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Presented to the Select Committee on Education & Recreation, this report highlights how SRSA's policies and events promote equitable access, excellence, and socio-economic contributions in sport and recreation. Key events in 2013/14 include CHAN 2014, Nelson Mandela Sport and Culture Day, and the SA Sports Awards.
14 /10/2014 SRSA
Accounting Officer’s Overview • Strategic focus • In line with National Development Plan (NDP) SRSA continued to introduce important policy developments that paved the way to transform the delivery of sport and recreation by ensuring equitable access, development and excellence at all levels of participation and to harness the socio-economic contributions that can create a better life for all South Africans. • During the year under review key deliverables of the National Sport and Recreation Plan were implemented. In this regard SRSA continued to contribute to the strategic focus of the NSRP namely to reconstruct and revitalize the sport and recreation sector for an active and winning nation. SRSA
Accounting Officer’s Overview • Strategic Support • All the targeted 5 strategic documents were completed and produced ( Programme of Action, Strategic Plan; Annual Performance Plan, Estimate of National Expenditure, Operational Plan). • All the targeted 7 institutional performance reports were produced and managed. These include Quarterly performance reports; MPAT report; 2012-13 Annual Report; and AENE. SRSA
Accounting Officer’s Overview – Events • Events hosted and supported during the year under review • CHAN 2014 • South Africa successfully hosted the Confederation of African Football (CAF) African Nations Championship (CHAN) early in 2014. SRSA received a once-off allocation of R158.5 million for the hosting of CHAN in 2013/14, of which R120 million was for the support of the host cities and R36 million for the local organising committee. Sixteen teams played 32 matches in the period 19 January 2013 to 10 February 2013 in five host cities. South Africa met all the obligations and it was recognised that the profile of AFCON was raised by South Africa hosting the tournament. SRSA
Accounting Officer’s Overview – Events • 2. Nelson Mandela Sport and Culture Day • In partnership with the Department of Arts and Culture, SRSA hosted a very successful inaugural Nelson Mandela Sport and Culture Day in Johannesburg, Gauteng Province. The day was part of the Unite Campaign aimed at entrenching social cohesion and nation-building. • 3. Professional Sports Leagues • Basketball South Africa was supported towards the establishment of the National Basketball League (NBL) in September 2013. • Netball South Africa was assisted towards sourcing sponsorship for their Netball Premier League (NPL) set to start in the 2014/15 financial year. SRSA
Accounting Officer’s Overview – Events • 4. Boxing Indaba 2013 • Following the iZindaba held throughout the country, the National Boxing Indaba was held on 27 & 28 September in Pretoria. • About 250 delegates attended the National Indaba. The first day of the Indaba (27th) witnessed a boxing tournament that featured female boxers. SRSA
Accounting Officer’s Overview – Events • 5. SA Sports Awards • The 8th anniversary of the South African Sports Awards was held in November 2013 at Sun City in North West Province. This event recognises and rewards the sport men and women for their outstanding accomplishment in and out of the field of play. • The main purpose of the South African Sports Awards is to profile the important role played by sport and recreation in contributing towards social cohesion, nation building and global peace and prosperity. Over the years, this awards function has earned the stature as the most supreme and premium event in the South African sport and recreation calendar, second only to the Laureus Sports Awards. SRSA
Performance Information by Programme • SRSA work during the period under review was divided into five programmes, namely: • Programme 1: Administration • Programme 2: Sport Support Services • Programme 3: Mass Participation • Programme 4: International Liaison and Events • Programme 5: Facilities Coordination SRSA
PROGRAMME: ADMINISTRATION • Sub-Programme: Corporate Services • Communication & Information • 10 more than the targeted 3 sport and recreation promotion campaigns were launched. Target was exceeded because of challenges and developments in the sector necessitated additional launches after target setting. Most of the events were planned; but not the related launches. • The 2014 exhibition on Sport in the Struggle was launched on 25 March 2014 at the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg. The exhibition focused on forgotten sports heroes who were denied the chance to reach the pinnacles of sport due to Apartheid, and whose names don’t appear in the annals of South African sport. The 2014 exhibition is the 2nd edition of these exhibitions that serve as the sport sector’s contributions to the Human Rights month. SRSA
PROGRAMME: ADMINISTRATION contin….. • Communication & Information • The Andrew Mlangeni Green Jacket Awards were held as planned to celebrate yesterday and today’s excellence in sport. • Legal Services • Various Bills and Draft Regulations were produced and • processed. These documents are at different stages of • processing. The full list appears under the section on ‘key policy • developments and legislative changes’ of this Annual Report. • Human Resources • It took more than 6 months to fill posts against the set target. This was among others, due to the declined appointments; failure to get a suitable candidate internally (posts advertised internally first); failure to get a suitable candidate externally, thus requiring re-advertisement. SRSA
