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Comprehensive Job Analysis Guidelines

Learn the process, benefits, and implementation of job analysis in HR practices. Understand job evaluation, job description, and job specification. Discover methods such as observation, interviews, and questionnaires to collect relevant job data.

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Comprehensive Job Analysis Guidelines

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  1. Job Analysis & Evaluation Strategy 19 June 2014 Prepared by : Yunus Triyonggo, HR Practitioner 19 June 2014 Prepared By : Yunus Triyonggo, HR practitioner

  2. Job Analysis (ANALISIS PEKERJAAN) • Apa yang dimaksud dengan job analysis? • Apa manfaat dari job analysis ? • Metode job analysis ? • Pelaksanaannya dan masalah

  3. What is a job? • Sekelompok posisi yang agak serupa dalam hal elemen-elemen pekerjaannya, tugas-tugas dan tanggung jawab yang dicakup oleh deskripsi pekerjaan yang sama. • Similar, but different concepts: • position: kombinasi kewajiban2 yang dibutuhkan oleh seseorang dalam menunaikan suatu pekerjaan. • occupation: kategori pekerjaan yang dijumpai pada perusahaan-perusahaan.

  4. Don’t Mix These Up!! • Job Analysis: Proses yang sistematis dari menghimpun informasi dari tugas, kewajiban dan tanggung jawab dari pekerjaan tertentu. • Job Description: pernyataan faktual dan terorganisasi perihal kewajiban dan tanggung jawab pekerjaan tertentu. • Job Specification: menunjukkan kualitas yang disyaratkan bagi pelaksanaan yang dapat diterima. • Job Evaluation: proses sistematik dan beruntun untuk menentukan nilai suatu pekerjaan (menentukan kompensasi).

  5. Job Analysis The systematic process of collecting relevant, work-related information related to the nature of a specific job.

  6. Many Reasons for Job Analysis • Internal Consistency • Wage Setting • Job Evaluation • Standardizing Job Titles • Transfers and Promotions • Merit Rating • Adjustment of Grievances • Almost all HR decisions are based on job information • Machine Design and Changes • Test Development • Safety Engineering • Hiring Specifications • Training • Skill Inventory

  7. Manfaat Job Analysis? • Analisispenyusunankepegawaian: Informasipekerjaan. • Desainorganisasi : menganalisiselemen, menyusunposisi org. • Redesainpekerjaan : untukmeningkatkanmetodepek., mengurangikesalahan, eliminasi yang tidakperlu, perbaikankinerja.

  8. Manfaat Job Analysis? • Telaah dan Perencanaan Kerja • Suksesi Manajemen • Pelatihan dan pengembangan • Jalur karir • Kriteria seleksi • Evaluasi pekerjaan

  9. Pertimbangan Strategik dalam JOB ANALYSIS • Tingkat partisipasi karyawan dalam proses job analysis. • Pelaksanaan job analysis (rincian proses) • Waktu pelaksanaan job analysis • Keputusan penggunaan orientasi (tradisional / masa depan)

  10. KRITERIA TEKNIK JOB ANALYSIS • Keandalan (reliability) : Ukuran konsistensi • Validitas : ukuran akurasi Menghimpun data dari kary dan superv. • Tujuan analisis

  11. What Data to Collect? • Job Title • Describe Job • job content and worker characteristics • Task Data • describes actual work performed and the purpose of these tasks • Behavioral Data • behaviors expected of workers • Essential Job Duties

  12. Who is Involved? • Who Collects the Data? • Usually a new employee • However, should be an experienced employee familiar with the company and its jobs. • Who Provides the Data? • Job holders, Supervisors, Subordinates, Peers, Analyst

  13. How can Data be Collected? • Observation (Time and Motion Studies) • Analisis Pekerjaan Fungsional • Interviews • Questionnaires • Position Analyst Questionnaires (PAQ) • Diary/Log

  14. Observation (Time and Motion Studies) • Mengobservasi orang yang melaksanakan pekerjaan • Pekerjaan diasumsikan konstan sepanjang waktu. • Tujuan : untuk menganalisis persyaratan dari pekerjaan, bukan menilai.

