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SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK OFFICE OF FIELD INSTRUCTION Pre-Field Orientation: “Field Instruction ~ The Signature Pedagogy of Social Work Education” Presented by: The OFI Field Faculty Team . Agenda: Getting Off to a Good Start ~~ Use the Agenda/Notes Page In Your Packet~~.
SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORKOFFICE OF FIELD INSTRUCTIONPre-Field Orientation: “Field Instruction ~ The Signature Pedagogy of Social Work Education” Presented by: The OFI Field Faculty Team
Agenda: Getting Off to a Good Start ~~Use the Agenda/Notes Page In Your Packet~~ • Sign In: In order to get the 4 hours of field credit you must stay the entire 4 hours and sign in & out • Icebreaker & BRIEF Burning Questions • Introduction to Self-Reflection: WHAT??; SO WHAT?? ; NOW WHAT?? • The Field Instruction Faculty Roles • Fieldwork Site Roles • Learning Styles • The Social Work Competencies & Practice Behaviors
Agenda: Getting Off to a Good Start~~Use the Agenda/Notes Page In Your Packet~~ • Bloom’s Taxonomy • BREAK • Generative Interview & Free Write Exercise • Field Instruction Course Assignments • Introduction to the Practice Behavior Inventory • Your “To Do” List • Wrap-Up & Evaluation • OFI Contact Information
ANY BURNING QUESTIONS?? An opportunity to clear the air with any questions you just need to know the answer to right now! ~Contact your assigned Field Liaison with issues that are pertinent to your placement~
An Introduction to the Skill of Self-reflection: Field instruction requires that you integrate what you are learning with what you are doing. Here is our learning rubric:
Field Faculty Roles • Field Educator • Employed by the SSW/OFI • Places students • Is assigned a cohort of fieldwork sites for placement and is also the Field Liaison for those placements where possible • Field Liaison • Employed by the SSW/OFI—assigns the field grades • Monitors student placements • Completes a required site visit once per term or more, if needed • Provides support/consultation and problem solving to the student and field instructor • LecturerA Field Educator/Liaison who teaches a section of the Foundation Field Seminar (SW531)
Fieldwork Site Roles Primary field instructor:Works on site • Is a licensed master social worker (LMSW) who provides the day-to-day assignment of projects and oversight/direction for students in the fieldwork site • Teaches knowledge, skills and attitudes through mentoring, offers support and socializes the student intern to the ways of the profession by helping them develop a professional conscience (NASW Code of Ethics) Secondary field instructor: May or may not work on site • Used if the primary field instructor does not have an LMSW and functions as an additional field mentor • Provides additional supervision to the student on a weekly basis to discuss the placement experience, the student’s assignments, and how the field experience relates to social work
Learning Styles Rosewell 2004
Learning Style: ACTIVIST Rosewell 2004
Learning Style: REFLECTOR Rosewell 2004
Learning Style: THEORIST Rosewell 2004
Learning Style: PRAGMATIST Rosewell 2004
Having the ExperienceActivist Planning the next Experience Pragmatist Reviewing the ExperienceReflector Concluding from the Experience Theorist WHAT?? Is Your Learning Style • It is important for you to know your individual learning style. Your learning style will influence your success in your field placement • To learn effectively, you will need to keep moving through the learning style cycle below: • Have a conversation with your field instructor about your learning style and understand what their style is as this will influence how they teach Rosewell 2004
SO WHAT?? The Social Work Competencies (CSWE Required Educational Policy & Standards) See the definitions and Practice Behaviors on your Agenda/Notes Handout • Professional Identity • Values & Ethics • Critical Thinking • Diversity • Social & Economic Justice • Research • Human Behavior & The Social Environment • Social Policy • Organizational Context 10a. Engagement 10b. Assessment 10c. Intervention 10d. Evaluation
SO WHAT?? Is a Competency? (A standardized requirement for an individual to perform a specific job) Competence. (n.d.) In Wikipedia. Retrieved July 20, 2011. from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/competency • You will participate in a competency-based field program • CSWE has specific standards to ensure your proficiency (definition: become good at, skilled in, fluent, or practiced; retrieved July 20, 2011 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/proficiency) • How? • You will develop field-based, behaviorally specific, and measurable assignments that reflect the corresponding “practice behaviors” for each competency • Assignments need to be developmentally focused (increasing complexity, independence, rigor) • Practice behaviors are defined as a blend of activities, knowledge and skills • Strive to seek ways to integrate your classroom-based learning with your field-based learning and vice versa. • Share your course syllabi with your field instructor!
