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Turbulence and Intermittency in the Solar Wind. R. Bruno 1 In collaboration with : 3 Carbone, V., 1 Bavassano, B., 1 D'Amicis, R., 4 Sorriso, L., 5 Pietropaolo, E 1 Istituto di Fisca dello Spazio Interplanetario, INAF, Rome , Italy
Turbulence and Intermittency in the Solar Wind R. Bruno1 In collaborationwith: 3Carbone, V., 1Bavassano, B., 1D'Amicis, R., 4Sorriso, L., 5Pietropaolo, E 1 Istituto di Fisca dello Spazio Interplanetario, INAF, Rome, Italy 3 Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` della Calabria, Rende, Italy. 4 Liquid Crystal Laboratory, INFM-CNR, Rende, Italy. 5 Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` di L'Aquila, Italy. Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and SpaceBelgian Institute for Space Aeronomy Brussels, Belgium 09-11 June 2010 [background pictureadaptedfromChanget al., 2004]
Interplanetary fluctuations show a well developed turbulence spectrum lT lC • Correlative Scale/Integral Scale: • the largest separation distance over which eddies are still correlated. • Taylor scale: • The scale size at which viscous dissipation begins to affect the eddies. • it marks the transition from the inertial range to the dissipation range. • Kolmogorov scale: • The scale size that characterizes the smallest dissipation-scale eddies typical IMF power spectrum in at 1 AU [Low frequency from Bruno et al., 1985, high freq. tail from Leamon et al, 1999] (Batchelor, 1970) Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Interplanetary fluctuations show a well developed turbulence spectrum lT lC • Correlative Scale/Integral Scale: • the largest separation distance over which eddies are still correlated. • Taylor scale: • The scale size at which viscous dissipation begins to affect the eddies. • it marks the transition from the inertial range to the dissipation range. • Kolmogorov scale: • The scale size that characterizes the smallest dissipation-scale eddies typical IMF power spectrum in at 1 AU [Low frequency from Bruno et al., 1985, high freq. tail from Leamon et al, 1999] (Batchelor, 1970) Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Large scales: Origin of K-1 (flicker noise) Ulysses • Observed in a wide varietyofsystems • first interpretationfor the IMF due toMatthaeus and Goldstein, 1986: • withinAlfvénicradius, mergingofmagneticstructures • multiplicativeprocess and characteristiclengthslognormallydistributed • spectrumwould derive from a superposition ofseveralsimilarsamplesrecordedduring long enoughtimeinterval • It can beshown (Montroll and Shlesinger, 1982) that the spectrumS(f)~1/f Matthaeus et al., ApJ, 2007 Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Large scales: Origin of K-1 (flicker noise) • Observed in a wide varietyofsystems • first interpretationfor the IMF due toMatthaeus and Goldstein, 1986: • withinAlfvénicradius, mergingofmagneticstructures • multiplicativeprocess and characteristiclengthslognormallydistributed • spectrumwould derive from a superposition ofseveralsimilarsamplesrecordedduring long enoughtimeinterval • It can beshown (Montroll and Shlesinger, 1982) that the spectrumS(f)~1/f • Numericalmodeling(Dmitruket al., 2002-2004): • Upwardtraveling low frequencywaves at coronal base are capableofself-generating1/f noise in density and B • 1/f notpresent in similarhydrodynamicssimulations (roleofmagneticfield) Compensated spectrum by Dmitruk et al., 2002-2004 Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Large scales: Origin of K-1 (flicker noise) • Observed in a wide varietyofsystems • first interpretationfor the IMF due toMatthaeus and Goldstein, 1986: • withinAlfvénicradius, mergingofmagneticstructures • multiplicativeprocess and characteristiclengthslognormallydistributed • spectrumwould derive from a superposition ofseveralsimilarsamplesrecordedduring long enoughtimeinterval • It can beshown (Montroll and Shlesinger, 1982) that the spectrumS(f)~1/f • Numericalmodeling(Dmitruket al., 2002-2004): • Upwardtraveling low frequencywaves at coronal base are capableofself-generating1/f noise in density and B • 1/f notpresent in similarhydrodynamicssimulations (roleofmagneticfield) • Full disk magnetograms(Nakagawa & Levine, 1974): • the1/k spectral region found in photospheric observations seems to be a clear candidate for involvement in the appearance of the interplanetary 1/f signal. Nakagawa and Levine, 1974 Possible link between the structuredsurfaceof the sun and 1/f scaling in IMF
