepted Magnetic white dwarfs in the Early Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey B. Gaensicke 0208454A&A 394, 957-963 (2002) Broad Absorption Line Quasars in the Early Data Release from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey A. Tolea 0209081ApJ Lett 578:L31-L35 (2002) Galaxy clustering in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS): a first comparison with the APM Galaxy Survey Gaztanaga MNRAS, 333:L21 (2002) SDSS J124602.54+011318.8: A Highly Variable Active Galactic Nucleus, Not an Orphan Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow A. Gal-Yam PASP 114:587 (2002) Constraining the Redshift z=6 Quasar Luminosity Function Using Gravitational Lensing Z. Haiman 0206441 ApJ, submitted Detection of He II reionization in the SDSS quasar sample T. Theuns 0206319ApJ Lett, 574:111 (2002) A Constraint on the Gravitational Lensing Magnification and Age of the Redshift z=6.28 Quasar SDSS 1030+0524 Z. Haiman 0205143ApJ 578:702 (2002) A Physical Model for the Luminosity Function of High-Redshift Quasars S. Wyithe 0206154 ApJ submitted Morphological Butcher-Oemler effect in the SDSS Cut & Enhance Galaxy Cluster Catalog T. Goto PASJ, submitted SDSS Survey for Resolved Milky Way Satellite Galaxies II: High Velocity Clouds in the EDR B. Willman 0208260 AJ, accepted The Sloan Digital Sky Survey J. Loveday 0207189 Contemporary Physics, accepted Broad Emission Line Shifts in Quasars: An Orientation Measure for Radio-Quiet Quasars? G. Richards 0204162AJ 124:1 (2002) Large Scale Structure in the SDSS Galaxy Survey A. Doroshkevich 0206301 MNRAS submitted Revision of the Selection Function of the Optical Redshift Survey using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Early Data Release H. Yoshiguchi PASJ submitted Stellar-Mass Black Holes in the Solar Neighborhood J. Chisholm ApJ submitted The Pairwise Velocity Distribution Function of Galaxies in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey, Two-Degree Field Survey, and Sloan Digital Sky Survey S. Landy ApJL 567, L1 (2002) Approaching Reionization: The Evolution of the Ly Forest from z = 4 to z = 6 A. Songaila AJ, 123:2183-2196, (2002 May) Constraining the Matter Power Spectrum Normalization Using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey/ROSAT All-Sky Survey and REFLEX Cluster Surveys P. Viana ApJ, 569, L75-L78, (2002, April 20) Chandra Detection of Highest Redshift (z 6) Quasars in X-Rays S. Mathur ApJ, 570, L5-L8, (2002 May 1) The Shapes of Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey S. Alam ApJ,570,610-617 (2002 May 10) CO (J=6-5) Observations of the Quasar SDSS 1044-0125 at z=5.8 I. Iwata PASJ, 53:871 (2001) An Improved Red Spectrum of the Methane or T Dwarf SDSS 1624+0029: The Role of the Alkali Metals J. Liebert 2000ApJ...533L.155L Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Cool Brown Dwarf, SDSS 1624+00 T. Nakajima 2000PASJ...52...87N Mock 2dF and SDSS galaxy redshift surveys S. Cole 1998MNRAS.300..945C Search for Molecular Gas in the quasar SDSS 1044-0125 at z=5.73 D. Wilner 2002AJ....123.1288W Cluster detection from surface-brightness fluctuations in SDSS data M. Bartelmann A&A 388, 732-740 Large scale structures in the Early SDSS: Comparison of the North and South Galactic strips 28 papers so far FNAL Starry Messages
Evolution of the Spacetime • How does the spacetime evolve? • Initial expansion with initial perturbations (Inflation?) • Perturbations in local curvature due to matter • Acceleration due to dark energy • In the future, structures stop forming….. FNAL Starry Messages
Evolution of the Spacetime • What questions? • How does this global spacetime expansion proceed? What is a(t)? • How do perturbations in this expansion evolve? • What constituents, and of what kind, are required to explain the evolution we observe? Luminous matter, dark matter, dark energy, curvature…. Analogy to collider studies…. FNAL Starry Messages
