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Mrs. Hutton’s History Class. Rules and Expectations. Rules. Be safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Be a Learner. LHS Phrase. Whatever it takes, no excuses What does that mean to you? What is the teacher’s responsibility? What is the student’s responsibility?. Pause.
Mrs. Hutton’sHistory Class Rules and Expectations
Rules • Be safe • Be Respectful • Be Responsible • Be a Learner
LHS Phrase • Whatever it takes, no excuses • What does that mean to you? • What is the teacher’s responsibility? • What is the student’s responsibility?
Pause • Take a minute to familiarize yourself with my classroom. • Where is the American flag? • Where do you turn in work? • Where are the art supplies? • Where are the passes? • Look at all the maps (we’ll be using them) • Where is the missing work file? • Anything else you notice that might be significant?
Rules • You must be in your seat when the tardy bell rings, otherwise you will be counted tardy. If you are tardy you must report to the cafeteria (or library during lunch block) and be escorted back to class. • Please do not be out of your seat unless you have permission. Unless it is group work time or free time, please ask to do anything: sharpen pencil, bathroom, drink, supplies, etc.
Rules • Inappropriate language is unacceptable. If you’re unsure, then don’t say it! Cussing, bullying, and perverse language is all unacceptable. You will receive one warning and anything beyond will result in an office referral.
Rules • Cheating will not be tolerated. If I catch you cheating you will receive an automatic zero. • Plagiarism is unacceptable. Plagiarism will result in a zero and an alternate assignment will be given. It’s easy to avoid; cite your sources. Please ask if you do not know. • To help avoid academic dishonesty during tests, the entire social studies department has agreed to place any bags (purses, backpacks or otherwise) at the front of the classroom. Only a pencil, test, and answer sheet will be on your desk. Everything else will be neatly put away and hidden under your desk
Rules • A no talking policy will generally be in effect. Please respect the teacher and other students when they are talking. I will not address you during lecture unless you have raised your hand. There will be time for class discussions, group work, and free time; however, unless I have allotted this time, please do not speak out of turn. I won’t interrupt you, so don’t interrupt me. • No Cell phones during lecture time, tests, quizzes, etc. You may listen to music during independent work—do not abuse this privilege! I always have the right to change this rule. If I ask you to put your cell phone (or any electronics) away, then promptly do so!
Rules • Hall passes will be given on a limited basis. If you get a pass to go somewhere, make sure you get to your destination and get back as soon as possible. Wandering the halls will not be tolerated. There are teachers and administrators on duty, so don’t wander! To leave the classroom you must have a hall pass, my signature, and sign out on the departure log. • Absolutely no food or drinks (besides water) in the classroom.
Rules • You are responsible for getting any make-up work due to an absence. I will always keep extra worksheets and assignments in the magazine rack next to the window. I will try to keep an extra worksheet/assignment with your name on it. Always check the “Missing Work” slot in the magazine rack before grabbing a “Leftover”. • Late Work and Make-Up Policy: “When a student fails to meet designated due dates and deadlines relating to formative work during a unit of study, that student will receive a maximum of 75% of the points possible for any late work submitted on or before the summative assessment for that particular unit. Late work during a unit of study will not be accepted after the summative assessment for that unit has been given for and a zero will be recorded in the grade book for that work. A student will have seven calendar days after the deadline/due date of a summative project, paper, or other assignment to submit such work for a maximum of 60% of the points possible. After the seventh calendar day, summative work will not be accepted and a zero will be recorded in the grade book for that work. Teachers may use discretion when working with individual students who have verifiable extenuating circumstances beyond their control.” • *2013-2014 Handbook
Rules • Attendance Policy: “Students who are absent for more than six (6) class periods during the semester will not be eligible to earn credit for that course unless a waiver is granted through the appeals process.” • All district-wide policies and rules will be followed in my classroom. Please be sure to check your student handbook for new rules and amended procedures.
Rules • I will be available before and after school. I will generally arrive around 7:30am and will stay to at least 4:00pm. If you would like to make up a test or receive tutoring during these times, please let me know at least one day ahead. I would be more than happy to accommodate your needs. • Conference is 6th block: • MTF 1:32-2:17 & Wed 1:32-3:10
Rules • Discipline Procedure • Verbal Warning • Last to leave class when bell rings • Hold you after class for one minute and we will discuss your behavior • Contact your parents • Office Referral
Rules • Consequences will be dealt with on a case by case basis. • I reserve the right to alter and/or add to this list as needed.
Expectations • Be prepared • Try your best • Work hard • Be respectful
Expectations • Road to an “A”: Suggestions on how to excel in class. • Attend and be prepared for class. • Pay attention, participate and ask questions. • Read all text materials. • Take notes while reading and during class. • Complete and turn in all assignments. • Keep all handouts and graded work. • Make study aides. • STUDY!
Expectations • Physical Violence and Disruptions • If a student becomes physical toward the teacher or another student, stay calm! • I hope a situation like this does not occur; however, if it does here is the plan. • I will designate one student in each block to get help. They will use the call button and get another teacher immediately. For safety and accountability issues, the teacher must stay in the classroom as a witness and protector. Students must back away from the situation and protect themselves. DO NOT leave the room unless I have given you permission!
Expectations • Emergency Situations • In an emergency situation, the teacher will always direct the students. In a severe weather situation, students will move into Mrs. Christal’s room across the hall room 201. In a fire situation, or other emergency evacuation, students will exit the outside doors right outside the classroom (south or left out the classroom door). Once outside, we will meet as a class by the building trades’ structure for role call.
