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I can identify the parts of plants, flowers, trees and their functions . UNIT 2: PLANTS AND VEGETATION. I can identify the needs of a plant. I can identify the phases of the plant cycle. I can classify the plants by the stem or leaves they have. I can identify the plant origin around us.
I can identify the parts of plants, flowers, trees and their functions. UNIT 2: PLANTS AND VEGETATION • I can identify the needs of a plant. • I can identify the phases of the plant cycle. • I can classify the plants by the stem or leaves they have. • I can identify the plant origin around us. Name: Date:
PARTS ROOTS STEM BUD FLOWER FRUIT LEAF Itabsorbsnutrients and mineralsto FEED theplant It SUPPORTS theplant and distributethefood. Theyhelptheplantto REPRODUCE bypollination and seed spread. Ithelpstheplant BREATHE, getenergy and getrid of wastesbythephotosynthesis. Anther S _ _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ _ Draw a branch: P _ _ _ _ _ P _ _ _ _ Ovary FLOWERS S _ _ _ _ Draw a trunk and color thebark in autumncolors: Peduncle Petalshavemany color toattractinsects and birds. Sepalsprotecttheflower. Stamenssupporttheantherwithpollen. Stigmatrapspollen. PollentravelstotheovarythroughthePistil. TREES Name: Date:
TYPES H_ _ _ACEOUS- _ _ _DY- _ _ _IDUOUS- EVER_ _ _EN- Drawyourmagicalgarden, forest, jungle, grassland, orfield, making at leastoneexample of alltheplantsabove. Writethenames. Name: Date:
LIFE CYCLE INGREDIENTS TO GROW A PLANT • Weplantthe SEED in the SOIL. • Itgerminates and growsROOTS. • Itgrowsthe STEM. • ItgrowsLEAVES and buds. • Budsbloomflowers and bees • spread theirPOLLEN. • Fruits spread theirseeds, and grow new plants. • S _ _ LIGHT, HEAT and W _ _ _ _ togrow. • Nutrients and minerals • fromthe S _ _ _. • OX _ _ _ _ and dioxidetobreathe and feed in thephotosynthesis. NEEDS Toprotectthenature I can… CEREALS come from (an animal/a plant) BACON comes from (ananimals/a plant) MILK has a (plant/ animal origin) RICE is a part of a (plant/animal) PAPER ismadeout of a (plant/ animal) PLANT ORIGINS Name: Date: