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The Crop Genebank Knowledge Base (CGKB) offers a user-friendly online platform for genebank management best practices. It compiles resources, provides training tools, and aims to enhance efficiency in crop conservation.
Crop Genebank Knowledge Base An initiative of the CGIAR System-wide Genetic Resources Programme, financed by the World Bank and coordinated by Bioversity International Design team E. Dulloo, A. Jorge, G. Claessens, E. Goldberg, I. Thormann, E. Gacheru,S. Alemayehu and J. Hanson
Outline • Why was the CGKB developed? • Compilation of content • Creation of the website • Training and self learning tool • Overview of website • How you can participate
Why was the CGKB developed? • Scattered protocols, manuals, guidelines, publications, etc.; • Not readily accessible (unpublished manuals) • Past publications: generic documents and not crop specific; e.g. FAO/IPGRI Genebank standard, Bioversity Handbooks for genebank • Harmonization of practicesamong genebanks
Goal of CGKB To facilitate easy access to the knowledge and best practices for genebank management of selected crops for more efficient and effective conservation.
Objectives • Provide a user-friendly online access to procedures, standards and practices for managing clonally propagated and seed crops held in genebanks. • Compile and adapt best practices in a learning platform. • Provide links to other related information and training resources. • Develop a mechanism to update and develop new best practices for the management of new crops in genebanks. • Build capacity of genebank curators and technicians.
Compilation of the content • Choice of nine species - held “in common” • Common template for compiling and preparing for best practices • Compilation of best practices - led by CGIAR curators; gathered and consulted with crop experts to prepare best practices • Compiled all existing materials, guidelines, publications, training tools etc. • Crop specific regeneration guidelines -supported by The Global Crop Diversity Trust
Creation of the website • Design of the website production of a banner; following SGRP style • Design team: expertise on IT, genebank management, training and capacity building, working across 3 countries • Free Joomla Content management system • Work in progress! http://cropgenebank.sgrp.cgiar.org/
Training tool • Use as training tool • CGKB is designed to be a self learning tool on genebank management • Training materials and aids Website was tested and used at the International Course on genebank management organized by Rural Development Administration, Korea and Bioversity International
How you can participate • Feedback mechanism through wiki and fora • Expand to other crops – Template is available for submitting practices • Sharing of your materials with others through the CGKB • Translation to other languages – looking for sponsors • Providing comments NOW
Thank you http://cropgenebank.sgrp.cgiar.org/ An initiative of the CGIAR System-wide Genetic Resources Programme, financed by the World Bank and coordinated by Bioversity International and involving a team of crop genetic resources specialists. Contact for further information : Imke Thormann i.thormann@cgiar.org