PROGRAMME: ADMINISTRATION contin….. • Human Resources • The organizational structure is not adequately support the revised strategy of the Department (following the approval of the NSRP) and to rectify this situation, the development of a more suitable and expanded structure is continuing. • The organizational review is an intensive exercise which has to remain compliant to applicable prescripts and inclusive of all relevant stakeholders including organized labour. The pace has therefore not been as fast as we had wished. SRSA
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION contin….. • Sub-programme: CFO • Financial Management • 39 reports against the target of 32 financial reports were submitted in line with prescripts. Reason being the baseline that was used, omitted the quarterly Payment turn-around reports that National Treasury introduced. • Supply Chain • Service provider database is operational. • 12 asset reconciliation reports were signed off. • The SCM processes have improved drastically after introduction of the new delegations of authority. As a result SRSA has not incurred any unauthorised, fruitless and wasteful expenditure during the year under review. SRSA
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION cont... • Sub-programme: Internal Audit • 2 Charters (SRSA Internal Audit Charter / Audit Committee Charter; and the Risk Management Committee Charter) were reviewed and approved. • 2 Plans (Internal Audit Plans and Risk Management Plans) were approved and implemented by Audit Committee. • 8 Reports were presented to the Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee. SRSA
PROGRAMME: ADMINISTRATION contin….. • Office Accommodation • Based on the final analysis and the economics of relocating in the period under review SRSA realised it is not favourable to relocate as planned. • Sourcing a partially adequate building, which was the only available during the period under review, would require the • Department to supplement accommodation funds received from NT with goods and services allocations. • This would defeat the objectives of providing quality services to more people of our country. The challenges of the current building notwithstanding, the Department will, for the short-term, extend its stay until adequate space is secured at reasonable cost. SRSA
PROGRAMME 2: SPORT SUPPORT SERVICES The following sub-programmes comprise the Sport Support Services Programme: • Sport and Recreation Service Providers • Club development and Support • Education and Training • Scientific Support SRSA
PROGRAMME 2: SPORT SUPPORT SERVICES • Sub-programme: Sport and Recreation Service Providers • 68 against the target of 60 NFs received financial support; reason being funding of additional sport & recreation bodies was a result of rising need and fruitful engagements with such bodies. • NF grading framework was developed and implemented. • NF support service needs analysis was conducted. • 2 consolidated NF Transformation Progress Reports were produced. • Sub-programme: Club development and Support • Club system was developed and implemented through a pilot project in Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal. SRSA
PROGRAMME 2: SPORT SUPPORT SERVICESCONT… • Sub-programme: Education and Training • The target to support 8 national federations to develop • training programmes was not achieved. The three national • stakeholders, SASCOC, CATHSSETA and SRSA agreed that • this deliverable is the responsibility of SASCOC. Therefore, • SASCOC is taking a lead in its implementation. An • implementation plan was formulated towards assisting • achievement. • The sector skills plan and strategies were developed in conjunction with CATHSSETA as planned. SRSA
PROGRAMME 2: SPORT SUPPORT SERVICESCONT… • Sub-programme:Scientific Support • Talent identification and development strategy was developed and implemented. Through this strategy, talented athletes were identified at the school sport championships and placed in sport focus schools. • An average of 58 against the target of 71 athletes & coaches were assisted by means of scientific support programmes. The target was not achieved due to lapsing of contracts. No new intakes were made as the programme is being wound down. • Four scientific conferences including the WADA Conference and the ‘I Play Fair’ Sport Law Conference, were organised and ‘Think Sport Journals’ were produced. • SRSA fully complied with international anti-doping regulations. SRSA
PROGRAMME 3: MASS PARTICIPATION • The following sub-programmes comprise the Mass Participation Programme: • • Community Mass Participation • • School Sport SRSA
PROGRAMME 3: MASS PARTICIPATION • Sub-programme: Community Mass Participation • The number of Mass Participation and Sport Development • Grant performance reports submitted was not met because • of poor response from provinces in the 4th quarter of the • period under review. • 25 038 against the target of 25 000 participants participated in sports promotion projects managed by SRSA. • Following increased overall interest from the eligible • sportspeople, 206 against the target of 200 volunteers, were • registered in the National Sport Volunteer Corps Programme. SRSA
PROGRAMME 3: MASS PARTICIPATION • School Sport • The NSRP in tandem with the NDP have flagged the school sport programme as an anchor programme of Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA). • Since the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MoU) in November 2011 between SRSA and the Department of Basic Education, SRSA established the National Steering Committee and Provincial Sport Structures whose responsibility is implementation of the undertakings of the MoU. SRSA