Possible link alsobetween the structuredcoronal base and in-situobservationsof density fluctuations (Telloniet al., 2009) Proton density fluctuations* at 2.3 RSUN (UVCS/SOHO)are comparedtoHelios 2measurementsperformed at 64 RSUN Similarcoronalimprintf-2at largescales Telloniet al, ApJ, 706, 238, 2009 (*) the fluctuations of Lyαemission observed in corona can be generally associated with neutral hydrogen density variations [Bemporad et al., 2008, Telloni et al., 2009] Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
1 hour Gaussianityoflarge scale fluctuations 1 day Proton Gyrofrequency flatness • No intermittency at these scales • Fluctuations are already decorrelated (Gaussian) for time delays << stream duration Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
dB-dValignment vs scale and heliocentricdistance As the windexpandsturbulenceevolution and compressive effectsdecoupledB-dV in fast wind, startingfrom the largestscales [seeliterature in Tu and Marsch 1995, Bruno and Carbone 2005] Helios 2 observations Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Poweranisotropy at differentscales Largescales are scarselyanisotropic 2 Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Intermediate scales characterized by turbulence scaling K-5/3 Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
The presenceof a Kolmogorovscalingimpliesthat Since Z-cannotbeofsolarorigin, the conditionaboverequires generation mechanisms at work: In the ecliptic, velocityshear (Coleman, 1968) and dynamicalignment (Dobrowolnyet al., 1982, Matthaeuset al., 2008) At high latitude, parametricdecayisabletoreproduceUlyssesobservations (Bavassanoet al, 2000, Malaraet al, 2000) Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
dB-dValignment vs scale and heliocentricdistance Intermediate scales are the mostAlfvénicwithin fast wind [seeliterature in Tu and Marsch 1995, Bruno and Carbone 2005] Helios 2 observations Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Poweranisotropy at differentscales smallscales are stronglyanisotropic, partly due toAlfvénicfluctuations 20 min 2 Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
First anisotropystudy in termsof k and k// in the solarwindbyBieberet al., 1996 Analysisperformed in slow wind Kdominates on k// asweanalyzedirections at largerangleswithmagneticfield Turbulencemadeof 2D+SLAB [Matthaeuset al., 1990] Analysisperformed in slow wind SimilarresultsbyHorburyet al., 2008 2D Thus, the slab turbulence due to Alfvénic fluctuations would be a minor component of interplanetary MHD turbulence SLAB Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
MHD turbulence in terms of R and C (scale < 1hr) SLOW WIND FAST WIND 0.9 AU 0.9 AU [adaptedfrom Bruno et al., 2007] Alfvénicpopulation Thisdifferenceaffects the anisotropy Advectedstructureswithmagneticenergyexcess Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Bavassanoet al., 1982 foundthatanisotropyofmagneticfieldfluctuationsincreaseswithheliocentricdistance Analysisperformedwith the samecorotatingstreamobserved at differentheliodistances [Bavassanoet al., 1982] fieldcompressibilityincreasesewithheliocentricdistance anisotropyofmagneticfieldfluctuationsincreaseswithheliocentricdistance Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Itwasshownthatanisotropyisreducedbyremovingintermittenteventsfrom |B|, i.e. the most compressive magneticeventsoutside a normaldistribution [Bruno et al., 1999] Local Intermittency Measure technique (Farge et al., 1990; Farge, 1992) based on waveletdecomposition The Flatness Factorof the wavelet coefficients at a given scale , i.e. LIM2, is equivalent to the Flatness Factor FF of data at the same scale (Meneveau, 1991 ) [adaptedfrom Bruno et al., 1999] Thus, values of FF()>3 allow to localize events which lie outside the Gaussian statistics and cause Intermittency.
