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Current Trends in Open Repositories & Exemplary Local Solutions

Current Trends in Open Repositories & Exemplary Local Solutions. European Perspective. This Talk. Objective Report observations on recent developments Provide a European, German, institutional perspective Coverage selective, subjective, cursory, data-centric Audience addressed

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Current Trends in Open Repositories & Exemplary Local Solutions

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  1. Current Trends in Open Repositories& Exemplary Local Solutions European Perspective << Current Trends in OR>>

  2. This Talk • Objective • Report observations on recent developments • Provide a European, German, institutional perspective • Coverage • selective, subjective, cursory, data-centric • Audience addressed • Repository Community, Information Specialists … • Approach wisdom of crowds • Open Repositories 2010 Conf. assumed as representative • General session themes taken as starting points << Current Trends in OR>>

  3. OverviewInspired by: OR2010 General Session Themes • REPOSITORIES AS POLICY DRIVERS • Open Access Policy • National Approaches • Usage Statistics • REPOSITORIES AS EMBEDDED SYSTEMS • Administrative Systems • Citation & Bibliography • Data Integration & Disambiguation • REPOSITORIES AS MULTI-OBJECT TOOLS • Research Data • Academic Workflows • Digital Preservation & Archiving • Repository Platforms • Repository Interoperability << Current Trends in OR>>

  4. Repositories as policy DRIVERS << Current Trends in OR>>

  5. Open Access Policy OR2010 • Vision: Open Access objectsascommodity • Not an ethicalissue but mostefficientmodeofscholarlyandscientificcommunication • Practice: Considerablegrowth but tedious • More policies (publisher; institutional; funders: EC) • More repositories & documents (cf. BASE/Sherpa) • But systematicinputofdatalacksautomation • Forecast: Further incrementalprogress << Current Trends in OR>>

  6. „Yes, documentrepositoriesaregainingsignificance!“

  7. National Approaches OR2010 • Vision: Institutional>national>global structure • Geographic regime builds on reliable institutions • Practice: Europe strong, but all is still stringy • Some functional chains of comm. OpenAIRE, Japan, China • Disciplinary worlds work differently • Forecast: Mixed geographic and subject system • Invisible automatic exchange will blur boundaries << Current Trends in OR>>

  8. e.g. EC-Policy • Support for European Commission OA Pilot • Built on DRIVER repositorynetwork • Full-Text OAI-PMH-Guidelines in 2007 • Contractualobligationfor ~30% of European Funding: „Special Clause 39“ • National OA Desks in eachcountryest. • „Magic multiplexer“ betweenpublishers, institutional, subjectrepositoriesandOrphan • Automation requiresprojectinformation • Localrepositoriesand OJS already „compliant“ << Current Trends in OR>>

  9. e.g. usagestatistics Bottom-upinteroperabilitypolicydevelopment • National Approaches forusagestatistics • Standardizationforclickspans, bot filtering, exposure, harvesting etc. • UK: PIRUSas COUNTER derivative • DE: OA-Statistics in German DINI-Network • NL: SURFshare in DAREnet/NARCIS • Cooperation in Knowledge Exchange • Common guidelines • Application in OpenAIRE at EC-level

  10. e.g. Enhanced Publications Directedinteroperabilitypolicydevelopment

  11. Repositories as embedded systems << Current Trends in OR>>

  12. Bibliography & Citation OR2010 • Vision: R‘sforauthors‘ publicationmanagement • Personal publicationlists & referencemanagement • Practice: Pleasefull-texts – but contextualized • Bibliographiccompletionishandwork; Web2tools • Citations not in R‘s but in GS, WoK, PMC, Inspire • Forecast: Completenessisclue • Authorsonlytakeseriousifreallygood << Current Trends in OR>>

  13. Administrative Systems OR2010 • Vision: Authorsuserepositoriesforreporting • Institutionalbibliography, policycompliance • Whyreporttwice? Double-input a „no-go“! • Practice: Cautiousopeningof „official“ systems • Re-use – e.g. alerting – requiresdisambiguation • Reporting needsauthoritativedatapersons, departments… • But: closedshopsand IT-integrationproblemse.g. IDM • Forecast: SuccessforR‘swith CRIS interfaces << Current Trends in OR>>

  14. Data Integration & Disambiguation OR2010 • Vision: Automated exchangeofpublicationdata • Bibliographicdataisalready out there: so re-use! • Practice: Examples? Yes, but few! • FetchofdatafromWoS, ArXiV, PMC: Who doesit? • E.g. Authordisambiguation: „Is Meyer Meyer?“ • Also departments, institutions, classifications • Forecast: (Inter-)National authorityfiles /IDs • Terminologyservicesusedtodisambiguate << Current Trends in OR>>

  15. e.g. an adaptive repository • PubLister – on thewayto an integrated-autonomouslocalresearchdocumentationmanagement. • Support personal andcommmunityneeds • Personal publicationlists, citation style rendering • Embedding-services in faculty- andgroup-sites • ISI-WoK, PMC, ArXiV, BMC > PUB > OAI, SRU, http, SNIPPETS, • Repository moreandmorehidden • Transition toresearchdatamanagement • Enhanced Publications • Research Life-Cycle-Support << Current Trends in OR>>

  16. Repositories as multi-object tools << Current Trends in OR>>

  17. Research Data OR2010 • Vision: Researchers can easily submit data • Higher transparency, cost-efficiency • But please provide differential access • Practice: Highly heterogeneous over disciplines • E.g. Bioinformatics (~open) & engineering (~closed) • Funders require data management plan • Forecast: Subject based practice dominates • No generic basis as in text-based documents • Only basic archiving may be common denominator << Current Trends in OR>>

