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Warm Up: Week 4 Update TOC Cornell Notes: 11-5 Wrap Up

Monday Februa ry 5, 2014. Why not you? ~Russel l Wilson’s Dad. Standard 10.7 Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution. Warm Up: Week 4 Update TOC Cornell Notes: 11-5 Wrap Up. Agenda. Create Questions for today’s Cornell Notes in the left side of your paper !

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Warm Up: Week 4 Update TOC Cornell Notes: 11-5 Wrap Up

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  1. Monday February 5, 2014 Why not you? ~Russell Wilson’s Dad Standard 10.7 Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution. Warm Up: Week 4 Update TOC Cornell Notes: 11-5 Wrap Up Agenda Create Questions for today’s Cornell Notes in the left side of your paper! Good luck on the CAHSEE TUES AND WED. Current Event #4 Due Friday If you were absent Friday, you have until Friday to make up the quiz. Number 1-10 place the following in chronological order. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand WWI Industrial Revolution Imperialism American Revolution French Revolution Revolutions in Latin America The Enlightenment The Russian Revolution Agricultural Revolution Home Fun Warm Up

  2. The Enlightenment • American Revolution • French Revolution • Revolutions in Latin America • Agricultural Revolution • Industrial Revolution • Imperialism • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand • WWI • The Russian Revolution

  3. 10.7 Students analyze the rise of totalitarian governments after World War I. • Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution, including Lenin's use of totalitarian means to seize and maintain control (e.g., the Gulag). Today’s Standard

  4. Thursday February 14, 2013 Standard 10.7 Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution. No “Week in Rap”  It’s Thursday. Flocabulary: “Between the Wars” Take three notes in your warm up box. Warm Up Russian Revolution Quiz: 20 Questions Notebook Peer Evaluation Wrap Up: Turn in inside notebook. Agenda • Due Today • Flow Map • Notebook • Current Event and Warm UP: Inside Notebook. Home Fun Warm Up

  5. Wednesday February 13, 2013 Standard 10.7 Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution. Page 378 in Book. Read the paragraph on the Bolshevik Takeover. Answer the standards check Question below it in a complete sentence. Warm Up: Week 5 (18) Review Game Notebooks Wrap Up Agenda • Current Event #5 (19) • 10.5,6,7Notebook • “Russian Revolution” Flow map. • Russian Revolution Quiz • TOMORROW Home Fun Warm Up

  6. Tuesday February 12, 2013 Standard 10.7 Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution. Warm Up: Week 5 (18) Grades Pass back work Notebook Russian Revolution Flow Map. Due Thursday Wrap Up Agenda • Current Event #5 (19) • 10.5,6,7Notebook • “Russian Revolution” Flow map. • Russian Revolution Test • THURSDAY!! The year is 2035 and your 8 year old child has just asked you why WWI and the Russian Revolution happened. Write your answer in your warm up box. Home Fun Warm Up

  7. Monday February 11, 2013 Standard 10.7 Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution. Warm Up: Week 5 (18) Russian Revolution Flow Map. Due Thursday Wrap Up Agenda • Current Event #5 (19) • 10.5,6,7Notebook • “Russian Revolution” Flow map. • Unit Test • THURSDAY!! • Number 1-5. Using page 378 Place the following events in chronological order: • Bolsheviks sign Treaty of Brest-Litovsk • The March Revolution forces Tsar Nicholas to abdicate. • Communists win the Russian Civil War • Russia enters WWI • The November Revolution brings Bolsheviks to power. Home Fun Warm Up

  8. Monday February 11, 2013 Standard 10.7 Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution. Warm Up: Week 5 (18) Russian Revolution Flow Map. Due Thursday Wrap Up Agenda • Current Event #5 (19) • 10.5,6,7Notebook • “Russian Revolution” Flow map. • Unit Test • THURSDAY!! • Number 1-5. Using page 378 Place the following events in chronological order: • Bolsheviks sign Treaty of Brest-Litovsk • The March Revolution forces Tsar Nicholas to abdicate. • Communists win the Russian Civil War • Russia enters WWI • The November Revolution brings Bolsheviks to power. Home Fun Warm Up

  9. The Russian Revolution The March Revolution Part 2 Part 3 Key event of this phase Key event of this phase Key event of this phase Key event of this phase Key event of this phase Key event of this phase

  10. PLEASE COPY THE FOLLOWING INTO YOUR NOTES! • The Russian Revolution is actually two revolutions and a civil war all rolled into one! • In 1917 the March Revolution knocks the czar out of power. • Later in 1917, the Bolshevik Revolution put Lenin and the communists in power. • Finally, an all out civil war breaks out between the Bolsheviks, now called the Red Army and old supporters of the Czar, now the white army.

  11. Thursday February 7, 2013 The time is always right to do what is right.-Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., activist Standard 10.7 Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution. Warm Up: Week 4 Pass Back Work Go over grades. Finish Cornell Notes: 11-5 Wrap Up Agenda • Current Event #4 Due Tomorrow. • Ch 11 Section 5 Illustrated Vocabulary: Do in 11-5 notes. • Planner Check Tomorrow! Warm Up: Page 249. After reading the infographic, answer the thinking critically questions IN COMPLETE SENTENCES. Home Fun Warm Up

  12. Friday February 8, 2013 Standard 10.7 Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution. Warm Up: Week 4 Current Event #4 Finish Cornell Notes: 11-5 Rasputin Challenge Wrap Up (Keep, will be checked in notebook next Thursday!) Agenda • Ch 11 Section 5 Illustrated Vocabulary: Do in 11-5 notes. Warm Up: The Week in Rap Flocabulary! Take three notes, explain the significance of one. Home Fun Warm Up

  13. Thursday January 12, 2012 Fun Fact: Napoleon constructed his battle plans in a sandbox. Essential Question: What were the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution, including Lenin's use of totalitarian means to seize and maintain control? Agenda: Warm Up Russian Revolution Thinking Map (50 pts, Due Tom.) Check Vocab and Questions Wrap Up Home Fun: Current Event #1 RR Thinking Map Study for Quiz Warm Up: Watch Russian Revolution and Formation of USSR. Take three notes.

