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Vision: No useful heat flow without use !. Valorisation of Low-Grade Waste Heat. Felix Ziegler | Institut für Energietechnik. Options Absorption cooling Steam jet cycle Honigmann cycle Efficiency, and cost. Valorisation of Low-Grade Waste Heat.
Vision: Nousefulheatflowwithoutuse! Valorisation of Low-Grade WasteHeat Felix Ziegler | Institut für Energietechnik
Options Absorption cooling Steamjetcycle Honigmann cycle Efficiency, andcost Valorisation of Low-Grade WasteHeat Felix Ziegler | Institut für Energietechnik
Temperature of heatflow out in work: T→∞ out in in out in upgraded:T3=120°C in out out in out source: T2=80°C in out in ambient: T1=35°C cold: T0=5°C #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 High source:T4=180°C
Temperature of heatflow out in work: T→∞ out in in out in upgraded:T3=120°C out in out source: T2=80°C in out in out in ambient: T1=35°C cold: T0=-150°C High source:T4=180°C #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Single-effect absorptionchiller Drive Heat sink Cold Heatsink Coldisproducedfromheat
Variation of driving heat @ tsink=30°C, Vsink=3,8l/s, tcold=21/16°C 0,9 l/s 0,6 l/s Dt@40kW=13K 40K 0,3 l/s Cooling capacity [kW] 0,1 l/s Driving temperature in [°C]
Control: Minimisation of auxiliaries SeasonalEnergy Efficiency Ratio:
„Honigmann“ cycle: storageandconversion of low-grade heat Pressure Vapourpressuredepression „mechanical potential“ Water Aqueous Solution Liquid-Vapour-Equilibrium Temperature
pressure temperature pressure temperature Charging (Heat!) Discharging (work!)
Quelle: Mähr, Vergessene Erfindungen Honigmann firelesslocomotive (1883)
Temperature of heatflow out in work: T→∞ out in in out in upgraded:T3=120°C in out out in out source: T2=80°C in out in ambient: T1=35°C cold: T0=5°C #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 High source:T4=180°C
Therearemanychallenging / promising options Efficientheattransferiskeytoimplementation Valorisation of Low-Grade WasteHeat Felix Ziegler | Institut für Energietechnik
Boiler Q Q Q 2 1 0 Steamejectorcycle Pump Condenser Ejector Throttle Evaporator
exhausthx RHX compressor turbine CAC Steam jet cycle combustionengine
Rückkühlvariationen (Biene)@ t_FW=90°C, m_FW=0,9kg/s, t_KW=21/16°C 3,8 l/s 2,0 l/s 1,5 l/s Cooling capacity [kW] Phydraulic = nominal =100% 1,0 l/s Phydraulic = 1/64*nominal = 1,5% Heat sink temperature, inlet [°C]
Vorteile des Prozesses • Flexible Be- und Entladung • Nutzung von Abfallwärme • Keine Selbstentladung
In the Regenerator G itisregenerated, consumingthedrivingheat. The absorbedrefrigerantisvaporisedagain. A solutioncirculatesbetweenabsorberA andregenerator G. Single-effect absorptionchiller In theabsorberitabsorbsrefrigerantvapour, rejectingheat.
The refrigerantisliquefied in theabsorber, rejectingheat... The vapourflowstotheabsorber, again. ...andisvapourisedagain in theevaporator, consumingheat (producingcold).