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The Irish TB Eradication Programme “Monaghan DVO Perspective” Des.Patton : Superintending Veterinary Office Wednesday 10 th October 2007 Carlton Hotel Dublin. OVERVIEW. County Monaghan District Veterinary Office Bovine TB in County Monaghan – stats

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  1. The Irish TB EradicationProgramme“Monaghan DVO Perspective”Des.Patton:Superintending Veterinary OfficeWednesday 10th October 2007 Carlton Hotel Dublin

  2. OVERVIEW County Monaghan District Veterinary Office Bovine TB in County Monaghan – stats Factors that influenced TB in Monaghan Dealing with a TB outbreak The way forward in Monaghan

  3. Monaghan 1800 SQ.Kms. 67 D.E.Ds. 75% farming land

  4. STAKEHOLDERS Dealing with people - constant interaction Range of emotions DVO staff Farmers PVP Farming groups

  5. Animal Welfare & Traceability Class B farm diseases and bio-security - Brucellosis / Bovine Tuberculosis Class A Disease Preparedness TSEs Financial management Food Safety / Zoonosis IT support Management (Strategic) & PMDS Reporting Risk Management Marts & Animal Export Animal Breeding Key targets The control and eradication of animal diseases – including Bovine Tuberculosis Facilitate Trade Promote Food Safety Promote and Monitor Animal Welfare DVO DUTIES

  6. 3 . BOVINE TB IN MONAGHAN Monaghan TB Statistics (96% of herds clear of TB)

  7. ANNUAL TB TESTING Annual February October ( 5 phases ) Remaining tests throughout year All PVPs online Advance notice of test to DVO Report to DVO online 7 working days 3 working days

  8. NEGATIVE FACTORS Cattle numbers 1978 - 1990 Farm modernization 1985 - 1995 Farm intensification 1985 - 1995 More farm fragments Badgers POSITIVE FACTORS TB badger association and capture 95 Better movement system 96 FMD controls 01 Special TB programmes 01 Improved epidemiology 02 Cleaning & disinfection 02 Gamma interferon test 03 4. Factors effecting TB levels in Monaghan 1975 – 2006

  9. SPECIAL ISSUES • Topography - farm fragments • Geographical location • N.I. Connections - 300 herds • Good working relationship with N.I.

  10. CROSS BORDER COMMUNICATION Adjoining N.I. counties Regular meetings – SVI and VIs Good working relationship Cross flow of information Looking forward to All Ireland Disease approach

  11. 5. Dealing with a TB outbreak Pro-Active approach – no delays Listen to farmer’ point of view Decide what we want to achieve Discuss action plan with farmer Prioritise action plan decided Review situation on a regular basis Notify all contiguous herds asap

  12. TB HERD VISITS If possible visit all TB breakdown herds Where 2 standard reactors visit is mandatory May need several visits over breakdown

  13. TB Reactor Herd ManagementPriorities = V.I. visit Carry out reactor herd epidemiology Identify and remove all TB animals Identify and traceall high risk movements i.e. purchases and sales SelectReactor Herd Fragment(s) for contiguous testing programme

  14. Veterinary visit Cont. Recommends Wildlife Survey if implicated Carries out Gifn blood test if needed Additionalreactor animals removed Advises on cleaning and disinfection Advice on future prevention Review if needed

  15. 6. The way forward Continual decrease in TB levels is possible Continue with active management Use of science to deal with TB breakdowns Preventive action in high risk TB areas Special attention to re-occuring/new TB episodes Badger vacination Continue to advise and educate

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