PROGRAMME 3: MASS PARTICIPATION • School Sport • The South African Schools Sport Championship staged in December 2013 was a resounding success, where approximately 8, 000 participants from all provincial school teams, participated in 12 different sporting codes. Participation was for athletes from under 13 to under 19 age groups, boys and girls, including learners with disabilities. • This Championship and its lead-up events at District and Provincial levels has increased the opportunity for learners from all schools to participate in a national multi-coded sport event. SRSA
PROGRAMME 3: MASS PARTICIPATION • School Sport • 28 Talented athletes were identified by National Federations and are now supported through the Ministerial School Sport Bursary to pursue their sport aspirations whilst pursuing their studies. The Sport Bursary is provided to learners at Grade 8 until they finish their Grade 12. • The Department supports schools by providing sports equipment and playing attire on an annual basis. The provision of attire is linked to the training of officials. As at the end of the reporting period, approximately 650 schools had benefited from this initiative. SRSA
PROGRAMME 4: INTERNATIONAL LIAISON & EVENTS The following sub-programmes comprise the Programme: • International Liaison • Major Events SRSA
PROGRAMME 4: INTERNATIONAL LIAISON & EVENTS • Sub-programme: International Liaison • Strategic Bilateral Relations: • South Africa provided technical assistance to Lesotho with regards to COSAFA U-20 Youth Championships as well as exchange of expertise regarding the Sports Awards. Bilateral Consultations were also conducted at Ministerial level with Jamaica and Bulgaria during the 4th World Conference on Doping in Sport hosted in November 2013 in Sandton, South Africa. • The Department continued implementation of the agreement signed between RSA and Cuba for youth from South Africa who enrolled for the degree of sport and Physical Education in Cuba. The students were also booked for research work in South Africa. SRSA
PROGRAMME 5: FACILITIES COORDINATION The following sub-programmes comprise the Facilities Programme: • Planning and Advocacy • Technical Support. SRSA
PROGRAMME 5: FACILITIES COORDINATION • The year under review, we have seen the expansion of outdoor facilities playing a crucial role in diversifying the offerings to the public. South Africa has seen a continued growth in outdoor physical activity in many forms ranging from walking, boot camp sessions, mums and babies classes, outdoor yoga and lately outdoor gymnasiums readily available for people to use in parks and other open spaces. SRSA has recognised the value of outdoor facilities and has started with the erection of such facilities in various parts of our South Africa. SRSA
PROGRAMME 5: FACILITIES COORDINATION • Sub-programme: Planning & advocacy • A facility plan was published as planned and the status report regarding the maintenance and usage of the stadia built or refurbished for the 2010 FIFA World Cup was developed following engagement of all the FIFA 2010 Facility managers. • The Facilities Classification Framework was completed. This framework will assist in classifying facilities into different categories, which will inform the kind of support that should be provided to each. This framework will become handy once the facility audit is completed. • The planned number of national facilities audit reports could not be generated due to non-existence of the database. Pre-audit processes became longer than anticipated as various options were being considered. Meetings had to be held with among others, CSIR, STATS SA, municipalities and Provinces. SRSA
GOVERNANCE • Risk management strategies: • The Department has developed a risk management • strategy which guides the process of identifying and managing risks and is being reviewed regularly to ensure that it remains current and relevant. • Risk assessments: • Risks are assessed regularly through the formalised and inclusive workshop-based approach. • Fraud and Corruption • The Department’s Fraud Prevention Plan was developed and approved. • Health Safety and Environmental Issues • The Departmental Safety Health and Environment (SHE) Committee, with representation from nominated staff and from organised labour have been established and it is functioning well. SRSA
GOVERNANCE • Minimizing Conflict of Interest • In terms of the Financial Disclosure Framework SRSA SMS members disclosed their financial interests by the 30th of April. • In terms of the Code of Conduct for Supply Chain Management Practitioners, all supply chain practitioners are provided with a code of conduct and they sign to declare their understanding of such a code. SRSA
GOVERNANCE • Audit Committee Report • The Audit Committee has noted a great improvement on the management of the performance information by the department and its quarterly reporting to the Audit Committee improved drastically during the year under review. This was proven by the unqualified opinion expressed by the Auditor-General South Africa on Audit of Performance Information for the first time. • Audit Committee is satisfied that the department has implemented measures to monitor its transfer payments to Provinces and National Federations and is taking steps to ensure that DoRA grants to the Provinces are utilised accordingly. SRSA
GOVERNANCE • Audit Committee Report • The Audit Committee concurs and accepts the conclusions of the Auditor-General South Africa on the Annual Financial Statements and Annual Report. • It is the opinion of the Audit Committee that the audited Annual Financial Statements, read together with the report of Auditor-General South Africa, should be accepted. SRSA