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TALISMAN. An object marked with magic signs and believed to confer on its bearer supernatural powers or protection. Something that apparently has magic power. Oracle Figure (Kafigeledjo) Senufo, Côte d'Ivoire, 19thñ20th century Wood, iron, bone, porcupine quills, feathers.

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  1. TALISMAN An object marked with magic signs and believed to confer on its bearer supernatural powers or protection. Something that apparently has magic power.

  2. Oracle Figure (Kafigeledjo)Senufo, Côte d'Ivoire, 19thñ20th centuryWood, iron, bone, porcupine quills, feathers

  3. Talisman Amulet (Ody), 20th centuryMadagascar; South Malagasy, MerinaWood, beads, hair, earth; H. 5 3/8 in.

  4. In every culture you will find objects with powerful meanings....

  5. Oracle: Throughout history peoples everywhere have sought the divine intervention of divine powers to understand their fate. Many African Cultures created oracles to communicate with ancestors, spirits and gods in order to obtain insight into human quandries. The term "divination" describes efforts to fortell future events or to discover hidden knowledge by supernatural means.

  6. Diviner's Bag (Apo Ifa)Yoruba, Nigeria, 20th centuryCloth, beads, leather; 25.4 x 21.6 cm (10 x 8 1/2 in.)

  7. The religion of Haiti is VodouVodou is a blend of African Animist religions and Taino Indian practices, laced generously with Catholic icons.

  8. Animism: Everything is alive, Everything is conscious, Everything has a soul.

  9. In serving the spirits, the Vodouisant seeks to achieve harmony with their own individual nature and the world around them, manifested as personal power and resourcefulness in dealing with life

  10. Sculpture of Baron Samedi. Baron Samedi presides over the Gede family. The Gede family of spirits are the guardians of the dead and masters of the libido. They embrace the dual domains of human fraily and mortality, the creation and conclusion of life. Symbols: skulls, shovels, hot peppers.

  11. 22. Divination Kit: Gourd and ElementsSongye, Democratic Republic of the CongoGourd, wood, metal, fiber, leather, other materials; Diam. 21.6 cm (8 1/2 in.)19th–20th century

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