  14. Always get the agenda copied from a neighbor if you are absent. • IF you are late you lose 10 points and will stay after class to pick up trash. • Find out what you miss and make it up ASAP. • Completed work goes in the “In Box” • Please handle your business on your time.  (Pencils, trash, hole punching, stapling) • Late work is accepted for ½ credit. So do it ON TIME!!! Friendly Reminders

  15. 400 BC 2012 Modern World History Timeline

  16. 11-5 Revolution and Civil War in Russia. Essential Question: How did two revolutions and a civil war bring about Communist control of Russia?

  17. Ch 11 Section 5 Terms

  18. Students will be able to…. • Discuss the pre-revolution conditions in Russia and explain how they lead to the Russian Revolution by participating in class discussion and completing notes. • Identify and define key vocabulary words for this section. Today’s Objectives

  19. The Russian Revolution Part I: The Beginning

  20. Largest most populous nation in world • Rigid social structure • Majority of Russians were Serfs • Very small middle class • Landowning Nobles dominated society • Crimean War (1855) revealed Russia’s lack of industrialization Russia in 1815

  21. Czars & the Russian People • Autocracy – czars had absolute power • People angry b/c social inequality & ruthless treatment from czars • Censorship, secret police, oppression of minorities Czar Alexander I Czar Nicholas I

  22. 1861 – Emancipation (freeing) of Serfs • Serfs have to buy land – but have no money • Leads to more frustration • Did lead to urbanization in some areas • Zemstovs – local gov’t responsible for roads, schools, etc.. • Gave Russians experience in self-government • Other reforms: • Trial by jury • Military service terms were reduced • Brutal discipline was limited Russian Reforms

  23. Tsar Alexander II – Assassinated March 3, 1881 • Tsar Alexander III response; wipe out all resistance • Increased power of secret police • Imposed strict Censorship • Exiled critics to Siberia • Persecution of Jews, Armenians, Poles, Finns, etc… • Pogroms – organized and sanctioned mob attacks on Jewish people. I don’t trust you! Tsar Alexander III Pogrom in Russia. Jews being beaten while police look on, 1880's at Kiev.

  24. Industrialization & Revolution • Russia begins industrialization late • Build Trans-Siberian Railway • Unrest b/c of awful conditions, low wages, child labor - widening gap b/w RICH and POOR • Unrest leads to formation of revolutionary groups

  25. Russo-Japanese War: 1904 • Russians suffered one defeat after another • Lead to more discontent and riots • Bloody Sunday: • St. Petersburg January 22, 1905 • Peaceful protestors assembled • Tsar fled, soldiers fired into the crowd • Killed the peoples faith and trust in the Tsar

  26. The creation of the Duma (elected national legislature) • Duma was dissolved by the Tsar for criticizing the gov’t • Arrests, pogroms, and executions continued • By 1914 Russia was still an autocracy Results of Bloody Sunday

  27. Why would the pre-revolution conditions in Russia cause the people to feel angry with their leaders? Minimum of 30 words

  28. 10.7 Students analyze the rise of totalitarian governments after World War I. • Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution, including Lenin's use of totalitarian means to seize and maintain control (e.g., the Gulag). Today’s Standard

  29. Russian Revolution Part IIThe Bolshevik Revolution Chapter 11 Section 5

  30. Crises Leading to Revolution • WWI – millions of Russians slaughtered, strained resources, lack of trust in the Tsarina. • March Revolution (1917) - Czar Nicholas II abdicates throne • Duma provisional govt takes over

  31. Bolshevik Revolution • Bolsheviks = small group of radical revolutionaries • Lenin returns to lead Bolsheviks • Lenin & Bolsheviks gain support of soviets in major cities • Lenin’s slogan: “Peace, Land, Bread” • Bolsheviks seize power from Duma in Nov. 1917 - Lenin is new leader

  32. Vladimir IlyichUlyanov= LENIN Leader of the Bolsheviks

  33. Bolsheviks in Power • Lenin orders farmland redistributed among peasants • Communism: everyone equal • Control of factories to workers • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany (March 1918)

  34. Civil War from 1918 to 1921: • Two Sides • Reds - Communist Bolsheviks • Whites – everyone else • Allies help the Whites – hope they will win and help the war effort • Reds appealed to Russian nationalism for support. • Used cheka (secret police) to execute anyone against the revolution • War communism – took over banks, mines, factories and railroads. 15 million die Scene in Petrograd street showing the death toll of a morning's work by the Chekaor the extraordinary commission. A dozen dead bloodied bodies lie on ground while several people including police look on. Russian Civil War

  35. Russia divided into communist republics controlled by Moscow • USSR (1922) = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics • Dictatorship of Communist Party Lenin Restores Order

  36. Lenin & Stalin, about 1920

  37. Flag of the USSR

  38. Why do you think Lenin and Stalin were able to do what they did? Wrap Up

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