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eMS User creation and Reporting. http://ems-rors.mdrap.ro. How to access the e-MS. Open a browser and write the address: http :// ems-rors.mdrap.ro Please note this instance is a PRODUCTIVE environment of the Interreg IPA CBC Romania – Serbia Programme !. Step 1 -
eMS User creation and Reporting http://ems-rors.mdrap.ro
How to access the e-MS Open a browser and write the address: http://ems-rors.mdrap.ro Please note this instance is a PRODUCTIVE environment of the Interreg IPA CBC Romania – Serbia Programme!
Step 1 - Click on the button + Register
Step 2 – After fill in all the fields click on the Register button
How to create a user in e-MS Step 3 – After registration the system will send automatically a link from the address: eMS-ROSE@romania-serbia.net to the user e-mail, where you has to click on the link in order to activate the account in e-MS.
How to LOGIN in e-MS Step 4 – In order to access the e-MS system fill in the username (not your e-mail) and password and click Login button
How to recoverthepassword in e-MS IMPORTANT! In case the user has forgotten the password click on the button Forgot Password, fill in the username in the form and click on the Reset Password button. • The system will send an e-mail to the user with a link, where the user has to click on it in order to Reset Password. • After fill in the fields with a new password click on the Change Password button
Handover application to the lead partner After a project is approved and before it can be contracted the lead applicant needs to hand the project over to the lead partner. The lead applicant needs to access the Handover menu item, by clicking on the left side on the section “lead partner”. The lead applicant needs to indicate a user name of the future lead partner. The user needs to be already registered in the eMS. It is possible to indicate his/her own user.
Advance payments The advance payment request should be submitted to MA outside the e-MS, as per the requirements of the subsidy contract. After the project has been contracted, the Lead Beneficiary should register the advance payment also in the e-MS. The Advance Payment request is accessible by clicking the ‘Advance payments’ button in the left-side menu of the project reporting overview.
Reporting in e-MS Reporting process: Step 1 - Each partner has to fill in and submit his own report to the FLC in e-MS; Step 2 - First Level Controllers (FLC) will verify the reports and certify the expenditures in the system; Step 3 - The Lead Beneficiary (LB) will prepare a consolidated project report, include the FLC certificates of the partners and submit it to Joint Secretariat (JS).
PARTNER REPORT in e-MS • In order for a partner to access the reporting section, the Lead Beneficiary has to assign a user in the User Assignment section of the Supplementary Information to a partner recorded in the Application Form. • Only users assigned to a Project Partners (PP) are allowed to create and submit reports for partner reports. Currently, in e-MS, all the reports that have not been “Submitted” to FLC are deleted in case any Modification Request is asked by LP or JS!
Create Partner Report in e-MS • For creating a new Partner Report, you need to click “Create New Report” under the table displaying an overview of partner reports. • The Lead beneficiaries must create their own partner reports as “PP” role, not as “LP” role. The LP role is exclusively for creating Project reports. • By default, it is possible to create just one partner report per period.
Fill in Partner Report in e-MS Reporting preparation costs, Period 0 • In case preparation costs/ activities have been provisioned in the Application form, all partners are asked to fill in this report, even if they do not report preparation costs. • The partner report for Period 0 consists first and foremost of a description of the activities undertaken in the Work Package Preparation. A brief summary may be added. • The preparation sum is reported as the only cost for those partners for whom the cost was budgeted. • The report with expenditure for Period 0 is filled in and submitted to the FLC. • The report for period 0 without expenditure is filled-in and submitted directly to the Lead Beneficiary via e-MS.