Anomalous scaling of IMF is well inside inertial range Inertial range flatness Proton Gyrofrequency Proton Gyrofrequency Intermittency starts within the inertial range at about 2 decades away from the dissipation range. Intermittency at these scales doesn’t seem to be due to dissipative processes
PDFs of other parameters can be rescaled The PDF of dr, dB2, drV2, dVB2can be rescaled under the following change of variable (Hnat et al., 2002, 2003, 2004) The heightof the peaksrescales • Thisstudyshowedthat: • the distributionis non Gaussianbutitisstable and symmetric and can bedescribedby a single parameter monofractal • The process can bedescribedby a finite rangeLévywalk (scales up to 26 hours) • A Fokker-Planckapproach can beusedtostudy the dynamicsof PDF(db2)
LocalIntermittencyMeasuretechniqueallowsto locate intermittentevents (Farge, 1990) Cluster s/c 3 data (Bruno and Carbone, 2005) The waiting times are distributed according to a power law PDF(Δt) ~Δt-β long range correlations Thus, the generating process is not Poissonian. Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
LocalIntermittencyMeasuretechniqueallowsto locate intermittentevents (Farge, 1990) Cluster s/c 3 data thisintermittenteventmarks the borderbetweendifferent plasma regions Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
LocalIntermittencyMeasuretechniqueallowsto locate intermittentevents (Farge, 1990) Cluster s/c 3 data Vz Vx Vy Bz Twodifferentregions are identified and fluctuationswithineachofthem are Alfvénic Bx By Magneticfield in Alfvénunits Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Severalstudies on eventssimilarto the previousonecontributedto formulate the spaghetti-likemodel [Bruno et al., 2001] A spacecraftcrossingthisstructurewould record a seriesofintermittenteventsembedded in anoceanofGaussian, Alfvénicfluctuations s/c trajectory the sharp directional changes of magnetic field occurring typically across interwoven flux tubes can lead to slow magnetic reconnection and additional heating of the solar wind. [Vöröset al., 2010] Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Several contribution have been given in this direction in the past years (Thiemeet al., 1988, 1989;Tu et al., 1989, 1997;Tu and Marsch, 1990, 1993;Bieber and Matthaeus, 1996; Crooker et al., 1996; Bruno et al., 2001, 2003, 2004; Chang and Wu, 2002; Chang, 2003; Chang et al., 2004; Tu and Marsch, 1992, Chang et al., 2002, Borovsky, 2006, 2009, Li, 2007, 2008, Vörös et al., 2010) Similar pictures 2D+SLAB [Tu and Marsch, 1992] [Bieber, Wanner and Matthaeus, 1996] 2D+SLAB Structuresproducingintermittencymightbeeitherofsolar nature and advectedby the wind or locallygeneratedbynon-linearturbulenceevolution (Chang et al., 2002)