  15. Analisis Pekerjaan Fungsional • The Department of Labor • Job analyst uses observation methods to gather information about an employee • Information organized into 3 categories • Data • People • Things

  16. Contoh Analisis Pekerjaan Fungsional Work Functions Data Orang Barang 0. Pensintesaan 0. Penasihatan 0. Penetapan 1. Koordinasi 1. Negosiasi 1. Bekerja cermat 2. Analisis 2. Instruksi 2. Pengendalian 3. Pengumpulan 3. Penyeliaan 3. Dorongan 4. Komputasi 4. Peragaman 4. Manipulasi 5. Penyalinan 5. Pembujukan 5. Pemeliharaan 6. Pembandingan 6. Pembicaraan 6. Pemberian 7. Pelayanan 7. Penanganan 8. Melayani Skor ditemukan dengan melakukan observasi, nilai 0 untuk nilai tertinggi

  17. Interviews • Ada 3 jenis ( inidividu, kelompok karyawan, kelompok supervisor) • Validitas tgt pada : • Penggunaan metode sistematik • Sampel yang diambil • Kelemahan : distorsi informasi • Diperlukan informasi tambahan.

  18. Guidelines for conducting job analysis interviews • Put the worker at ease; establish rapport. • Make the purpose of the interview clear. • Encourage the worker to talk by using empathy creativity. • Help the worker to think and talk according to the logical sequence of the duties performed. • Ask the worker only one question at a time. • Phrase questions carefully so that the answers will be more than just “yes” or “no”. • Avoid asking leading questions. • Secure specified and complete information pertaining to the work performed and the • worker’s traits. • Conduct the interview in plain, easy language. • Consider the relationship of the present job to other jobs in the department. • Control the time and subject matter of the interview. • Be patient and considerate to the worker. • Summarise the information obtained before closing the interview. • Close the interview promptly.

  19. Questionnaires • Kuesioner yang disesuaikan dengan aktivitas organisasi. • Informasi untuk membongkar tugas, tanggung jawab, kemampuan, standar kinerja pekerjaan. • Kuesioner : analisis kuantitatif

  20. Partial job analysis questionnaire The information about a job is usually collected through a structured questionnaire: • JOB ANALYSIS INFORMATION FORMAT • Your Job Title_______________ Code__________Date_____________ • Class Title_______________ Department_____________________ • Your Name_________________ Facility___________________________ • Superior’s Title______________ Prepared by_______________________ • Superior’s Name____________ Hours Worked______AM______to AM____ • PM PM • What is the general purpose of your job? • What was your last job? If it was in another organisation, please name it. • To what job would you normally expect to be promoted? Cont…

  21. Partial job analysis questionnaire • 4. If you regularly supervise others, list them by name and job title. • 5. If you supervise others, please check those activities that are part of your supervisory duties: • ¨ Hiring ¨ Coaching ¨ Promoting • ¨ Orienting ¨ Counselling ¨ Compensating • ¨ Training ¨ Budgeting ¨ Disciplining • ¨ Scheduling ¨ Directing ¨ Terminating • ¨ Developing ¨ Measuring Performances ¨ Other____________ • How would you describe the successful completion and results of your work? • Job Duties – Please briefly describe WHAT you do and, if possible, How you do it. Indicate those duties you consider to be most important and/or most difficult: Cont…

  22. Partial job analysis questionnaire • (a) Daily Duties • Periodic Duties (Please indicate whether weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) • Duties Performed at Irregular Intervals • Education – Please check the blank that indicates the educational requirements for • the job, not your own educational background. • ¨ No formal education required ¨ College degree • ¨  Less than high school diploma ¨ Education beyond graduate • ¨  High school diploma or equivalent degree and/or professional license. • ¨  College certificate or equivalent • List advanced degrees or specified professional license or certificate required. • Please indicate the education you had when you were placed on this job.

