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No Fear in the New Year

No Fear in the New Year. Psalm 27. Causes of Fear. Uncertain About The Future Guilty About The Past Inadequate For The Present. Overcoming Fear – Psalm 27. Be Confident in the Lord – 1-3 For who he is – 1 For what he has done – 2 For what he will do – 3.

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No Fear in the New Year

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Presentation Transcript

  1. No Fearin theNew Year Psalm 27

  2. Causes of Fear • Uncertain About The Future • Guilty About The Past • Inadequate For The Present

  3. Overcoming Fear – Psalm 27 • Be Confident in the Lord – 1-3 • For who he is – 1 • For what he has done – 2 • For what he will do – 3

  4. Overcoming Fear – Psalm 27 • Be Confident in the Lord – 1-3 • Seek the Lord – 4-6 • His presence – 4 • His protection – 5-6

  5. Overcoming Fear – Psalm 27 • Be Confident in the Lord – 1-3 • Seek the Lord – 4-6 • Pray to the Lord – 7-12

  6. Overcoming Fear – Psalm 27 • Be Confident in the Lord – 1-3 • Seek the Lord – 4-6 • Pray to the Lord – 7-12 • Wait on the Lord – 13-14

  7. Don’t allow FEAR to be your master “Let not your heart be troubled you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions … I go to prepare a place for you AND … I will come again & receive you to Myself that where I am, there you may be also” (Jn 14:1-3).

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