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Exploring Nuclear Astrophysics: The LUNA Experiment

Dive into the LUNA experiment at Gran Sasso Laboratory, Italy, to measure nuclear fusion reactions crucial for stellar evolution and element origins in cosmos. Discover recent results and future perspectives.

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Exploring Nuclear Astrophysics: The LUNA Experiment

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  1. LaboratoryUndergroundNuclearAstrophysics The LUNA experiment at Gran Sasso Laboratory Alessandra Guglielmetti Università degli Studi di Milano and INFN, Milano, ITALY Outline: -Nuclear Fusion reactions in stars: why measuring their cross section? -Why going underground to perform these experiments? -The LUNA Experiment at LNGS: recent results - On-going measurements and future perspective: the LUNA-MV project

  2. Nuclear Astrophysics Observational Astronomy Cosmology Nuclear astrophysics Wigner contribution! Neutrino Physics Nuclear Physics Stellar models

  3. Why studying nuclear fusion reaction cross sections? -Stars are powered by nuclear reactions -Among the key parameters (chemical composition, opacity, etc.) to model stars, reactions cross sections play an important role -They determine the origin of elements in the cosmos, stellar evolution and dynamic - Many reactions ask for high precision data.

  4. Element abundances in the solar system Big Bang Nuclear Astrophysics ambitious task is to explain the origin and relative abundance of the elements in the Universe 1 1 H H H-burning & He-burning 4 He - - elements elements a a 16 16 O O 12 12 Type II SN Type II SN C C N=82 N=82 20 20 Ne Ne Fe Fe - - peak peak s s - - process peak process peak 56 56 Fe Fe N=126 N=126 Type I SN Type I SN AGB stars AGB stars 40 40 Ca Ca s s - - process peak process peak AGB stars AGB stars N=82 N=82 r r - - process peak process peak N=126 N=126 Type II SN Type II SN 19 F r r - - process peak process peak Type II SN Type II SN 138 138 Ba Ba 118 118 Sn Sn 208 208 Pb Pb 195 195 Pt Pt 232 232 Th Th 238 238 U U

  5. Neutrino production in stars p + p  2H + e+ +n p + e- + p  2H + e+ +n 3He + p  4He + e+ +n 7Be + e-  7Li +n 8B  8Be + e+ +n 13N  13C + e+ +n 15O  15N + e+ +n 17F  17O + e+ +n p-p chain CNO cycle • Solar neutrino puzzle: solved! • Neutrino flux from the Sun can be used to study: • Solar interior composition • Neutrino properties • ONLY if the cross sections of the involved reactions are known with enough accuracy

  6. Big Bang nucleosynthesis Production of the lightest elements (D, 3He, 4He, 7Li, 6Li) in the first minutes after the Big Bang The general concordance between predicted (BBN) and observed abundances (spanning more than 9 orders of magnitude) gives a direct probe of the Universal baryon density CMB anysotropy measurements (WMAP/Plank satellites) gives an independent measurement of the Universal baryon density The concordance of the two results has to be understood in terms of uncertainties in the BBN predictions

  7. 1. n  p + e-+n • p + n  D +g • D + p  3He +g • D + D  3He + n • D + D  3H + p • 3H + D  4He + n 7 Be 12 10 6 7 Li Li 13 11 9 4 3 He He 7 8 3 4 6 • 3H +4H  7Li +g • 3He + n  3H + p • 3He + D  4He + p • 3He +4He  7Be +g • 7Li + p  4He +4He • 7Be + n  7Li + p • 4He + D  6Li +g 2 5 p 3 H D 2 1 n BBN reaction network Apart from 4He, uncertainties are dominated by systematic errors in the nuclear cross sections

  8. Nuclear reactions in stars Sun: T= 1.5 107 K kT = 1 keV<< EC (0.5-2 MeV) Reaction E0 3He(3He,2p)4He 21 keV d(p,)3He 6 keV 14N(p,)15O 27 keV 3He(4He,g)7Be 22 keV Cross section of the order of fb-pb at the relevant energies!

