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iLit 3.0 General Overview. INSPIRE ME. Success Stories. Corona Norco, CA 8 th Grade 90 minutes per day. iLit Outperforms Control Group in Independent Study. Difference in Percentile Growth iLit versus Control Group 180.
iLit 3.0 General Overview
Success Stories Corona Norco, CA 8th Grade 90 minutes per day iLit Outperforms Control Group in Independent Study Difference in Percentile Growth iLit versus Control Group 180 In an independent study conducted by Gatti Associates, iLit students outperformed the control group in their overall GRADE™ scores and in sub-scores for Vocabulary, Total Comprehension, and Sentence Comprehension. The chart shows the difference in percentile gains of iLit students versus the control group. Corona-Norco iLit teacher Krystan Robinson remarked, “It made it very easy to notice which kids were lacking vocabulary and which kids were doing really well. Programs like this make it a lot easier for the teacher to identify needs, and students are getting what they need in a more engaging and targeted way.”
Success Stories Great Falls, Montana 9th Grade 45 Minutes Per Day Amazing Gains in 2nd Year of iLit Use Overall GRADE™ GLE Gain = 3.51 Years In their second year using iLit, Great Falls, Montana students achieved an average gain of 3.51 years of reading growth measured by the GRADE™ assessment from the beginning to the end of the 2013-2014 school year.
Success Stories City of York, Pennsylvania 8th, 9th and 10th Grade Classes 45 Minutes Per Day Overall GRADE™ GLE Gains 10th Grade Class = 1.76 Years 9th Grade Class = 2.02 Years 8th Grade Class = 1.68 Years Strong Gains in 45 minutes a day of iLIt Using iLit for 45 minutes per days, students in the City of York, Pennsylvania achieved strong gains in their overall reading levels as measured by the GRADE™ assessment. Three of the classes from across three grade levels are cited here.
Success Stories City of York, Pennsylvania Jackson Middle School ELL Implementation 45 Minutes Per Day ELL students make major gains with iLit 71% of the 8th, 80% of the 7th, Graders, 53% of the 6th Graders showed Scale Score Growth on the PSSA. 41% of the students moved up their ELL level for the 2014-2015 School Year. In Jackson Middle School in the City of York, Pennsylvania, iLit was implemented with grades 6, 7, and 8 English Language Learners. These students made major gains on the state reading assessment and WIDA. Sue Moyer, the school Principal observed, “Students usually take 3-5 years to move up into the next [ELL] level. For the first year of implementation for ELL students, these results are great! The scale score growth is amazing for these students, some of which make gains in the multiple hundreds!”
Success Stories Jefferson County, KY 9th Grade 90 Minutes Per Day Overall GRADE™ GLE Gain = 2.23 Years Amazing Gains in 2nd Year of iLit Use Ninth graders at Southern High School who used iLit achieved an average gain of 2.23 years of reading growth measured by the GRADE™ assessment from the beginning to the end of the 2013-2014 school year.
Success Stories Airport, MI 8th Grade 90 Minutes Per Day Overall GRADE™ GLE Gain = 2.21 Years 24.73 Percentile Points Amazing Gains in 2nd Year of iLit Use In Airport, Michigan just outside of Detroit—eighth graders using iLit achieved an average gain of 2.21 years of reading growth and 24.73 percentile points as measured by the GRADE™ assessment from the beginning to the end of the 2013-2014 school year.
Success Stories Pitt County, North Carolina 9th Grade 90 Minutes Per Day Reading Comprehension GRADE™ GLE Gain = 2.65 Years Amazing Gains in 2nd Year of iLit Use In their second year using iLit, Pitt County, North Carolina students achieved an average gain of 2.65 years of reading comprehension measured by the GRADE™ assessment from the beginning to the end of the 2013-2014 school year.
Success Stories KIPP Academy, Houston, TX 8th Grade 90 Minutes Per Day Overall GRADE™ GLE Gain = 2.21 Years Amazing Gains in 2nd Year of iLit Use Eighth graders at KIPP Academy in Houston achieved an average gain of 2.34 years of reading growth measured by the GRADE™ assessment from the beginning to the end of the 2013-2014 school year.