NOW WHAT?? Stages of Learning • You will experience the “beginning, middle and end” stages of learning, which utilizes a developmental approach using Bloom’s taxonomy = the parallel process in social work practice • Your goal will be to develop in depth self-reflection skills during your journey as you develop your professional social work skills and hone your professional social work identity • Use the WHAT?; SO WHAT?; NOW WHAT? reflection tool
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains BEGINNING STAGE = WHAT?? Knowledge: Recall or recognize information. Arranges; defines; describes; identifies; labels; lists; matches; memorizes; names; reads; recognizes; records; reproduces; selects; states; views; writes Comprehension: Understand and organize the meaning of information. Classifies; cites; converts; critiques; discusses; estimates; explains; gives examples; interprets; references; reiterates; reports; restates; reviews; rewrites; summarizes; translates; understands Bloom's Taxonomy 2011
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains MIDDLE STAGE = SO WHAT?? Application: Use and apply information in practice. Acts; administers; applies; articulates; assesses; changes; charts; collects; contributes; demonstrates; develops; executes; implements; informs; operationalizes; participates; preserves; produces; reacts; relates; responds; role-plays; solves; teaches; uses; utilizes Analysis: Break down, examine, and interpret information. Analyzes; breaks down; categorizes; compares; contrasts; correlates; diagrams; discriminates; divides; examines; experiments; extrapolates; focuses; illustrates; infers; limits; measures; outlines; plots; points out; prioritizes; quantifies; recognizes; relates; separates; subdivides; tests; values Bloom's Taxonomy 2011
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains END STAGE = NOW WHAT?? Synthesis: Apply information to new approaches. Adapts; assembles; builds; collaborates; combines; communicates; compiles; creates; develops; establishes; facilitates; formulates; generates; hypothesizes; individualizes; integrates; intervenes; invents; models; negotiates; organizes; plans; progresses; rearranges; reconstructs; reorganizes; revises; structures; substitutes; validates Evaluation: Assess the effectiveness of approaches. Appraises; assesses; compares & contrasts; concludes; critiques; decides; defends; directs; interprets; investigates; judges; justifies; presents a case for; reframes; reports on; reviews; supports Bloom's Taxonomy 2011
GET UP, STRETCH & SAY HELLO TO YOUR NEIGHBORS~ Then we are onward to an interactive learning experience ~
WHAT?? Is Generative Interviewing • Generative interviewing is a“hands on” model used for guided self-reflection • Takes place in triads or dyads • Participants take on a specific role • Topics are focused and specific questions are asked • “Appreciative Inquiry” techniques are used (an asset-based or strengths-based approach)
WHAT?? Generative Interviewing Roles: You will have an opportunity to experience each of these roles. • “Interviewee” Role: Tell your “story” in response to the questions provided which are designed to prepare you to start your field placement and begin your professional journey of self-reflection • “Interviewer” Role: Asks the interviewee questions (see Question Sheet in packet) and encourages depth and elaboration in the answers during the interview • “Recorder” Role: Listens to the exchange of the above pair, takes good notes on the Question Sheet, DOES NOT TALK—ONLY LISTENS for underlying values, philosophies, approaches, skills, strengths, etc. Writes clearly and gives sheet to interviewee at end of time
~Pull out the Generative Interviewing Question Sheet in your packet~Break into triads~Figure our what role you want to play first