Some remarks Compressive eventsincreaseintermittency Intermittentevents can increase the poweranisotropyoffluctuations Then: compressive eventsmight play a role in poweranisotropy Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Some remarks Compressive eventsincreaseintermittency Intermittentevents can increase the poweranisotropyoffluctuations Then: compressive eventsmight play a role in poweranisotropy Withthis in mind, we look at poweranisotropybeyondfC [Leamon et al., 1998, 1999, Bale et al., 2005, Hamilton et al., 2008, Podesta, 2009, Sahraoui et al., 2009, etc…] Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Power anisotropy study from Podesta, 2009 KAWsdissipation?? [curves arbitrarily shifted vertically] KAWscascade • Inertialrange: • energycascadedirectedprimarilyperpendicularto the meanmagfield [Shebalinet al., 1983; Oughtonet al., 1994; Matthaeuset al., 1996] • poweranisotropyincreaseseswithwavenumber • “Dissipation” range: • The newcascade (KAWs?) starts at ki 1 [i.e. S/C 0.5Hz, in this case] when the fkuid-likebehaviorbreaks down • poweranisotropyincreaseseswithwavenumber • The secondpeakmarksbeginningofKAWsdissipation? [q angle between local mean field and radial direction]
Observational evidence for Alfvén waves – KAWs transition in the solar wind [Bale et al., 2005, Cluster data] wavelets electric field and magnetic field k−5/3 inertial sub-range is observed up to ki~1 (Electricspectrumarbitrarily offset tooverlapmagneticspectrum) FFT the wave phase speed in this regime is shown to be consistent with the Alfvén speed The red curve approximates the dispersion relation forKAWs (vk2i2). For whistler waves (vki). itwouldrunmuchlowerfor ki>1 [Bale et al., 2005] Good correlation between the electric and magnetic power (as black dots) and good cross-coherence of Ey with Bz (as blue dots) suggest KAW Moreover, Sahraoui et al., 2009 extended the study to the electron gyroscale where they identified dissipative processes of KAWs
A newcascadingrangebeyondfciconfirmedbybyAlexandrovaet al., 2008, 2009 using Cluster magneticobservations Intermittency increases (Alexandrovaet al., 2008, 2009) (Alexandrovaet al., 2008, 2009) The presenceof a power-lawspectrum (insteadof a roughexponentialcutoff) and the increaseofintermittencysuggest the presenceof a newcascadingrange (Stawickiet al., 2001, Baleet al., 2005, Sahraouiet al., 2006, 2009) The cascadehas a compressiblecharacter. Compressibilityseemstogovern the spectralindexk-7/3+2awherea is the compressibility (Alexandrovaet al., 2008, 2009)
A newcascadingrangebeyondfciconfirmedbybyAlexandrovaet al., 2008, 2009 using Cluster magneticobservations Intermittency increases (Alexandrovaet al., 2008, 2009) (Alexandrovaet al., 2008, 2009) • Hollweg, 1999: • KAWs become strongly compressive when ki1. • The compression is accompanied by a magnetic field fluctuation δB‖ such that the total pressure perturbation δptot ≈ 0
Differentconclusionsaboutintermittency in the “dissipation” range [Kiyaniet al., PRL 2009] multifractal monofractal Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Perriet al., 2008, 2009, performed a minimum variancestudy in thisfrequencyrange, focusing on the anisotropyof the fluctuations Cluster mag data resolution f=22Hz (Perri et al., 2009) (Perri et al., 2009) Power law Time series and probability distribution function for the max eigenvalue at three different scales (46s, 1.5s, 0.2s) Intermittent behavior • The PDFs evolve with the scale, becoming power laws at scales smaller than the ion cyclotron scale. • Similarbehaviourfor the othereigenvalues Whatis the possiblemechanismtoreproducethisbehavior?
