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Abundances in the Solar Atmosphere and in the Solar Wind. Tuesday PM and Wednesday AM Enrico Landi (University of Michigan) Daniel Wolf Savin (Columbia University). How to collapse 5 hours of talks and discussion into a 15 minute summary. Cleary that’s not possible.
Abundances in the Solar Atmosphere and in the Solar Wind • Tuesday PM and Wednesday AM • EnricoLandi (University of Michigan) • Daniel Wolf Savin (Columbia University)
How to collapse 5 hours of talks and discussion into a 15 minute summary • Cleary that’s not possible. • I’ve picked some highlights to illustrate the subjects covered. • Hopefully this will give a flavor of the Session. • Apologies in advance to the speakers for mangling what they presented in the Session.
Spectroscopic Determination of Solar Atmosphere Abundances (Peter Young) • Abundances say something about solar physics FIP bias (corona/photosphere) First Ionization Potential (eV)
FIP bias measurements in the solar corona show significant variability • Coronal holes • no FIP bias (reasonably solid result) • Quiet Sun • FIP bias = 2 to 4 • Transition region not consistent with corona • Active regions • FIP bias seems to vary with age of structures • Different structures in same AR have different biases • Interpreting these results is hindered by a lack of quantitative theoretical models.
Solar Wind Heavy Ions Over Solar Cycle 23: ACE/SWICS Measurements (Sue Lepri) • How much do distribution and fractional contribution from each type of wind changes over solar cycle? • Goal is to study the solar cycle evolution of both the fast and slow solar wind using ecliptic plane in-situ data. • How do plasma parameters, charge state distributions and elemental composition evolve with solar cycle? • Do the fast and slow wind properties evolve in the same way?
ACE/SWICS elemental composition measurements over solar cycle 23 • Heavy elements depleted towards solar minimum, with slow wind becoming more depleted than fast. • This is in line with predictions for enhanced Coulomb drag, predicted for lower coronal densities. • FIP bias preserved in slow wind, ordering changes in fast. • Abundances behavior suggests reduced proton flux from corona & less efficient acceleration of heavy ions. • Interpreting these results is hindered by a lack of quantitative theoretical models.
Poster presentations of other in-situ studies • Polar and equatorial coronal hole winds at solar minima: ACE & Ulysses observations • P81:Liang Zhang • Correlation of heavy ion dropouts with heliosphericand magnetic structures • P83: Micah Weberg
PLENARY: Elemental Fractionation in the Solar Corona and Wind (Martin Laming) • FIP Effect due to action of ponderomotive force in chromosphere acting on ions, not neutrals. • Coronal loop acts as resonant cavity for Alfvénwaves. • Alfvén waves can have either chromospheric or coronal origin. • Waves originating in loop (generally resonant) imply a positive FIP effect as well as He depletion.
Ponderomotive model does good job of reproducing FIP effect in slow & fast wind.
Variations of Elemental Composition in the Solar Wind and SEPs (KuenKo)
Variations of Elemental Composition in the Solar Wind and SEPs (KuenKo) • Abundance variations w/corresponding changes at origin are critical to understand solar wind formation. • Such studies need accurate 3D global coronal magnetic field data. • Spectroscopic data needed for wide range of temperatures and of both low and high FIP elements. • Need also spectroscopic and in-situ data that match in space and in time.
Chromospheric abundances from solar flare gamma-ray spectra (Gerry Share)
Simulation of S-Web Corridor Dynamics: Implications for Solar Wind (Aleida Young) • What is the S-Web theory for slow solar wind? • Why is it critical for interpreting solar wind observations? • Current efforts to model S-web corridors. • See P083 for more details.
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