WHAT?? How to Do Today’s Interview • Each member of the triad will assume one of the three roles • Each group will have 7 minutes for each interview • When time is called, the Recorder gives the Question Sheet to the Interviewee • Everyone switches roles • Everyone will end up with a feedback sheet about their interview ~~ Being able to be self-reflective is a skill that you will use in supervision with your field instructor and throughout your professional social work career~~
NOW WHAT?? Free Write Exercise • Pause and take a few minutes to reflect on what you have learned today and what you are going to do with what you have learned • Briefly answer the following: 1. What learning style fits you and why? 2. Share 3 things from your Generative Interview that will help your field instructor get to know you better
NOW WHAT?? Linking to Field Placement • Share your “Free Write” with your field instructor • Discuss Learning Styles with your field instructor. Share your style and ask them about their style. Their learning style will influence their teaching style
WHAT?? Field Instruction Course Assignments • The field instruction syllabi for SW515 and SW691 will be posted on the course CTools site. Print a copy to use! • Important Deadlines/Due Dates can be found here: http://ssw.umich.edu/programs/msw/ofi/Important_Deadlines_in_Field_Instruction.pdf Field Instruction Course Assignments • Placement Verification Form-Required • Field Placement Hours Log-Recommended • The Supervision Agenda-Required • Educational Agreement Form-Required • Evaluation Process: Initial Review and End of term-Required • Student and Field Instructor Narratives-Required (link found here: http://ssw.umich.edu/programs/msw/ofi/agreementsForms.html)
WHAT?? Placement Verification Form • Goals: • Verifies the address/location of the fieldwork site where you spend the majority of the time (some students work out of more than one fieldwork site) • Verify the days and hours you will be in placement • Confirms your field registration/credits • How To: • Complete the form online (http://ssw.umich.edu/programs/msw/ofi/forms-fieldInstruction.html) • Your field instructor is sent an e-mail to allow for them to electronically validate the form • The form includes questions regarding safety, liability insurance, vehicle insurance which must be answered (yes/no) • Failure to submit the form by the due date may result in a suspension of your field placement hours
WHAT?? Field Placement Hours Log • It is critically important to document your placement hours. These will need to be validated and signed off on each term on your Educational Agreement Form by you and your field instructor • We recommend you use the Field Placement Hours Log (Excel spreadsheet) found on the OFI web site to track your hours and your placement activities. DO NOT submit this document to OFI http://ssw.umich.edu/programs/msw/ofi/orientationfolder.html • This form can also assist you in beginning to capture your placement activities which will help when creating your assignments
WHAT?? The Supervision Agenda • You will be required to develop a Supervision Agenda where you will solicit feedback from your field instructor on a weekly basis regarding your skill development and proficiency • These points should become part of your Supervision Agenda’s template: • Administrative issues • Progress related to fieldwork specific assignments • Reflection on Privilege, Oppression, Diversity, and Social Justice issues (PODS) • Reflection on personal and professional growth and skill development • The goal is to practice self-reflection and receive constructive feedback about your work. Consider incorporating: • WHAT?What did I learn?; • SO WHAT? Why was what I learned important? • SO WHAT? What am I going to do with what I learned?