Fill in Partner Report in e-MS • Partner reports consist of several sections: • Partner report; • List of expenditure; • Contribution and forecast; • Attachments. • All tabs must be filled with information! The user should save any information recorded in the e-MS after each operation made by pressing the “SAVE”
‘Partner report’ tab • The ‘Partner report’ section focuses on Reporting per Work Packages and activities implemented throughout the reporting period. It contains general descriptions of activities as well as reporting of partner progress. • Also, the partner has to state about Main Outputs Deliveredand Target Groups Reached. The user should save any information recorded in the e-MS after each operation made by pressing the “SAVE”
‘List of Expenditures’ • (LoE) Tab • Financial reporting is done through the List of Expenditures (LoE) section; • The Work packageand Budget line must be selected for every item added in the LoE; • Each invoice represents one single item reported in the List of Expenditure; • The expenditures should be claimed/reported in the original currency (the system converts automatically original currency in euro). The user should save any information recorded in the e-MS after each operation made by pressing the “SAVE”
‘Contribution and • Forecast’ tab • In this section, you are asked to estimate spending for the next partner report and you need to provide information on the financial contribution; • You need to specify the contribution amounts calculated from the target partner contribution value by applying the % per sources proposed in the Application Form; • The system has a built-in check, which does not allow submitting a report where the sum of all sources of partner contribution does not match exactly the target value, in Euro. The user should save any information recorded in the e-MS after each operation made by pressing the “SAVE”
‘Attachments’ tab • Partners are also allowed to upload additional attachments related to the entire report (no more than 50 Mb per file); • Before uploading, make sure the documents are relevant for the report and are not duplicate with other documents you already provided; • Always coordinate with the LB to make sure all relevant evidence is well included in the project report, but not duplicated. The user should save any information recorded in the e-MS after each operation made by pressing the “SAVE”
'Partner Finance Report' menu • Under the ‘Partner finance report’ menu item (left-side menu) you will find various financial tables summing up the declared expenditure; • The tables are updated live with every new expenditure item.
Submitting a partner report • Before submitting a partner report, the saved report needs to be checked by clicking ‘Check Saved Report’ in the left-side menu when an automatic check will be made by the system (errors check); • After the check is successful, the system will allow for the report to be submitted by clicking on the ‘Submit Report’ button. • The partner who does not want to claim any expenditure in a period is still obliged to fill-in a partner report (with 0 expenditure) and to submit it directly to the Lead Beneficiary via e-MS. The partner can see the status of the report on the reporting overview dashboard.
PROJECT REPORTING in e-MS • Project reports are created by the Lead Beneficiary, based on partner reports previously verified and certified by FLC; • The LB will have to include the FLC certificates of all the reporting partners (including the one issued for its own organization); • Project reports can only be created by the Lead Beneficiary of a project, starting from the moment the project status is changed to ‘contracted’.
Create Project Report in e-MS • For creating a new project report, you need to select a project period (which have been set in the AF) for which you wish to create the report and to click “Create Report For” button; • It is currently not possible to have two open project reports at the same time. You can open another report only once the previous one has been submitted to the JS.
Filling-in a project report in e-MS • Project reports consist of a financial part and a content part; • The financial part is compiled automatically by the system based on available FLC certificates included in the project report by the lead beneficiary; • The content part of the report needs to be filled out manually by the lead beneficiary.
‘Report’ tab • This section focuses on the progress realized by the project throughout the reporting period: • Highlights Main Achievements; • Project Specific Objectives; • Outputs Achievement; • Target Groups Reached; • Problems And Solutions Found. The user should save any information recorded in the e-MS after each operation made by pressing the “SAVE”
‘Workpackage ’ tab • In this section, you can describe the implementation of each activity in detail, incl. information on activities carried out and contributions by the project partners as well as information on any problems or deviations from the initial plan; • Here you also provide information on project output indicators, activities and deliveries; • Reporting on deliverables, incl. upload of evidence of achievement (no more than 50 Mb per file). The user should save any information recorded in the e-MS after each operation made by pressing the “SAVE”
'FLC Certificates' tab • Financial reporting is done based on FLC certificates; • All FLC certificates of all project partners, which were not yet included in any project report, are available to be included in the project report; • You can decide which of the available FLC certificates to include in the project report under ‘Include in project finance report’ located in the first tab ‘List Of Partner FLC Certificates’; • If a FLC Certificate is included in the report it will show in this section.
'Project Report Tables' tab • Here you can find various summary tables of the expenditure included in the project report; • Please note that the tables are updated before the report is submitted; • Project report tables follow the same logic as those in the partner report but take into account all certificates included in the project report.
'Attachments' tab • If any additional attachments are relevant for the entire project report, the lead beneficiary needs to upload them in this ‘Attachment’ section; • Please acknowledge the maximum size of an attachment is 50Mb per file. The user should save any information recorded in the e-MS after each operation made by pressing the “SAVE”
Submitting a project report • Before submitting a project report, the saved report needs to be checked (analogically how you are checking a partner report) by clicking ‘Check Saved Report’ in the left-side menu. • Once the report is successfully checked, it can be submitted by clicking ‘Submit Report’, which will appear instead of ‘Check Saved Report’ button. • The project report is submitted to the JS. The report state is changed from ‘In progress’ into ‘Report Submitted’ and a submission date is displayed in the overview table.
For more information, please consult the Reporting Manual Thank you for your attention! e-MS Team