CMBR Fluctuations Structure in the Universe Dark matter dominated gravitational amplification Current Paradigm: Gravitational amplification of primordial quantum fluctuations Halos form Radiative differentiator Dark matter clusters only gravitationally into large dark halos... Baryonic gas cools to form small, rotationally supported visible galaxies. Stars form, evolve, feed back material and entropy… FNAL Starry Messages
How can we check this picture? • Initial fluctuations: measured by CMBR experiments • Galaxy distribution: measured luminous galaxy locations and motions • Amplification: simulated with remarkable resolution • Depends on cosmology and the nature of dark matter • =>Predicts properties of DM halos: masses, profile, angular momentum Observable: locations and motions of luminous galaxies Predictions: properties of DM halos => this crucial relationship needs illumination FNAL Starry Messages
Complex physics when galaxies form in halos Often more than one per halo; groups, clusters No one-to-one correspondence between galaxies and halos What’s a galaxy? What’s a halos? What’s the mass? Springel et al. simulations, 2001 Relating Galaxies to Dark Halos FNAL Starry Messages
The program • Focus on Halos: discrete dimples in the spacetime: labeled by luminous matter • Compare observed and predicted halo properties to constrain the amount and properties of dark matter, nature of perturbation growth and cosmology: measurement of (z=0,k) • Relationship between labels and halo properties • Halo numbers vs. mass • Spacetime structure around halos FNAL Starry Messages
Berlind & Weinberg, 2002 Connecting galaxies to mass:“Halo Occupancy Distribution” approach • Theory predicts dark matter halo properties analytically or through N-body • dn/dM, clustering, structure • Galaxy ‘occupancy’ information required for comparison to observation • Populate halos with galaxies: • P(N|M) (HOD) • Spatial bias • Velocity bias • From this HOD, calculate observables • Ultimately P(N|M) for many classes FNAL Starry Messages
N-body DM simulations of halos • Simulations including gas physics, SF, feedback etc. • Semianalytic models for the above • Observation of galaxies in real halos Constraining the HOD: simulations and observations • Simulations inform observations • Projection • Selection • Observations inform simulations • HOD constraints • Scaling relations • Dependence on galaxy properties Analogous to the use of Monte Carlo simulations in HEP….. FNAL Starry Messages
Observations: identifying halos • Identifying halos • Individual galaxies, labeled by properties and environment • Larger structures; groups and clusters labeled by galaxy content • Details of this are crucial • Efficiency and purity vs. z, luminosity, number of galaxies, and types…. • Locating centers • Determining sizes • Simulations provide important input here FNAL Starry Messages
Newtonian approach: presence of mass revealed by the dynamical response of test masses Accelerations… Unless tdyn~tobs, accelerations are unavailable Measure velocities, make assumptions or compare to n-body simulations Discovery of dark matter Zwicky ‘33: Coma M/L ~250 Rubin ‘70’s: dark halos Problems: Tdyn > Hubble time….. Requires luminous tracers, may be biased… Projection…. Observables are positions and velocities; compare to theory at this level Revealing mass dynamically FNAL Starry Messages
Einstein’s approach: presence of mass revealed by changes in geometry The same effects that occur in more familiar optical circumstances: magnification and distortion Basic observables are shear and lens geometry: distortion and location of background galaxies Revealing mass with lensing FNAL Starry Messages
Relating shear to mass: ‘Tangential shear’ is related to density contrast crit is the surface mass density for multiple lensing + is the surface mass density contrast Measure T and crit and you have the surface mass density contrast. Use this to constrain HOD modeling. FNAL Starry Messages
Ds ’ Source Observer Lens Dds Dd critical:Lens geometry dependence FNAL Starry Messages
