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On the Evolution of Adversary Models (from the beginning to sensor networks). Virgil D. Gligor Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Maryland College Park, MD. 20742 gligor@umd.edu Lisbon, Portugal July 17-18, 2007. Overview.
On the Evolution of Adversary Models (from the beginning to sensor networks) Virgil D. Gligor Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Maryland College Park, MD. 20742 gligor@umd.edu Lisbon, Portugal July 17-18, 2007
Overview • New Technologies often require a New Adversary Def. • - continuous state of vulnerability 2. Why is the New Adversary Different ? - ex. sensor, mesh networks, MANETs - countermeasures • Challenge: find “good enough” security countermeasures 4. Proposal: Information Assurance Institute
A system without an adversary definition cannot possibly be insecure; it can only be astonishing… … astonishment is a much underrated security vice. (Principle of Least Astonishment)
Why an Adv. Def. is a fundamental concern ? 1. New Technology > Vulnerability ~> Adversary <~> Methods & Tools • sharing user-mode confidentiality and untrusted user- sys. vs. user mode (’62->) • programs& data; integrity breaches; mode programs rings, sec. kernel (’65, ‘72) • - computing utility system penetration; & subsystems FHM (’75)theory/tool(’91)* • (early – mid 1960s) acc. policy models (’71) - shared stateful DoS instances untrusted user DoS = a diff. prob.(83-’85)* servicesprocesses; formal spec. & verif. (’88)* e.g., DBMS, net. protocolsconcurrent, DoS models (’92 -> ) dyn. resource alloc.coord. attacks (early - mid 1970s) • PCs, LANs; read, modify, block, “man in the middle” informal: NS, DS (’78–81) • public-domain Crypto replay, forge active, adaptive semi-formal: DY (‘83) • (mid 1970s) messages network adversary Byzantine (‘82 –>) • crypto attk models (‘84->) • auth. prot. analysis (87->) • internetworking large-scale effects: geo.distributed, virus scans, tracebacks • (mid – late 1980s) worms, viruses, coordinated intrusion detection • DDoS (e.g., flooding) attacks(mid ’90s ->) 2. Technology Cost -> 0, Security Concerns persist
New Technology > New Vulnerability ~> New Adversary Model <~> New Analysis Method & Tools +O(years) +/- O(months) +O(years) … a perennial challenge (“fighting old wars”) Reuse of Old (Secure) Systems & Protocols New Technology ~> New Vulnerability Old Adversary Model mismatch Continuous State of Vulnerability
New Technology Ex.: Sensor Networks Claim Sensor Networks introduce: - new, unique vulnerabilities: nodes captured and replicated - new adversary: different from and Dolev-Yao and traditional Byzantine adv.s and - require new methods and tools: emergent algorithms & properties (for imperfect but good-enough security) Mesh Networks have similar but not identical characteristics
Limited Physical Node Protection Two Extreme Examples High end: IBM 4764 co-proc. (~ $9K) Low end: Smart Cards (< $15) • tamper resistance, real time response • independent battery, secure clock • battery-backed RAM (BBRAM) • wrapping: several layers of non-metallic • grid of conductors in a grounded shield • to reduce detectable EM emanations • tamper detection sensors (+ battery) • temp., humidity, pressure, voltage, • clock, ionizing radiation • - response: erase BBRAM, reset device • no tamper resistance • non-invasive phys. attacks • side-channel (timing, DPA) • unusual operating conditions • temperature, power clock glitches • invasive phys. attacks • chip removal from plastic cover • microprobes, electron beams
Limited Physical Node Protection Observation: a single on-chip secret key is sufficient to protect (e.g., via Authenticated Encryption) many other memory-stored secrets (e.g., node keys) Problem: how do we protect that single on-chip secret key ? Potential Solution: Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) observation: each IC has unique timing basicPUF: Challengeextracts unique, secret Response (i.e., secret key) from IC-hidden, unique timing sequence
Basic PUF circuit [Jae W. Lee et al. VLSI ‘04] unknown challenge bit IC b62 feed-fwd arbiter 255 0 1 Response e.g., 255 bits Arbiter b0 b1 b2 b61 b128 LFSR Challenge e.g., 128 bits 0 Arbiter 1 Arbiter bi=0 bi=1 switch Arbiter operation
Basic PUF counters: brute-force attacks (2*128 challenge-response pairs => impractical) duplication (different timing => different Secret Response) invasive attacks (timing modification => different Secret Response) Basic PUF circuit [Jae W. Lee et al. VLSI ‘04] However, Pr. 1: adversary can build timing model of Arbiter’s output => canbuild clone for secret-key generation Pr. 2: Arbiter’ output (i.e., secret-key generation) is unreliable Reality: intra-chip timing variation (e.g., temp, pressure, voltage) => errors in Arbiter’s output (e.g., max. error: 4 – 9%)
Suggested PUF circuit [Ed Suh et al. ISCA ‘05] Solution to Pr. 1: hash Arbiter’s output to provide new Response - cannot discover Arbiter output from known Challenges and new Responses Solution to Pr. 2: add Error Correcting Codes (ECCs) on Arbiter’s output e.g., use BCH(n, k, d) n(timing bits) = k(secret bits) + b(syndrome bits) for (d-1)/2 errors BCH (255,63,61) => 30 (> 10%n > max. no.) errors in Arbiter’s output are corrected > 30 errors ? (probability is 2.4 X10-6) probability of incorrect output is smaller but not zero hash Arbiter’s output and verify against stored Hash(Response)
