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2009 NASCSP Annual Conference

2009 NASCSP Annual Conference. September 16, 2009. Weatherization Assistance Program: The Federal Perspective. Gil Sperling, Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program Manager. WAP: The Federal Perspective. WAP: The Federal Perspective. Training and Technical Assistance. DOE Vision

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2009 NASCSP Annual Conference

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  1. 2009 NASCSP Annual Conference September 16, 2009 Weatherization Assistance Program: The Federal Perspective Gil Sperling, Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program Manager

  2. WAP: The Federal Perspective

  3. WAP: The Federal Perspective Training and Technical Assistance • DOE Vision • Ensure that ARRA investments build better, stronger weatherization network to provide the foundation for a national energy efficiency retrofit market • Seize the opportunity ARRA presents for innovative partnerships to leverage training resources and share best practices • T&TA plan is anticipated to be released in near future • Plan has been in works for several months and was previewed in various session at the Training Conference • Will include national baseline technical curricula, the first modules of which have already been piloted • DOE plans to issue a competitive solicitation for much of the work

  4. WAP: The Federal Perspective Oversight and Monitoring • DOE is expanding its project officer corps • 1 WAP grantee per DOE project officer • Will provide better support and account management • Project officers will also be charged with oversight and monitoring of grantees • Monitoring will be more extensive and conducted with greater frequency • Project officers will oversee grantees via desktop monitoring and on-site field visits (both announced and unannounced)

  5. Need for more data Greater levels of funding necessitate greater accountability Frequent data collection will allow DOE to more quickly identify problems and progress Proposed expanded reporting requirements Grantees will be required to project estimated spending and production over the life of the grant Must then report back every 30 days against their estimates WAP: The Federal Perspective 30-Day Reporting

  6. WAP: The Federal Perspective Historic Preservation • What is it? • National Historic Preservation Act requires any entity using federal funds in historic properties or potentially historic properties to submit documentation to their State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) • Documentation must be submitted prior to work • Minimum requirement for properties is age of 50 years or older • DOE Actions • Providing staff to National Historic Preservation Office to expedite reviews • Providing all SHPOs with program and project information to educate staff on SEP, EECBG, and Weatherization Assistance Program

  7. WAP: The Federal Perspective Thank you! Please visit the WIP homepage for Program updates: http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/wip//

  8. WAP: The Federal Perspective Implementation Issues • Training and Technical Assistance • Comprehensive plan will address training curriculum and related issues • Oversight and Monitoring • Expanded project officer corps will conduct frequent desktop and field monitoring • Reporting • Need for more data: greater levels of funding necessitate greater accountability • Historic Preservation • WAP grantees must comply with National Historic Preservation Act

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