Dynamical Observable: positions and velocities of luminous test particles, probes velocity field Lensing Observable: Shear field and crit, combine to find projected mass density contrast + Recap: probes of halo occupancy • In both cases we really measure correlation functions: • gal-gal(r,v,PgalPgal’) gal-mass(r,Pgal) • cluster-gal(r,v,Pcluster,Pgal) cluster-mass(r,Pcluster) • These are the ‘structure functions’ of the relationship between halos and luminous galaxies SDSS enables observations with high S/N: all the work for the future is in dealing with systematic uncertainties between observation and theory FNAL Starry Messages
SDSS Commissioning Data ~ 4% of the SDSS survey area Lens Sample: 34,693 Galaxies with r<17.8 Spectroscopic redshifts and 5 color photometry for all (main galaxies) Source Sample: 3,615,718 Galaxies with 18.0 < r < 22.0 Must be resolved for shape measurements Lensing with galaxy halos FNAL Starry Messages
Galaxy Mass Correlation Function: gal-mass(r,Pgal) GMCF as measured in g’, r’, and i’, then combined • Maximum distortion is only 0.5%! • S/N is > 13 in each color A variety of checks performed to ensure lensing creates this signal Best fit power law model: += (2.50.7 hMpc2) * (R/1 Mpc)-0.8 0.2 All other measurements will use combined g’, r’, and i’ data. FNAL Starry Messages
gal-mass Dependence on Luminosity Fit gal-massfor galaxies in four luminosity (L* and above) bins in each SDSS color Correlations in g’, r’, i’, and z’ are clearly detected FNAL Starry Messages
gal-mass Dependence on Luminosity Fit gal-massfor galaxies in four luminosity (L* and above) bins in each SDSS color Correlations in g’, r’, i’, and z’ are clearly detected FNAL Starry Messages
M260-luminosity scaling Fit gal-mass to SIS model in each luminosity bin Integrate this SIS to 260 h-1 kpc M260 = (L/1010 L) Little correlation of Lu and M260 Relation between luminosity and mass in g’, r’, i’, and z’ consistent with linear. M260/Li = 12415 M/L Caution: GMCF on these scales dominated by group halos FNAL Starry Messages
Testing these results with dynamical probes • Measure gal-gal(r,v,Pgal,Pgal’) • Select ‘isolated’ galaxies with fainter satellites (cuts on Pgal and Pgal’) • Begin with 103,000 main galaxies with redshifts • Isolated: more than 2x as bright as anything within 1 Mpc • Satellites: at least 4x fainter than hosts, within a projected distance of 0.5 Mpc • Each has only a few satellites • Examine spatial distribution and velocity difference histograms as a dynamical probe of mass FNAL Starry Messages
Examine velocity difference between host and satellite within 0.5 Mpc as a probe of host mass Dispersion of velocity difference increases with host luminosity Comparison around random points shows no velocity clustering, reveals interlopers Velocity difference histograms FNAL Starry Messages
Velocity difference histograms Mr = -22.2 v = 36042 Mr = -21.7 v = 23130 Mr = -19.9 v = 12020 Mr = -20.9 v = 13920 FNAL Starry Messages
Start with a spherical Jeans model: Measure Constrain ~ 0 Assume = 0 Evaluate at 260 h-1 kpc (to compare to lensing…) Simple inference of mass FNAL Starry Messages
For halos labeled by L* galaxies: strong variation of mass on halo scales with luminosity gal-gal(r,v,Pgal,Pgal’) gal-mass(r,Pgal) Neither provides a particularly direct approach to theoretically favored quantities, M200 We can understand them by reference to simulations Use simulations to calibrate the relationship between observables like gal-mass(r,Pgal) and predictions like M200 vs. Pgal Intermediate conclusions FNAL Starry Messages
How to deal with complex relationships between observables and theory? Simulate universe with physics complex enough to allow ‘observation’ of the same observables Example 1: VIRGO/GIF simulations Grey is dark matter Dots are galaxies, color=SFR, increasing red to blue Focus on halos identified by galaxies Kauffmann, Colberg, Diaferio and White Observations of simulated universes 1 FNAL Starry Messages
