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Chapter 20. TO. Postwar Social Change (1920–1929). Women’s Changing Roles. Flapper - the new young woman 1- Smoked 2- Drank 3- Short Hair 4- Short Dresses (19.5 to 7 , school) 5- Rebellious. Charles Lindbergh. First to Fly Across the Atlantic Ocean (33hrs).
Chapter 20 TO Postwar Social Change (1920–1929)
Women’s Changing Roles • Flapper- the new young woman • 1- Smoked • 2- Drank • 3- Short Hair • 4- Short Dresses (19.5 to 7 , school) • 5- Rebellious
Charles Lindbergh • First to Fly Across the Atlantic Ocean (33hrs)
Americans on the Move • Changes in Demographics- stats that describe a population • African-American Migration North (story) • Barrios- Spanish Speaking Neighborhoods
18th amendment-prohibition 3 goals 1.) eliminate drunk and abuse at home 2.) stop prostitution and gambling 3.) prevent work absenteeism
Bootlegger-drinkers who had flasks of liquor in the legs or their boots-suppliers of illegal alcohol
Mass Media and Jazz • Mass media-are print, film, and broadcast methods of communication informing large numbers of people (FDR) • Jazz age is the term used to describe the 1920’s. • **Charleston Dance
Radio’s • Between 1922 and 1929 the number of household radio’s rose from 60,000 to 10,250,000. (A 16,983% increase) • This created a national culture Tesla
Charlie Chaplin • Widely known for his silent films • The big change in movies was the introduction of sound
Jazz • Was brought to northern cities by southern African Americans • The most popular place to listen to Jazz was the Harlem district of New York City
Lost Generation • Was a group of people disconnected from their country’s values • Many of them left the United States and settled in Paris (F. Scott Fitz)
Harlem Renaissance • Was an African American literary awakening • Leader was James Weldon Johnson
Racketeering • 1.) gangsters would bribe police and other officials to ignore illegal operations • 2.) gangsters forced local business and pay a fee for protection (157)
Fundamentalism • Set of religious beliefs held by religious traditionalists • Billy Sunday (100 mill/anti-booze)
Anti-Fundamentalism • 1.) Science played a bigger role • 2.) War caused more people to question God • 3.) Scholars said the Bible was written by humans (had contradictions)
Scopes “Monkey” Trial – A science teacher (John Scopes) was tried for teaching the theory of evolution in a science class in a public school in Tennessee.
Scopes Monkey Trial-first trial over the radio • Wanted to teach evolution in school • Men (Darrow) vs God (Bryan on stand) (teeth)
Race Riots • Were caused by overcrowded neighborhoods (double size, stone throwing) • Chicago 1919: 23 African-Americans killed and 15 white people killed
Revival of the KKK in the 1920’s • Hated: • AA’s • Catholics • Jews • Immigrants
Marcus Garvey • Wanted to send his people back to “Motherland Africa” • Ended up getting deported
Lenin and Communism • 1.)government owned all land and property • 2.) 1 party controlled government • 3.) countries needs took priority over the rights of individuals • Red scare-fear of communism and other politically racial ideas led to bank runs what is that?
Palmer Raids • Mitchell Palmer was United States Attorney General • His house was bombed which convinced him there was going to be a radical overthrow of government • Arrested thousands of possible socialists and communists (500,holiday)
Steel and Coal Strikes • Inflation doubled the cost of living • United States Steel Corporation, 350,000 and lost • United Mine Workers of America, won with a 14th percent raise
Isolationism- avoid political and economic alliances w/ foreign counties (LofN) • Disarmament- a program that the nations of the world would volunteer to give up weapons • Kellog-Briand Pact-60 nations pledged not to use the threat of war with one another, BUT UNREALISTIC AND NO ENFORCEMENT/ • Ex:I PROMISE NOT TO HIT YOU, HAVE KID SIGN A PIECE OF PAPER.
Domestic issues • 1- Patriotism • 2- Religion • 3- City/Urban Conditions • 4- Jobs • 5- Red Scare
Quota-numerical limit on immigrants representing certain nationsNational origins act of 1924 was based on 1890 census Ireland 1890 1,871,509 Italy 1890 44,230 Ireland 1920 744,810 Italy 1920 1,610,113
A Consumer Economy • Installment plan-partial payments at set intervals (girl from college)(90%) • GNP-total value of good and services a country produces annually
Welfare Capitalism • to avoid union intervention, prevent strikes and keep production up employers wages up • paid vacation • health • recreation programs
Cities and Suburbs in the 1920s • 6 million people moved from rural areas to the cities. • African Americans moved North to work in factories. • Mexicans moved into California and Texas as cheap labor. • Canadians moved into New England and New York to work in mills. • Increased transportation allowed suburbs to develop outside cities.
1920’s cont… • Between 1900 and 1920 life expectancy had risen by more than ten years • Unemployment was just below 4 percent!
Problems with the Economy • Despite all the stock market success, it was mainly the rich who got richer • In 1929, 200 large companies controlled American business