Looking at the distributionofangularfluctuationsofBvector on a time scale of 0.045 sec (i.e.22Hz) ~6 minutes Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Looking at the distributionofangularfluctuationsofBvector on a time scale of 0.045 sec (i.e.22Hz) ~6 minutes Distributionobtainedfrom Cluster 1,2,3,4 data at the time scale of 0.045s Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Sametypeofdistribution at largerscales, within the inertialrange whistlers and KAW ? Alfvénic turbulence Coherent structures a [°] (Bruno et al., 2004) Distributionobtainedfrom Cluster 1,2,3,4 data at the time scale of 0.045s DistributionobtainedfromHelios data at the time scale of 6s, high frequencyterminationof the inertialrange Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
A Toy Model to reproduce Cluster observations a We allow the tip of a vector to move randomly on the surface of a sphere. The distribution of the angle a between 2 successive orientations of the vector follows the double-lognormal distribution obtained from Cluster observations Distributionobtainedfrom Cluster 1,2,3,4 data at the time scale of 0.045s Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
moreover, weaddedcompressions in the fieldintensity • wetriedtoreproduce the same compressive levelfound in real data (similarspectra) • compressionsrevealedto play animportantrole in thistoymodel (seenextslides) Compressibility(f) S|B|(f)/SC(f) Compressionsadded: s|B|/<|B|>~3% Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
minimum variancestudybyPerriet al., 2008, 2009 Cluster mag data resolution f=22Hz (Perri et al., 2009) (Perri et al., 2009) Power law Time series and probability distribution function for the max eigenvalue at three different scales (46s, 1.5s, 0.2s) Intermittent behavior • The PDFs evolve with the scale, becoming power laws at scales smaller than the ion cyclotron scale. • Similarbehaviourfor the othereigenvalues Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Max eigenvalue behavior from Toy Model (from Toy-Model) (from Toy-Model) The Toy Model reproduces qualitatively the results obtained in the solar wind Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Max eigenvalue behavior from Toy Model (from Toy-Model) (from Toy-Model) Gaussiancharacter intermittent character Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Time behavior of the angle Qbetween minvar direction and mean field direction at three different scales. (from Toy-Model) (from Perri et al., 2009) Similarprofilesobtainedfromtoymodel Resultsfrom Cluster Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
PDFs in the Solar Wind (from Perri et al., 2009) (from Toy-Model) Dt=46 sec Dt=1.5 sec Dt=0.2 sec Striking similarity between these PDFs and those found in the SW Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
The effect of compressions (from Toy-Model) (from Perri et al., 2009) Dt=46 sec Dt=1.5 sec Dt=0.2 sec Withcompressions W/O compressions Without compressions the toy doesn’t work well Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
summary • k-1frequencyrange: • possible link with the structured surface of the sun • fluctuationsare Gaussian • poweranisotropy (P/P// >1) increaseseswithwavenumber • k-5/3inertialrange: • fluctuationsmixedwithadvectedstructures • intermittencymore than 2 freq. decadesbefore the “dissipationrange”, • intermittencylinkedto compressive structures and currentsheets. • possibleflux tube structure • poweranisotropy (P/P// >1) increaseseswithwavenumber • Beyond the protoncyclotronfreq.: • newcascade(KAWs or/and whistlers) • intermittencyincreasesagain, • importantroleplayedbycompressionsconfirmedbyanisotropystudies Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
Turbulence and Multifractals in Geophysics and Space Brussels 9-11 June 2010
These flux tubes should look like interplanetary flux ropes WIND data, 20-09-1995 Force-free structure for which (Feng et al., 2007) (Lundquist, 1950) Some helicitymesureshouldbeabletounravel the presenceofthesestructures
Measurements in the solar wind, onboard a spacecraft, are essentially collinear along the radial direction, so a full Fourier decomposition is not possible and we have to reduce to one-dimensional spectra (reduced spectra) Matthaeus and Goldstein (1982) provided the following expression for the reduced spectrum of Hm The tensor S23is the Fourier transform of the correlation function R23 In practice, if collinear measurements are made along the X direction, the reduced magnetic helicity spectrum is given by: where Y and Z are the Fourier transforms of By and Bz components, respectively 48
Results in the solar wind do not show a definite sign Within the MHD regime, Hm has no clear dominant sign in the inertial range, especially at high frequencies (Matthaeus and Goldstein, 1982) (Goldstein et al., 1991)
Adopting the wavelet transform to study Hm in the solar wind a wavelet is a localized function which can be translated and re-scaled unlike the Fourier transform, the wavelet transform allows to unfold a signal both in time and frequency (or space and scale). Wavelet analysis is particularly useful to study non-stationary processes Wy(k,t) and Wz(k,t) wavelet transform of By(t) and Bz(t) Normalized magnetic helicity