However, syndrome reveals some (e.g., b=192) bits of Arbiter’s output (n=255) Suggested PUF circuit known Syndrome e.g., 192 bits IC BCH b62 feed-fwd arbiter 255 bits secret Response Arbiter Hash known Challenge e.g., 128 bit b0 b1 b2 b61 b128 LFSR generate response: C -> R, S; retrieve response: C, S -> R (Off-line) Verifiable-Plaintext Attack: Get C, S, hash(R); guess remaining (e.g., 63) bits of Arbiter’s output; verify new R; repeat verifiable guesses until Arbiter’s output is known; discover secret key
Some Characteristics of Sensor Networks 1. Ease of Network Deployment and Extension - scalability => simply drop sensors at desired locations - key connectivityvia key pre-distribution=> neither administrative intervention nor TTP interaction 2. Low Cost, Commodity Hardware - low cost => physical node shielding is impractical => ease of access to internal node state (Q: how good should physical node shielding be to prevent access to a sensor’s internal state ?) 3. Unattended Node Operation in Hostile Areas => adversary can capture, replicate nodes (and node states)
Replicated Node Insertion: How Easy ? 3 Captured Node NEIGHBORHOOD j NEIGHBORHOOD i shared key outside neighborhood 1 path key shared key inside neighborhood NEIGHBORHOOD k i 3 shared key outside neighborhood 2
Attack Coordination among Replicas: How Easy ? Node Replica 1 3 Node Replica 2 3 3 collusion Captured Node NEIGHBORHOOD j NEIGHBORHOOD i 1 NEIGHBORHOOD k i 3 2 Note: Replica IDs are cryptographically bound to pre-distributed keys and cannot be changed
New vs. Old Adversary Old (Dolev-Yao) Adversary can - control network operation - man-in-the-middle: read, replay, forge, block, modify, insert messages anywhere in the network - send/receive any message to/from any legitimate principal (e.g., node) - act as a legitimate principal of the network Old (Dolev-Yao) Adversary cannot 1) adaptively capture legitimate principals’ nodes and discover a legitimate principal’s secrets 2) adaptively modify network and trust topology (e.g., by node replication) Old Byzantine Adversaries - can do 1) but not 2) - consensus problems impose fixed thresholds for captured nodes (e.g., t < n/2, t < n/3) and fixed number of nodes, n.
Countermeasures for Handling New Adv.? • Detection and Recovery • - Ex. Detection of node-replica attacks • Cost ? Traditional vs. Emergent Protocols • Advantage: always possible, good enough detection • Disadvantage: damage possible before detection • Avoidance: early detection of adversary’s presence • - Ex. Periodicmonitoring • - Cost vs. timely detection ? False negatives/positives ? • - Advantage: avoids damage done by new adversary • - Disadvantage: not always practical in MANETs, sensor and mesh networks • Prevention: survive attacks by “privileged insiders” • - Ex. Subsystems that survive administrators’ attacks (e.g., auth) • - Cost vs. design credibility ? Manifest correctness • - Advantage: prevent damage; Disadvantage: very limited use
Example of Detection and Recovery (IEEE S&P, May 2005) • naïve: each node broadcasts <ID, “locator,” signature> • perfect replica detection: ID collisions, different Iocators • complexity: O(n2) messages • realistic: each node broadcasts locally <ID, “locator,” signature> • local neighbors further broadcast to g << nrandom witnesses • good enough replica detection: ID collision, different Iocators at witness • detection probability: 70 - 80% is good enough • complexity: O(n x sqrt(n)) messages
A New Application: Distributed Sensing Application: a set of m sensors observe and signal an event - each sensor broadcasts “1” whenever it senses the event; else, it does nothing - if t m broadcasts, all m sensors signal event to neighbors; else do nothing Operational Constraints - absence of event cannot be sensed (e.g., no periodic “0” broadcasts) - broadcasts are reliable and synchronous (i.e., counted in sessions) Adversary Goals: violate integrity(i.e.,issues t m/2 false broadcasts) deny service (i.e., t > m/2, suppresses m-t+1 broadcasts) New (Distributed-Sensing) Adversary - captures nodes, forges, replays or suppresses (jams) broadcasts (within same or across different sessions) - increases broadcast count with outsiders’ false broadcasts
An Example: distributed revocation decision [IEEE TDSC, Sept. 2005] m=6, t = 4 votes in a session => revoke target Keying Neighborhood revocation target Communication Neighborhood 4 10 3 2 8 14 5 11 propagate revocation decision 1 propagate revocation decision 7 13 9 6 12
New vs. Old Adversary A (Reactive) Byzantine Agreement Problem ? - both global event and its absence are (“1/0”) broadcast by each node - strong constraint on t ; i.e., no PKI => t > 2/3m; PKI => t >m/2 - fixed, known group membership No. New (Distributed-Sensing) Adv. =/= Old (Byzantine) Adv. - new adversary neednot forge, initiate, or replay “0” broadcasts - new adversary’s strength depends on a weakert (e.g., t < m/2) - new adversary may modify membership to increase broadcast count ( > t)
Conclusions • New Technologies => New Adversary Definitions • - avoid “fighting the last war” • - security is a fundamental concern of IT • No single method of countering new and powerful adversaries • - detection • - avoidance (current focus) • - prevention (future) • How effective are the countermeasures ? • - provide “good enough” security; e.g., probabilistic security properties