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Technology in Education. Sarah Deboard & Xiaodu Chen. Introduction.
Technology in Education Sarah Deboard& Xiaodu Chen
Introduction Education is a necessity in today’s society. Without it a child is unable to attend college and further more have the career they have always dreamed of. But is technology helping a students potential or is it causing damage?
Technology in Education (PRO) Instant Answers: • Using the Internet as a search engine allows for students to ask any question they may be curious about at any time. • Also in a classroom setting, a student may feel uncomfortable asking their teacher a question, so using technology the student can look up the answer discretely.
Technology in Education (PRO) Video Access: • Instead of a student having to read about a famous speech in a textbook, they can also watch the speech online. Now the student has a visual of what the era and speaker were like.
Technology in Education (PRO) Wider Access to Information: • Students can evolve their interests such as learning a new language or becoming involved in a charity and/or volunteer work. • Also students have the capability to talk and learn with students from all around the world.
Technology in Education (PRO) Social Learning: • Social learning allow students to share their ideas, feelings, and opinions with their peers online.
Technology in Education (PRO) Tablets for Every Student: • Enhances the students learning experience. • Tablets allow for a customizable learning experience for each individual student. • Digital assistant for the teacher.
Technology in Education (PRO) Statistics:
Technology in Education (CON) Common Issues with Students: • Because students spend too much time in typing with keyboards or texting, most students can’t spell and use grammar properly • Students can be addicted with games
Technology in Education (CON) Cost for Technology: • The cost can be high for schools and students. • Because school have to keep maintaining technology. • Also electronic textbooks may be more expensive then used books.
Technology in Education (CON) Division of Resources: • School may try to absorb costs and space from other programs • Also the time for training and maintaining the computer skills of teachers can also eliminate their time for training them in their main subject areas.
Technology in Education (CON) Take Away Learning Time: • Technological problems could happen sometimes, these can waste a lot of time to fix • It’s difficult to keep the same pace with students who have unequal computer skills.
Technology in Education (CON) Overuse by Teachers: • Physical and mental needs of students can’t be fulfilled • Some teachers use computers as the sole source of learning instead of tools for classroom circumstance
Technology in Education (CON) Deep Impact for Children: • Elevated exasperation: children could become angry, because game time or internet time are interrupting. • This kind of addiction of technology can shatter the relationship between parents and children • The patience of children are getting worse because of using technology improperly
Discussion Do the pros out way the cons? Or vice versa? If students were allowed to use tablets and/or phones in class, which grade do you think would benefit the most? Elementary or high school?