  18. Digital Preservation & Archiving OR2010 • Vision: Researchers havetrustedarchives • Particularlyimportantforresearchdata, wherenoest. publishingsystemcan catch thetrust • Practice: Documentsfeasible, Data in question • Manyimportantinsights, but tooambitious • National librariesanddataarchives on themove • Forecast: hot-service ifapproachedpractically • 3-5-10 yearspragmaticpreservation: thenlet‘ssee! • „Whatcanyoupromise?“ vs. „Whatcan‘tbepromised“ << Current Trends in OR>>

  19. Academic Workflows OR2010 • Vision: R‘sembedded in researchprocess • Virtual Research Environments: Service mash-ups • Specificityrequirescustomization • Practice: Again, docsfeasible – data in question • Generic: Office, calendar, web-sites, documentation • Specific: Research toolsandworkflows • Forecast: Self-maintainedrepositoryplatforms • Research cultures vs. institutional service dev. • Localtekkiesandcentral service collaboration << Repositories – Practice & Vision >> Helmholtz/DINI-Workshop

  20. Repository Platforms OR2010 • Vision: Solid andsustained multi-purposeR‘s • Research Data and administrative functionality • Developer communitiesgobusiness • Practice: Extension ofexisting, still newcomers • Dspace, Eprints, Fedora, Opus extended • PubMan/eSciDoc, Invenio etc. maturing • „Competition“ from VCSs and Web-CMS? • Forecast: Further consolidation << Repositories – Practice & Vision >> Helmholtz/DINI-Workshop

  21. Repository Interoperability OR2010 • Vision: R‘swithmanytentaclesandglands • Bidirectionalinterfacesfordataandprotocols • „Repositoriesaspipelines“, Micro-Services • Practice: OAI-PMH still dominates, otherscome • REST/SOAP, XMLHttpRequest, SWORD, SRU, Feeds, OAI-ORE, Linked Data / RDF: whathaveyougot!? • Forecast: Technology savvystaffrequired • Customizing interfaces not out-of-the-box << Repositories – Practice & Vision >> Helmholtz/DINI-Workshop

  22. e.g. Data Management • Primärdaten als Grundlagen für Veröffentlichungen sollen auf haltbaren und gesicherten Trägern in der Institution, wo sie entstanden sind, für zehn Jahre aufbewahrt werden.DFG -Richtlinien „Guter Wissenschaftlicher Praxis“ 17. Juni 1998 • Wenn aus Projektmitteln systematisch (Mess-)Daten erhoben werden, die für die Nachnutzung geeignet sind, legen Sie bitte dar, welche Maßnahmen ergriffen wurden bzw. während der Laufzeit des Projektes getroffen werden, um die Daten nachhaltig zu sichern und ggf. für eine erneute Nutzung bereit zu stellen. Bitte berücksichtigen Sie dabei auch – sofern vorhanden – die in Ihrer Fachdisziplin existierenden Standards und die Angebote bestehender Datenrepositorien. DFG –Leitfaden für Antragsteller August 2010 • Institutionsrequiredtohaveconcepts! DFG-Guidelines in Germany cf. NSF Data Management Plan << Current Trends in OR>>

  23. Institutional Infrastructure for „Human Data“ • DDI3 Life-Cycle Support • Extension to qualitative data • Linking Sociology, Psychology, Linguistics, History, Econonmics etc.

  24. Data in multidisciplinaryresearch • CITEC – Cognitive Interaction Technology • Research datamanagementishottopic • Operate on OpenSource-Server, RedMine, DRUPAL • Multiple projectseachwith SVN-instance • Withoutrepository? • 50 SVNs asstores • Exposureofdata via RDF << Current Trends in OR>>

  25. SemanticExposureof Data << Current Trends in OR>>

  26. Bielefeld Data Informium • Data Centers in strategicresearchareas • Distributed dataandmethodschool • Reflectiveresearch on legal andethicalaspects

  27. Interdisciplinary Research Infrastructure Services Data Experts • Research WSS QuantitativLehrstühle (Human) Data • Prominent, establisheddatacentres • e.g. CITEC, Data Service Centre • Methodand Data School • e.g. quantitative und qualitative socialscience, experimental procedures, modelling • Accompanying Studies & Discourse • z.B. dataethics, legal aspects, Wissenschaftsforschung • (projects, colloquium etc.) SOT QualitativLehrstühle CITEC Externe Scientific Coordination CIOScholarly Inf. ResearchOffice „IRIS“ Interdisciplinary Research Infrastructure Services CIOIT VCResearch Data Connoisseurs Service Coordination • Sustained Task forcefor Research Data • v.a. qualifiedstaff, who understand research • Professional Support and Services • z.B. Data modelling, Archiving, Curation, Computing • Escort Service forgrantproposals & projects • z.B. Infrastructure-provision, software, datamanagm. plan • Experts • Techn. Fac. • Software • Data Models • User Models • Retrieval • CITEC • Central Labs • Management • CeBiTec • Facilities • Management LibraryDirector Informium ComputingDirector Campus-ITDirector • Central Services Media Serv.Director

  28. Take Home Message(s) • Repositories... • Are not onlyabout Open Access anymore • Sucsessivepublicationstagesoftexts & researchdata • Extendtowardsadministrationandresearchdata • Bibliographicre-use, Disambiguation/IDs • Are embeddedandembedthemselves • Academic workflows / VREs, Frameworks, Infrastructures • Become a (hidden) assettvesseloftheinstitution << Current Trends in OR>>

  29. Take Home Question(s) • Are currentrepositoryplatforms still capable? • Dissolving in storageandmiddleware? • Finally, a re-integrationwithsoftware-repos.? • Who will provide all theservices? • Libraries in betweenadministrationandresearchdatacenters? • Future researchlibraryrunbyresearchersorresearchrunbylibrarians? << Current Trends in OR>>

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