WHAT?? The Educational Agreement Form • An Educational Agreement Form is required each term you are enrolled in field instruction • For SW515, use the Foundation Educational Agreement Form your 1st term (unless you are Advanced Standing ) • Advanced Field (SW691), usethe Educational Agreement form that matches your practice method (IP, CO, MHS, SP&E). Forms are found on the OFI web page: http://ssw.umich.edu/programs/msw/ofi/forms-students.html ~More about how to use this form will be covered in the Foundation Field Seminar-SW531 . Advanced Standing students can consult with their Field Liaison and at the Educational Agreement Coaching Sessions TBA~
SO WHAT?? Educational Agreement Purpose • The Form: • Documents compliance with the CSWE accreditation standards and serves as your “vehicle” for integration of your classroom learning • Is your contract between you and your field placement/field instructor for your placement assignments • Measures your proficiency with the required competencies through the development of behaviorally specific, measurable field-based assignments. Advanced assignments also focus on your Practice Area • Becomes the evaluation tool at the end of each term • Becomes a permanent part of your student record and can be used after graduation for licensing and job applications with your permission
NOW WHAT?? Initial Review/Approval: Ed. Agreement Form • Your assigned Field Liaisonwill complete the review • Submitthe Educational Agreement Form to OFI by the established deadline • Scanned, faxed or copies completed in pencil will NOT be accepted • You will receive written feedback/approval from your Field Liaison • You will be notified to pick the form up from the OFI office ~More about how to use this form will be covered in the Foundation Field Seminar-SW531. Advanced Standing students can consult with their Field Liaison and at the required site visit that occurs each term~
NOW WHAT?? The Evaluation Process End of Term Evaluation: • Use the original Educational Agreement Form. Scanned, Faxed or copies completed in pencil will NOT be accepted • You and your field instructor will • score your fieldwork assignments for each competency on the form (see directions and scale on the form) • Complete the Term Validation page at the end of the Form which documents and validates the number of credits registered for and the number of hours you have logged • Completewritten narratives following the established guidelines found on the OFI web page each term (http://ssw.umich.edu/programs/msw/ofi/agreementsForms.html) • In order to receive a passing grade, you must meet the deadline for submitting the final evaluation packet (Educational Agreement Form and the narratives)
WHAT?? Practice Behavior Inventory Established by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) • The Practice Behavior Inventory (PBI) • Developed to support MSW students in identifying their own levels of competence of social work knowledge, skills, and abilities with the goal to assist them in focusing on what they need to accomplish • Completion will increase student’s understanding of the practice behavior expectations as well as their own level of competence and achievement over the course of the graduate program • Students are not expected to be perfect nor should they always rate themselves at the higher levels • The PBI will be completed on-line • At the end of yourfirst term to help you understand your level of proficiency • At the end of your last term to assess your attainment of the practice behaviors • By your field instructor to provide feedback on your proficiency level
NOW WHAT?? After the Term Begins • Individual specific questions will be handled by your assigned: • Field Liaison • Seminar Instructor (if enrolled in SW531) • After the term begins, two “coaching”/peer mentoring sessions to assist students with the field instruction requirements will be set up by the OFI GSSA • Your Field Liaison will contact you and your field instructor to set up the required site visit midway through the term
The Skill of Self-reflection: As you continue your professional journey in the social work program, use this framework to help you reflect on your learning
NOW WHAT?? Your “To Do” List • Review your notes from today • Sharethe following with your field instructor: • Question Sheet – completed today in your Generative Interview • Free Write Exercise – completed today • Start practicing reflection skills using the WHAT?? SO WHAT?? NOW WHAT?? tool with your field instructor in supervision and with your colleagues • Complete the On-line Placement Verification Form – due Sept. 19, 2012 (http://ssw.umich.edu/programs/msw/ofi/forms-fieldInstruction.html) • Document your field placement hours and activities by downloading the Field Placement Hours Log: http://ssw.umich.edu/programs/msw/ofi/forms-fieldInstruction.html
NOW WHAT?? Wrap-up & Evaluation • The Field Liaison and SW531 Seminar Instructor assignments are in your packet • Transition to SW531 Foundation Field Seminar (unless Advanced Standing) • Complete and turn in the Evaluation Form at the door before you leave today please! • Sign out: In order to get 4 hours of field credit you need to have signed in and sign out • Contact your assigned Field Liaison for questions, support, and assistance
How to Contact OFI • Please contact the Office of Field Instruction for assistance with any question or concern: • E-mail: ssw.ofi@umich.edu • Phone: 734.764.5331 • Web page: http://www.ssw.umich.edu/programs/msw/ofi • OFI Pre-Field Orientation Folder is on the OFI web page: http://ssw.umich.edu/programs/msw/ofi/orienta
References • Bloom's Taxonomy. (2011). Wikipedia. Retrieved August 15, 2011, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom%27s_Taxonomy • Rosewell, J. (2004). Learning Styles. Retrieved July 20, 2011, from The Open University: http://openlearn.open.ac.uk/file.php/1715/!via/oucontent/course/495/learningstyles.pdf
THANK YOU For Your Participation Today!!“If you came only to help me, then you can go back home. But if you consider my struggle as part of your survival, then perhaps we can work together.”Australian Aboriginal quote