Expectations • Assignments/Grading • Students will work on a variety of assignments from individual work to cooperative learning. • Grades are calculated on total points and the standard school grading scale is used, which you will find in the student handbook. Grades are updated about every three weeks and available for viewing on SIS. • 60% Summative (tests, projects, major assignments), 25% Formative (homework, quizzes, daily worksheets), and 15% cumulative final exam • Extra Credit:Extra credit, when offered as part of a curricular unit and at the discretion of the teacher, will not exceed 3% of a student’s grade. *No extra credit assignments will be given in this class. • As per school policy, a cumulative final exam is given near the end of every semester and is worth 15% (fifteen percent) of the student’s final grade.
Keeping Updated • I have a website: www.huttonshistoryclass.weebly.com • OR Sociology: • www.huttonsociology.weebly.com • Please visit the site where I will post assignments, due dates, and assessment information. • Also, you can sign up for Remind101, which is a texting app where I can send you text reminders without violating privacy policies implemented by the state and school district. • WH: @mrshutton • Soc: @sochutton • 317-494-7494 • Follow me on Twitter: @huttonhistory
Expectations • GRIT • Finish what you begin • Try very hard, even after experiencing failure • Work independently with focus
Expectations • Self-Control • Work Related • Come to class prepared • Pay attention and resist distractions • Remember and follow directions • Get to work right away rather than procrastinating • Relationship Related • Remain calm when provoked or criticized • Allow others to speak without interruption • Be polite to adults and peers • Keep your temper in check
Expectations • Come to Class Prepared OR. . . • Pencil, notebook, and your textbook are requirements when coming to class. However, if you do not have one or all of the items I can provide you with them for collateral. We will trade! For example, if you need a pencil then I would keep your phone for the class period and at the end you may return my pencil for your phone. • Things that I can use for collateral: • Cell phones • Class rings • Ear rings • Bracelets • Tote-bags/purses • And anything else that might be of value to you. • *If this becomes a continuing issue, I will resort to the disciplinary procedures.
Expectations • Units of Study & Tentative Test Schedule: • Chapters 1,2,4,5: Ancient History & Religion Mini Unit • Summative Quiz August 23 • Chapter 7: Early Middle Ages (The Rise of Europe) • Summative Assessment Sept 18/19 • Chapter 8: The High and Late Middle Ages • Summative Assessment Oct 16/17 • Chapter 13: The Renaissance and Reformation • Summative Assessment Nov 19 • Poster Projects due Nov 20 • Chapter 14 & 15: Beginning of Our Global Age and the • Summative Quiz Nov 26 • Chapter 16: Age of Absolutism • Summative Assessment Dec 9/10 • Semester Cumulative Final December12/13 • ********Semester Break********** • Chapter 17: The Enlightenment and the American Revolution • Summative Assessment January 17 • Chapter 18: The French Revolution and Napoleon • Summative Assessment February 19/20 • Chapters 19, 20, 21: The Industrial Revolution • Summative Assessment March 12/13 • Invention Project due March 12/13 • Chapter 22: Nationalism Triumphs in Europe • Summative Assessment March 21 • Chapter 23 & 24: The Growth of Western Democracies and Imperialism • *No quiz but subject may appear on cumulative final exam • Chapter 26: WW I and the Industrial Revolution • Summative Assessment April 16/17 • Chapter 28 (sec 3 & 5 only) and Chapter 29: World War II and the Cold War Begins • Summative Assessment May 8/9 • Semester Cumulative Final Exam May 12/13
Expectations • Return to Mrs. Hutton for 50 points by 8/20/13 • I have read the entire syllabus and reviewed it with a parent or guardian. I understand the rules and expectations for this course. I understand the grading and assignment policy. I will do my best to meet the expectations and when I fall short, I understand the consequences. • STUDENT SIGNATURE _______________________________________ • PARENT SIGNATURE _________________________________________ • This is worth 50 Points!!! Due Tuesday Aug 20th!
Mrs. Hutton • Let’s talk about ME! • From Kansas • High school: Uniontown ‘03 • College: C of O ‘07 • Master’s Degree: SBU ‘10 • Irena Sendler Project • Married: 11/10/07 • Child: 8/22/11
Mrs. Hutton’sHistory Class • Thank you for your attention. • Let’s have a great year!
Review • Explain Bellwork • What do you do when the release bell rings? • How can you make an “A”? • How will you know what we’re doing for the day? • What do you do when you miss a day? • Tell me one other thing from the syllabus.
STRONGSchedule • 8:00 - 8:10 Students report to their first hour classrooms. Mr. Lowery will start our day with announcements. • 8:10 - 8:30 Grades will begin to be dismissed to an assigned area in Boswell Gym. Teachers will be needed for supervision now and throughout the day. • 8:30 - 11:00 A series of different activities will take place in the gym. We will have our very first STEPPING UP celebration, hold a model pep assembly, learn some new stuff, and host an amazing motivational speaker, Eddie Slowikowski. • 11:00 -1:00 BY GRADE, the students will move throughout the school to the 4 stations where they will eat LUNCH, receive a STRONG -themed shirt, attend the CLUB ICEBREAKER, and have a talk from ADMINISTRATION. • 1:00-3:05 Attend SHORTENED PERIODS 1 through 7 with passing time. • 3:05-3:10 Announcements and Dismissal
Notecard Activity • pick up a note card • on one side you need to put your full name, your birthday, and then 2 truths and 1 fib about yourself. • We will be playing a game with these after we discuss the syllabus. • Decorate the other side of your card however you like. And yes, decorating it is part of the activity, thank you!
Name: Mrs. Hutton Birthdate: 10/26/84 1. I like to hunt 2. I like college basketball 3. I have one child Decorate this Side Example