Success Stories Eagle Pass, TX Eagle Pass High School 9th Grade 90 Minutes Per Day Vocabulary Growth on GRADE™ = 2.20 Years Strong Vocabulary Growth for ELLs Classes at Eagle Pass High School with a high concentration of English Language Learners achieved 2.20 years of Vocabulary growth as measured by the GRADE™ assessment from the beginning to the end of the 2013-2014 school year.
Success Stories Anderson, Indiana 6th Grade 90 minutes per day Students Achieved Multiple Years of Gains In Melissa Crum’s grade 6 iLit classes in Anderson, students achieved multiple years of gains in reading comprehension a single year of iLit on GRADE™ assessment. Indiana State Superintendent Glenda Ritz noted upon viewing iLit classes in Anderson: "Reading programs such as iLit engage the children so that they're doing active reading...actually doing more reading and getting excited about it. That's probably the best piece about this… [iLit] helps the teacher to be able to fully engage the kids and focus on various specific skills that they need to master as well. I noticed that it has great vocabulary building as it goes along, continually increasing vocabulary…”
Success Stories Duval, Florida 9th Grade 90 minutes every other day Classes Achieved Major Gains in a Half Year In just 4 months—from January to May—classes in Duval grew by well over a year… and in some cases, more than 2 years. Superintendent Nikolai P. Vitti comments on how iLit fits into Duval’s district goals and contributes to its students’ achievements: “Our collective efforts have resulted in great gains in our high school graduation rate and in closing the achievement gap, overall” said Superintendent Vitti. “To continue to make progress towards this important goal, we need to provide our students with engaging learning tools, specifically developed to meet today’s more rigorous learning goals.”
Success Stories Pembroke Pines, Florida 6th, 7th, and 8th Grades 90 minutes per day Major FCAT improvements Pre- to Post-iLit In Pembroke Pines, Florida, intensive intervention students showed major improvement when iLit was implemented in 2013-2014. In 2012-2013, the year prior to iLit implementation, only 36% of the students showed growth on the FCAT. In the next year, with the implementation of iLit, that number great to 70%--34% more students achieved growth with iLit. Pre-iLit With iLit
What is iLit? • A comprehensive reading intervention for students in grades 4-10 • Designed to Deliver Two-Grade-Level Improvement in a Single Year • 100% Aligned to Common Core Standards • First Complete Instructional Solution Delivered Completely on tablets – 1:1 (iOS, Android, Windows and Browser) • Built on the Proven Instructional Model of Ramp Up Literacy
What is iLit? Unimaginably Portable and Simple
iLit 3.0 - Total Autonomy Apple iOS/iPad Android/Galaxy Note Web Browser/Chromebook Android/Google Nexus Windows 8/Surface
Bridge Where My Students are Today to Common Core Rigor
iLit: Success with CCSS • Built on the foundational instructional model developed by a lead author of CCSS • Gradual Release Model centered around on-grade-level anchor texts with scaffolding for independent practice • Aligns with CCSS and meets all of the publisher’s criteria • Embedded performance-based assessment tasks that mirror new CCSS assessments • Designed after CCSS drafted—not retro-fitted and patched to make it fit
Watch students gain 2 years of reading growth in a single year with iLit.
iLit: The Instructional Model Whole Group Individual / Small Group 45 min 45 min
iLit: The Instructional Model iLit’s Daily Model Time to Read 15 minutes Vocabulary 5 minutes Read Aloud Think Aloud 15 minutes Classroom Conversation 10 minutes Whole Group 10 minutes Work Time 30 minutes Wrap Up
iLit: Differentiated Instruction DIFFICULTY Level 1 4th – 10th Grade Summary Writing Reading Checkpoints Teacher Conferencing Knowledge Checks Critical Response Level 2 Level 3
iLit Unique Grade Level Lessons and Content Independent Reading Activities Other Providers Level 1 Level 1 High School Stage Level 2 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3
iLit: Real Data, Real Results
District Reporting Check live class data from an tablet, PC, or Mac. Monitor progress in all skill areas.
District Reporting Embedded support helps you analyze data. View percentiles for Reading Growth. Data can be exported into an MS Excel file.
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District Reporting See how your entire district is performing, or take a close look at a single student’s progress.
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