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Demonstrating Continuing Competency Through Professional Practice Assessment

Demonstrating Continuing Competency Through Professional Practice Assessment WA State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission July 2008. Agenda. Introduction Definition of Continued Competency WA State Journey Professional Practice Assessment Program Overview Next Steps. Introduction.

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Demonstrating Continuing Competency Through Professional Practice Assessment

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  1. Demonstrating Continuing Competency Through Professional Practice Assessment WA State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission July 2008

  2. Agenda • Introduction • Definition of Continued Competency • WA State Journey • Professional Practice Assessment Program Overview • Next Steps

  3. Introduction • Nursing Practice Act: • Defines Who May Practice • Defines Scope of Practice • Licensure- Agreement to Practice Safely and within the Scope of Practice • Public Expectation • Safe practice • Ongoing competency monitoring

  4. Definition of Continued Competency The nurse’s practice will consistently integrate professional/vocational knowledge, skills, judgment and personal attributes. The nurse’s practice will occur within: • the scope of defined nursing practice and • acceptable safety and ethical standards.

  5. WA State Journey on Competency • 1970’s Washington State required continuing education for nurse re-licensure • 2002 The Commission began considering methods to demonstrate continuing competency • 2004-. The Commission formed the 2005 Continuing Competency Task Force • 2006 The Commission established Continuing Competency as a top priority

  6. Professional Practice Program Program Components • Active nursing practice • Self-reflection and assessment • Professional Practice Development Plan • Plan • Implement • Evaluate [1] RCW 18.130 Uniform Disciplinary Act for Health Professionals, RCW 18.79 Nursing Care

  7. Step One- Statement of Active Practice • Current Practice Setting (paid or unpaid) • Duties and Responsibilities • Number of Hours worked

  8. Step Two- Self Assessment • Completion of the Commission’s Self-Assessment Tool • Professional Responsibility • Knowledge Based Practice • Legal and Ethical Practice

  9. Step Three- Creating the Professional Development Plan • Learning Goals and Objectives • Action Plan • Timeframe for Completion

  10. Step Four- Creating A Professional Practice File • Your Portfolio • Assessment • Development Plan • Evidence that you are meeting goals/actions • You may be directed by the Commission to submit your file

  11. Attestation • Written Confirmation of Compliance at Renewal

  12. Next Steps- Democracy at Work • Rule Process Phase 1 • Present Conceptual Framework • Obtain and collect feedback • Timeframe: July-Sept 15th • Phase 2 • Draft rule language and present • Obtain and collect feedback • Timeline Sept 15th – Nov 15th

  13. Appendix

  14. History • Health Care Professionals • 1995 The Pew Health Professions Commission (Pew Commission) • 1995 Citizens Advocacy Center (CAC) • 1999 Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report • 2001 Institute of Medicine Report • REPORT CROSSING THE QUALITY CHASM: A New Health System for the 21st Century

  15. Stakeholders Comprehensive cross section of the profession • Correctional Nurses • Educators • Hospitals • LTC • Home health • Public Health • Specialty Associations & Organizations • Schools Nurses

  16. DEFINITION OF TERMS Attestation means written acknowledgement by the nurse of compliance with the standards and terms of the Professional Practice Development Program. Continuing Competency is the ongoing ability of a nurse to integrate the knowledge, skills, judgment and personal attributes to practice safely and ethically in a designated role and setting in accordance with the scope of nursing practice. [1] Nursing Practice means functioning in a paid or unpaid position or role that requires a nursing license, and/or routine use of nursing knowledge and skill. Professional Practice Development Plan is a written document that describes a plan for improving practice. Each nurse defines goals, objectives, and action steps based on their self-assessment and self-reflection activities. The time period to achieve the goals is 12 to 36 months. Review Period means the licensing year for each nurse, beginning on the nurse’s birthday. The Commission may consider a nurses’ practice throughout their career: however, the review period will concentrate on the immediate past twelve (12) months.

  17. Self-Assessment is a reflective process that may include: • Completion of the Commission’s Self-Assessment Questionnaire (required) • Application of professional standards (American Nurses Association, national nursing standards, and specialty organizations) applicable to the nurse’s practice • Consideration of individual practice strengths and opportunities for professional growth • Knowledge, skill, resilience, including physical and emotional hardiness and stamina • Results of supervisory performance evaluation, peer review, and client/patient feedback • Statement of Active Practice means a written narrative describing a nurse’s practice in a paid or unpaid position. (See Nursing Practice definition above.) Minimum practice requirement is 576 hours for the past thirty-six (36) month period. • [1] National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), 2006.

  18. Comments and Questions Please join the Nursing Commission list serve: http://listserv.wa.gov/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=nursing-qac&A=1 Comments go to: Chuck.Cumiskey@doh.wa.gov Mail to: NCQAC C/O Chuck Cumiskey PO Box 47864 Olympia, WA 98504-7864

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