  23. Position Analyst Questionnaires (PAQ) • Position Analysis Questionaire (PAQ) menggambarkan pentingnya suatu unsur dasar. • PAQ menyajikan skor kuantitatif: • Informasi input • Proses mental • Output kerja • Relationship • Job contex

  24. Employee activities in PAQ • Information Input: Where and how does the employee get the information he/she uses in • performing his/her job. • Examples: • Use of written materials. • Near-visual differentiation. • 2. Mental Processes: What reasoning, decision making, planning and information- processing activities are involved in performing the job? • Examples: • Levels of reasoning in problem solving. • Coding/decoding • Physical activities: What physical activities does the employee perform and what tools or • devices does he/she use? • Examples: • Use of Keyboard devices. • Assembling/disassembling. Cont…

  25. Employee activities in PAQ 4. Relationships with other people: What relationships with other people are required in performing the job? Examples: Instructing. Contacts with public, customers. 5. Job context: In what physical and social context is the work performed? Examples: High temperature. Interpersonal conflict situations. 6. Other Job characteristics: What activities, conditions, or characteristics other than those described above are relevant to the job? Examples: Specified work pace. Amount of job structure.

  26. Diary/Log • Pencatatan secara berkala tugas, aktivitas karyawan • Analisis yang membutuhkan waktu, ketelitian yang tinggi dan biaya yang mahal. • Berguna untuk menganalisis struktur kerja, organisasi, persyaratan staff, kebutuhan pelatihan.

  27. Masalah2 dalam JOB ANALYSIS • Ketakutan karyawan (ancaman pekerjaan, tingkat gaji, tingkat produksi). • Mengumpulkan informasi yang mutakhir.

  28. Keberhasilan JOB ANALYSIS • Komitmen manajemen puncak • Keterlibatan serikat pekerja • Keterlibatan karyawan • Komunikasi yang efektif • Penugasan personalia untuk pelaksanaan • Penggunaan pakar • Pengumpulan data • Penggunaan alat dan teknik yang tepat. • Penggunaan komite untuk pengawas.

  29. The Job Description: The Result of Job Analysis General Format of a Job Description • Job Title • General Summary of Job • Essential Job Duties and Responsibilities • Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Required • Working Conditions • Dates and Approvals • Disclaimer Statement

  30. Tips on Writing Job Descriptions • Avoid jargon and “inflationary” adjectives • Use the most descriptive verb possible to describe job tasks and activities. • Knowledge, skills and abilities listed must be specific, realistic, and justifiable. • Indicate the intensity, frequency and duration for physical or mental effort. • Accurate, legally defensible JD’s are a necessity!

  31. Specimen of Job Description Title Compensation manager Code HR/2310 Department Human Resource Department Summary Responsible for the design and administration of employee compensation programmes. Duties v Conduct job analysis. v Prepare job descriptions for current and projected positions. v Evaluate job descriptions and act as Chairman of Job Evaluation Committee. v Insure that company’s compensation rates are in tune with the company’s philosophy. Cont…

  32. Specimen of Job Description v Relate salary to the performance of each employee. Conduct periodic salary surveys. v Develop and administer performance appraisal programme. v Develop and oversee bonus and other employee benefit plans. v Develop an integrated HR information system. Working conditions Normal. Eight hours per day. Five days a week. Report to Director, Human Resource Department. Job specification: it offers a profile of human characteristics (knowledge, skills and abilities) needed by a person doing a job.

  33. Specimen of job specification Education v MBA with specialisation in HRM/MA in social work/PG Diploma in HRM/MA in industrial psychology. v A degree or diploma in Labour Laws is desirable. Experience v At least 3 years’ experience in a similar position in a large manufacturing company. Skill, Knowledge, Abilities v Knowledge of compensation practices in competing industries, of job analysis procedures, of compensation survey techniques, of performance appraisal systems. v Skill in writing job descriptions, in conducting job analysis interviews, in making group presentations, in performing statistical computations v Ability to conduct meetings, to plan and prioritise work. Work Orientation Factors v The position may require upto 15 per cent travel. Age v Preferably below 30 years.

  34. Job Evaluation

  35. Definition An assessment of the relative worth of various jobs on the basis of a consistent set of job and personal factors, such as qualifications and skillsrequired. According to Kimball and Kimball, “Job evaluation represents an effort to determine the relative value of every job in a plant and to determine what the fair basic wage for such a job should be.”

  36. Objective of Job Evaluation • The objective of job evaluation is to determine which jobs should get more pay than others. • Gather information and data relating to job description, job specification and employee specifications of various jobs in the organizations. • To determine the hierarchy/Rank based jobs in the organization. • To determine duties, responsibilities and demands of the job with that of other jobs.