GIF simulations identify galaxies with the most massive subhalos Provide luminosities, colors, stellar masses for galaxies within N-body halos of known properties Includes full velocity information derived from N-body Conduct the same host/satellite analysis in the simulation Compare observables: velocity dispersion vs. luminosity Use simulations to understand the relationship between inferred and M200 Example comparison to simulations FNAL Starry Messages
Select halos with two galaxies Require 1.5 magnitude separation Plot velocity difference histograms Host/satellite study in GIF = 176 km/s = 380 km/s FNAL Starry Messages
How does this compare to the data? • Compare at the observable level • Velocity difference dispersions shown for SDSS data and for GIF simulations • Solid line is L2 • Comparison is limited by mass resolution of GIF • Encouraging start: may not be too difficult FNAL Starry Messages
How does this compare to the data? • Compare at the observable level • Velocity difference dispersions shown for SDSS data and for GIF simulations • Solid line is L2 • Comparison is limited by mass resolution of GIF • Encouraging start: may not be too difficult FNAL Starry Messages
Halo masses for these objects are known M200 is the mass to an overdensity of 200 Compare this to the model masses determined from the dynamical study Dynamics of satellites are probing halo masses, up to a scaling Note narrow ranges! Host satellite studies in GIF FNAL Starry Messages
So far we’re identifying halos with ~L* galaxies and probing mass Ideally we would focus on halos, rather than galaxies Requires group and cluster catalogs maxBCG objects (Jim Annis, Fermilab EAG) BCGs have narrow magnitude and color distribution Look for BCGs with E/SO ridgeline galaxies around them Count ridgeline down to 0.4L* to label ‘richness’ Use colors to estimate z with z<0.02 Outputs: Ngal, location, z Very complete for clusters Halos identified by groups and clusters of galaxies FNAL Starry Messages
z = 0.041 A quick tour of optical cluster selection Abell 2593 Accurate photometry in five bands => Optical selection in SDSS really works FNAL Starry Messages
z = 0.138 FNAL Starry Messages
z = 0.277 FNAL Starry Messages
z = 0.377 FNAL Starry Messages
Estimation of redshifts from colors greatly reduces projection effects for optical selection Redshift estimates for objects with many red galaxies are excellent z<0.02 for all richnesses, and ~0.01 for Ngals>15 Redshift estimation > 10,000 confirmed redshifts FNAL Starry Messages
To measure HOD, identify halos and count N maxBCG provides clean sample of objects with accessible N Nearly unaffected by projection Complete to z~0.4 Use maxBCG objects to observe mass probes cluster-gal(r,v,Pcluster,Pgal) cluster-mass(r,Pcluster) Interpretation requires identifying maxBCG galaxies in simulations maxBCG measurements and HOD FNAL Starry Messages
Sheldon et al. 2001 maxBCG clusters also in RASS x-ray catalog S/N is roughly constant across the mass spectrum! New measurements by Dan Grin, summer 2001 Fix r-1 (SIS) dependence Look for scaling between Ngal and lensing signal v_eff 56*Ngal0.7 Measurements of cluster-mass(r,Pcluster) Mean cluster shear Galaxy-galaxy shear FNAL Starry Messages
Find maxBCG objects with spectra taken for BCG Search around these BCGs in the spectroscopic data for neighbors Plot velocity difference histograms for narrow ranges in Ngals Clear variations of velocity difference width with richness are seen: v~120*Ngal0.5 Measurements of cluster-gal(r,v,Pcluster,Pgal) FNAL Starry Messages
Velocity difference dispersion increases with Ngals (v~120*Ngal0.5) Transition from galaxies, to groups, to clusters is apparent In principle, this can yield very precise cluster richness-mass calibrations In practice, details of changing size, velocity structure, and biases need to be understood to allow extraction of masses Dynamical measure Lensing derived estimate Comparing cluster mass probes FNAL Starry Messages