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PRACTICAL SESSION CONTROLS. It is compulsory to ATTEND & COMPLETE at least 4 Practical sessions , i.e. D oing the ORAL practice Answering VIDEO QUESTIONS ( on paper ) Taking the CONTROL TEST at the end of the sessions ( PoliformaT -> examenes )
PRACTICAL SESSION CONTROLS Itiscompulsory to ATTEND & COMPLETEat least4 Practicalsessions, i.e. • DoingtheORAL practice • AnsweringVIDEO QUESTIONS (onpaper) • TakingtheCONTROL TEST at theend of thesessions (PoliformaT -> examenes) • UploadSCREENSHOTS of highlightedactivities PRACTICAL SESSIONS willONLY be COMPLETEifyouhaveOK in theVIDEO & CONTROL TEST & youhave done theORALpractice & uploadedtheactivities You can downloadtheprogramme in a pendrive to complete yoursessions You can DELIVER/COLLECTyourpapersfrommy office doorpocket
UNIT 2CLASSIFICATION Vocabulary • Materials: countable vs uncountable nouns (i.e. general vs specific) • Revision of names of materials • (WORD FORMATION: NOUNS from VB) Grammar and functions • Expressing classification • AS, HOW and LIKE • Introduction to connectors
CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS p23 • There are many different classifications for materials; thusACCORDING TO THE STATE OF MATTERwe find SOLIDS, likeCOPPER, liquids such as water and GASES, for example CARBON DIOXIDE • A more interesting classification for engineers, however, is to divide materials INTO METALS AND NON-METALS • We can classify metals DEPENDING ON whetherTHEY ARE PURE METALS,like aluminium, or ALLOYSfor example BRONZE • In addition, METALS CAN BE CLASSIFIEDINTO ferrous and non ferrous metals. • In the first category we may include IRONAND ALL OF ITS ALLOYSwhereasLEAD, GOLD ORMERCURYfall into the group of non-ferrous metals.
CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS p23 • With respect to non-metals, we can mention CERAMICS, PLASTICS, COMPOSITES, RUBBERand so on. • PLASTICSon the other hand, CANBEDIVIDED INTOthermoplastics and thermosets. • The latter cannot be reheated asTHEIR MOLECULAR STRUCTURE CHANGESwhereas the former do not undergo changes when heated; therefore they can be reshaped AS MANYTIMES AS NEEDED • On the basis of their ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITYa further classification of materials could be made into CONDUCTORS, INSULATORS ANDSEMICONDUCTORSdepending on how readily THEY PERMIT AN ELECTRICCURRENT TO FLOW
CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS p23 • MOST METALSare good conductors; however, there are also some non-metals which conduct well, LIKE CARBON OR SALT WATER • On the other hand, PLASTICS AND CERAMICS ARE INSULATORSas they do not permit the flow of electricity. • Examples of semiconductors are SILICONor germanium; these materials ACT AS CONDUCTORS ORINSULATORSdepending on the impurities added to them. • As we have seen, materials can be classified IN MANY DIFFERENT WAYSdepending on the feature that we use as the basis of the classification.
CLASSIFYING p 25 GENERAL CLASS classified divisions divided groups grouped into types is/are arranged classes may be categorized categories can be could be classified categorized classed as solids, liquids or gases grouped Includes Contains consists of is made up of is formed by is composed of comprises
CLASSIFYING p 25 SPECIFIC ITEM classed is classified as GENERAL CLASS categorized is put into falls into the class / category of GENERAL CLASS belongs to is an example (type, kind, form ....) of GENERAL CLASS IN many / different / various WAYS
CLASSIFYING p 25 Basis of the classification criteria according to characteristics on the basis of the following based on features depending on properties whether (+ CLAUSE)
Engineering materials metals ferrous COMPLETE THE TABLE p 24
Engineering materials metals non-metals non-ferrous ferrous ceramics plastics lead gold mercury thermosets thermoplastics iron iron alloys COMPLETE THE TABLE p24
HOW / AS / LIKE p26 HOW • CÓMO (indirect question) (e.g. He told me how to do it) • LO + ADJ/ADV (e.g. Tell me how fast the car runs/ How nice!) LIKE • Adjective = IGUAL o SEMEJANTE (opposite :“unlike”) (e.g. Like poles repel and unlike poles attract) • COMO = PARECIDO A, IGUAL (QUE) (+vb => -ING) (e.g. A computer is like a typewriter) Plastics are composed of long chain-like molecules called polymers • COMO = POR EJEMPLO (e.g.) Some metals, like steel or brass, are alloys Expressions • TO BE LIKE = SER COMO (e.g. What is it like?= DESCRIBING) • TO LOOK LIKE = SER PARECIDO A (e.g. This object looks like a square box)