  37. Goal of Job Evaluation

  38. Factors in Job Evaluation Job evaluators often assess jobs based on these factors:

  39. Steps in job evaluation

  40. Analyze job evaluation methods • Five Job Evaluation are most commonly used : • Ranking • Classification • Point Evaluation • Factor Comparison • Market Comparison

  41. Ranking • Ranking jobs is the easiest, fastest, and least expensive approach to job evaluation. • Jobs are arranged in order form from highest to lowest based on their relative value to your organization. • Advantages     Simplicity is the main advantage in using a ranking system. It is also easy to communicate the results to employees, and it is easy to understand. • Disadvantages    Ranking jobs is subjective. Jobs are evaluated, and their value and complexity are often assessed on the basis of opinion. Also, when creating a new job, existing jobs must be reranked to accommodate the new position.

  42. Classification • The general purpose of job classification is to create and maintain pay grades for comparable work across your organization. • Universities, government, employers and agencies, and other large organizations with limited resources typically use job classification systems. • Advantage     Job classification is simple once you establish your categories. You can assign new jobs and jobs with changing responsibilities within the existing system. • Disadvantages     Job classification is subjective, so jobs might fall into several categories. Decisions rely on the judgment of the job evaluator. Job evaluators must evaluate jobs carefully because similar titles might describe different jobs from different work sites.

  43. Point Evaluation • In a point evaluation system, you express the value of a particular job in monetary terms. You first identify compensable factors that a group of jobs possess. Based on these factors, you assign points that numerically represent the description and range of the job. • Examples of compensable factors are skills required, level of decision-making authority, number of reporting staff members, and working conditions. • Advantage     This method is often viewed as less biased than other methods . • Disadvantages     Subjective decisions about compensable factors and the associated points assigned might be dominate.

  44. Factor Comparison • Job evaluators rank jobs that have similar responsibilities and tasks according to points assigned to compensable factors. • The evaluators then analyze jobs in the external labor market to establish the market rate for such factors. • Jobs across the organization are then compared to the benchmark jobs according to the market rate of each job's compensable factors to determine job salaries. • Advantage :This method results in customized job-ranking. • Disadvantage: Compensable factor comparison is a time-consuming and subjective process.

  45. Market Comparison • Job evaluators compare compensation for your organization's jobs to the market rate for similar jobs. This method requires accurate market-pricing surveys.

  46. Reasons for Job Evaluation • To determine what positions and job responsibilities are similar for purposes of pay, promotions, lateral moves, transfers. assignments and assigned work, and other internal parity issues. • To determine appropriate pay or salary grades and decide other compensation issues. • To help with the development of job descriptions, job specifications, performance standards, competencies, and the performance appraisal system. • To assist with employee career paths, career planning or  pathing and succession planning. • To assist the employee recruiting process by having in place job responsibilities that assist in the development of job postings, the assessment of applicant qualifications, suitable compensation and salary negotiation, and other factors related to recruiting employees

  47. Compensation and benefit specialist Is responsible for developing: • A fair compensation plan. • A successful job evaluation system which can help in making the organization's pay system equitable, understandable, legally defensible, approachable, and externally competitive.

  48. Problems During Job Evaluation • No centralized job catalog. For many organizations that may or may not have conducted formalized job evaluations their results are often stored in excel spreadsheets that are shared between HR professionals as needed.  The task of managing and updating these files becomes unmanageable. • No standard approach for evaluation of jobs. Many organizations conduct ranking that is based on salary or a somewhat subjective measure that is often not repeatable. • Maintenance of catalog and expenses: If an organization elects to conduct formalized job evaluation the process usually requires a consultant to come in and use a specialized methodology that will allow the organization to get an accurate analysis of their job structure.  .

  49. Problems During Job Evaluation • Corporate governance. This is a problem more and more companies are facing as they take their businesses into the global marketplace. How do you account for dramatic differences in job requirements based on geography, and who should be in charge of updating and managing those differences?   • Salary surveys If your organization participates in salary surveys how do you gain the comfort level that the comparison you are making between your jobs and the industry is accurate? • Workflow Managing the workflow of a job evaluation. To conduct an accurate evaluation requires input from multiple sources, how do you keep track of where you are at in any given evaluation as information is delivered from different sources at different times

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