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Unit 4 廊坊师范学院 罗文凤

Unit 4 廊坊师范学院 罗文凤. NHCE Book 3. Unit overview Introduction Teaching objectives Teaching plan Demo class. 2013-7- 说课. Introduction. WINTER. 《 新视野大学英语 (第二版)读写教程 3, Unit 4 Section A 为单元精讲内容,起语言学习的作用 Section B 起阅读技巧学习的作用。.

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Unit 4 廊坊师范学院 罗文凤

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  1. Unit 4廊坊师范学院罗文凤 NHCE Book 3 • Unit overview • Introduction • Teaching objectives • Teaching plan • Demo class 2013-7-说课

  2. Introduction WINTER • 《新视野大学英语 (第二版)读写教程3, Unit 4 • Section A 为单元精讲内容,起语言学习的作用 • Section B 起阅读技巧学习的作用。 Book 3Unit 4Section AFive Famous Symbols of American CultureSection B Engelbreit’s the Name, Cute Is My Game Template

  3. Teaching objectives WINTER • 使学生能条理分明地概述美国五大文化象征 • 使学生能用英语介绍中国文化象征 • 使学生能按时间顺序运用关键词进行有效写作 • 使学生理解本单元课文中的修辞性语言,做到掌握并能运用基本常见修辞手法 Template

  4. 教学对象: 二本院校 本科一年级学生(二级班) 网络自主+课堂教学模式: 课堂教学在多媒体教室进行,运用PPT和黑板. 教学方法: 任务教学法等 课时分配: 两周一单元,每周课堂教学2学时+学生网络自主2学时 课文A(2课时) 知识准备(10 ms) 课文导入及学习(80 ms) 总结与作业(10 ms) 课文B(1课时) 知识准备(10 ms) 课文导入及学习(30 ms) 答疑(10 ms) 写作(1课时) 知识准备(10 ms) 写作练习(30 ms) 总结与作业(10 ms) Teaching plan WINTER Template

  5. Demo class NHCE Book 3 教学内容: 本节课为课文A教学中自由女神像部分。 教学目标: 使学生理解和掌握文化象征介绍要素,形成合理知识链; 使学生能够运用介绍的几大要素,用英语对其他文化象征进行基本介绍。 The Stature of Liberty 2013-7-说课

  6. Teaching Procedures • Before class • Online resource • Online assignments • During Class • After class Demo class 2013-7-说课

  7. Background information The idea of creating the Statue of Liberty began in France at a dinner party hosted by Edouard Rene Lefebvre Laboulaye, a scholar. Laboulaye and Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi, a sculptor, began to discuss the idea of presenting the United States with a monument to memorializeindependence and human liberty.  Bartholdi sailed from France to New York on June 8, 1871, to propose the building of the statue to honor the friendship between France and the United States. As the ship pulled into New York Harbor, Bartholdi spotted the perfect location, Liberty Island.  Online resource

  8. Online assignments • Translate the following: to work on an enormous project called Liberty Enlightening the World approve of her son’s affection for a woman It is said that … someone whose face represents suffering yet strength to be dedicated on an island in Upper New York Bay

  9. Q&A What is its influence? Do you know /Could you tell me what its influence is? Work in pairs and deal with each symbol of American culture from the following aspects : what it is who created it what the creator was For what purpose he/she created it how he/she created it when it was created how the symbol was accepted what its influence is/how people feel about it Notes: tense, time sequence, interrogative sentence, Noun clauses Online assignments

  10. Make a PPT presentation on a symbol of Chinese culture. 1. Due time:next week 2. Grouping: a group of 5~6 3. Length:covering the topic 4. Presentation:5 minutes 5. Marking:10 points Suggested topics Online assignments

  11. Teaching Procedures • During class: • Step 1: Language Points • Step 2: Comprehension Questions • Step 3: PPT Presentation Demo class 2013-7-说课

  12. Language Points work on sth Translation: 他目前正在写一部新小说 He is working on a new novel. Fill in the blank: He sat up far into the night _______ on the documents (work). Comparison: work on (adv), work at sth. 01 working

  13. 02 Comprehension Questions • What is the Stature of Liberty? • Who built it? • What was the creator? • For what purpose did he/she create it? • How did he/she created it? • What is its influence? • It is astature/sculpture/gift from France/monument celebrating .../symbol of … • French artist Frederic Auguste Bartholdi built it as a monument celebrating US independence and the France-America alliance. • In the mid-1870s, he was working on a project …(in a time sequence)

  14. Typical sentences for the time sequence: 1. In the mid-1870s, French artist Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was working on an enormous project ….(Para. 2) 2. At the same time, he was in love with a woman whom he met in Canada. (Para. 2) 3. …, but Bartholdi went ahead and married his love in 1876. (Para. 2) 4. That same year Bartholdi had assembled the statue’s right arm … (Para. 3) 5. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on an island in Upper New York Bay in 1886. (Para. 4)

  15. 03 PPT Presentation • pictures and words (3 marks) • questions and answers (5 marks) • time control (2 marks)

  16. Teaching Procedures • After class: • Review • Online assignments • Translate the following (optional): • 长城始建于公元前三世纪秦始皇统治时期, 经过历代王朝陆续修建。 • 兴建长城主要是出于保护人民免受北方少数民族的侵袭。 • 长城由三部分组成。 • 据说修建长城所耗费的人力足以修建30座埃及金字塔。 • 长城东起山海关西至嘉峪关, 是世界闻名的古代建筑工程之一。 • 它是中国文化的象征,是古代人民智慧和勤劳的结晶。 • 1987年,它被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产之列。 NHCE Book 3 2013-7-说课

  17. The first wall was built during the reign of the First Emperor of Qin in the 3rd century BC and subsequent dynasties continued the project. It was built mainly to protect people from raids by northern tribes. It consists of three parts: the military passes, the walls, and beacon towers. It is said that the labor involved in building the Great Wall would have been adequate to build 30 Egyptian pyramids. Starting from Shanhaiguan in the east and ending at Jiayuguan in the west, the Great Wall is one of the world’s grandest ancient projects. It is the symbol of Chinese Culture and the crystallization of the wisdom and diligence of Chinese people in ancient times. In 1987, it was included in the World Cultural Heritages by UNESCO. 长城始建于公元前三世纪秦始皇统治时期, 经过历代王朝陆续修建。 兴建长城主要是出于保护人民免受北方少数民族的侵袭。 长城由三部分组成。。。。。。 据说修建长城所耗费的人力足以修建30座埃及金字塔。 长城东起山海关西至嘉峪关, 是世界闻名的古代建筑工程之一。 它是中国文化的象征,是古代人民智慧和勤劳的结晶。 1987年,它被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产之列。 The Great Wall

  18. 注释: • 关于长城的翻译 材料选取有关中国旅游和文化方面相关书籍。

  19. WINTER NHCE Book 3 Template Thanks ! Demo class

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