AS p26 AS as a PARTICLE • Comparative : “as ... as” (e.g. Thermoplastics can be heated as many times as required) • In co-relation with THE SAME : “the same as” (e.g. Rubber has the same properties as plastics) • EN CALIDAD DE / COMO (e.g. Oil is used as a fuel) AS + SENTENCE (Subject + Vb) • COMO :(e.g. As I was saying, magnetic fields cannot be seen As (it is) shown in the graph) • A MEDIDA QUE: (e.g. Steel becomes hard as it cools down) • PUESTO QUE: Copper is widely used in wires as it is ductile Expressions • AS IF / AS THOUGH = COMO SI (+ subjunctive) • SO AS TO = CON OBJETO DE, PARA (+ infinitive) • AS FAR/LONG AS = SIEMPRE Y CUANDO • AS WELL AS = ASI COMO , Y TAMBIEN (addition)
EXERCISE p27 • AS expected, the lecture began 2 hours late. • I am going to explainHOWelectrolysis can be usedASa process to coat objects with thin films of metalsLIKE/SUCH ASchromium or gold. • Electroplating isLIKEpainting an object but covering it with a metal. • We can observeHOWthe needle movesASwe place the compass near a coil. • A piece of iron can be used ASa magnet when it is magnetized. • Thermosets break downAStheir temperature rises. • Some metals,LIKE/SUCH ASaluminium and copper, are pure metals. • I have never used a deviceLIKEthis one before. • Semiconductors actASconductors under certain conditions but AS insulators under others. • Electrons are attracted by positively charged particlesAS they have a negative electric charge. • The boiler of a power plant worksLIKEa big kettle. • Some new materials behave LIKEboth solids and liquids. • AStin is fairly weak, it is not used in structures. • Computers may change the order of some instructions SO AS TO improve performance
CONNECTORS • Copper is a good conductor, THEREFORE/THUS it is used in wires. • Cast iron is not used to withstand impact loads BECAUSE/AS/SINCE it is a brittle material. • Titanium is used for aircraft frames BECAUSE/AS/SINCE it is light and strong. • Chromium resists corrosion THEREFORE it is added to steels to make them rust proof. • Aluminium and iron are pure metals WHEREAS/WHILE bronze and steel are alloys • Stainless steels have a high strength. HOWEVER, they are expensive and difficult to machine. • Tin is used to coat other materials to protect them BECAUSE/AS/SINCEit resists corrosion • Tin is expensive; THUS/THEREFOREthe coats of tin are very thin. • Nickel & chromium improve the properties of metals; THEREFORE /AS A RESULT they are added to steel • Alloys, i.e. / THAT IS mixtures of materials,….
WORD FORMATION NOUN from VERB -ing -> English (e.g. building) -tion/sion ->Latin (e.g. Explanation/emission) -ment (e.g. management) • er/or (object) (e.g. boiler/conductor) • ure (e.g. mixture) • ent/ant (e.g. content/coolant) • nce (e.g. performance) • age (e.g. drainage) • al (e.g. disposal) • y (e.g. discovery)
GRAMMAR REVISION p29 There are MANY(muchos) types of STEEL(acero)DEPENDING ON/ON THE BASIS OF/ACCORDING TO(según) the materials added to it. For example, steel that contains VERY LITTLE(muy poco)CARBON(carbono) is knownAS(como) low carbon steel, and it is very malleable. HOWEVER(Sin embargo) steel with a higher carbon content becomesLESS(menos) malleable,AS(ya que) carbon makes it harder andTHEREFORE(por lo tanto) more difficultTO MOULD/SHAPE (de moldear), but ON THE OTHER HAND(por otra parte) it can resist higher loads. Other types of STEEL(acero) include some other materials,LIKE/SUCH AS(como) chromium to makeSTAINLESS STEEL(aceroinoxidable). THUS(Así pues), we can classify steelINTO(en) different groups ACCORDING TO(según) the properties that we require andHOW(cómo) the steel is manufactured.
THE PERIODIC TABLE • First classification: METALS, SEMIMETALS, NON METALS • USES • Non-metals: Most are GASES Examples: OXYGEN and NITROGEN in THE AIR • Used in balloons because they are LIGHT GASES • Low liquefaction point: HELIUM & HYDROGEN uses PRODUCTION OF LOW TEMPERATURES (e.g. SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETS and REFRIGERATION PURPOSES • Reactive gases: e.g. CHLORINE and FLUORINE. Reactions are sometimes a nuisance because they produce CORROSION • Inert gases: eg ARGON Uses in INDUSTRY because OF THE OPPOSITE REASON (THEY DO NOT CORRODE) • For example, it is used to create an inert atmosphere for THE PRODUCTION OF SPECIAL PLASTICS • Argon is the cheapest INERT GASES • Normal atmosphere produces OXIDATION-> critical degradation of the material -> important if the plastic is to be used for OPTICAL TRANSMISSION PURPOSES
VIDEO • Not all non-metals are gases: • CARBON: Diamond structure -> natural-> uses JEWELLERY and ornament. Characteristic: HARDNESS; Use in industry CUTTING VERY HARD MATERIALS • GRAPHITE : characteristic VERY SOFT eg. lead pencils • another property: CARBON ALSO CONDUCTS ELECTRICITY eg. dry cell -> • CARBON is used as one of the ELECTRODES • Another example: in commercial electrolytic cells USE OF GRAPHITE