  9. Mesurements Extrapol. Sub-Thr resonance Tail of a broad resonance Narrow resonance Non resonant process Danger in extrapolations! Resonances described using Breit Wigner formalism!

  10. Sun Luminosity = 2 ·1039 MeV/s Q-value ( H burning) = 26.73 MeV Reaction rate = 1038 s-1 Laboratory Rlab= Np Ntse Np = number of projectile ions ≈ 1014 pps (100 mA q=1+) Nt = number of target atoms ≈ 1019 at/cm2 s = cross section = 10-15 barn e= efficiency ≈ 100% for charged particles 1% for gamma rays Rlab ≈ 0.3-30 counts/year

  11. Rlab > Bbeam induced+ Benv + Bcosmic Bbeam induced : reactions with impurities in the target reactions on beam collimators/apertures Benv: natural radioactivity mainly from U and Th chains Bcosmic : mainly muons

  12. Pb underground passive shielding is more effective since μ flux,that create secondary γ’s in the shield, is suppressed Cu 3MeV < Eg < 8MeV 0.0002 Counts/s 3MeV < Eg < 8MeV: 0.5 Counts/s HpGe GOING UNDERGROUND Cross section measurement requirements E<3MeVpassive shielding for environmental background radiation

  13. Laboratory forUnderground Nuclear Astrophysics LUNA 1 (1992-2001) 50 kV LUNA 2 (2000…) 400 kV LUNA site LNGS (1400 m rock shielding  4000 m w.e.) LUNA MV (2013->...)

  14. Hydrogen burning p + p d + e+ + ne d + p 3He + g pp chain 84.7 % 13.8 % 3He +3He a + 2p 3He +4He 7Be+g 0.02 % 13.78 % 7Be+e- 7Li+g +ne 7Be +p 8B+g 7Li +p a + a 8B 2a + e++ ne 4p  4He + 2e+ + 2e + 26.73 MeV

  15. 17O+p is very important for hydrogen burning in different stellar environments: - Red giants - Massive stars - AGB - Novae 17O(p,g)18Fmeasurement • production of light nuclei (17O/18O abundances....); • observation of 18Fg-ray signal (annihilation 511 keV). (Cygni 1992) Classical novae T=0.1-0.4 GK => EGamow = 100 – 260 keV Resonant Contribution: 17O(p,γ)18F resonance at Ep = 183 keV and non resonant contribution

  16. 17O(p,g)18Fmeasurement State of the art before the LUNA measurement: Rolfs et al., 1973, prompt g SDC ≈ 9 keV b for Ecm= 100-500 keV Fox et al., 2005, prompt g discovered 183 keV resonance wg = (1.2±0.2) 10-6 eV SDC = 3.74 + 0.676E - 0.249E2 Chafa et al., 2007, activation wg = (2.2±0.4) 10-6 eV SDC = 6.2 + 1.61E - 0.169E2 larger than Fox by more than 50% Newton et al., 2010, prompt g SDC measured for Ecm = 260-470 keV Calculated SDC(E) = 4.6 keV b (±23%) Hager et al.(DRAGON), 2012, recoil separatorEcm = 250-500 keV SDC higher than Newton and Fox. No flat dependence.

  17. 17O(p,g)18Fmeasurement 183 keV resonance and direct capture component for E=200-370 keV measured with prompt gammas and activation Gamow window for Novae region explored with the highest precision to-date Enriched (70%) 17O targets on tantalum backings (anodization process)

  18. 17O(p,g)18Fmeasurement 183 keV resonance: wg=1.67±0.12 meV (weighted average of prompt and activation) Several new transitions identified and branching ratios determined

  19. 17O(p,g)18Fresults The best fit includes the contribution from the E=557 and E=667 broad resonances from literature and a constant direct capture component. Resonances described using Breit-Wigner formalism Improvement of a factor of 4 in the reaction rate uncertainty! D. Scott et al., Phys Rev Lett 109 (2012) 202501

  20. LUNA 400 kV program completed under measurement under measurement completed Still three reactions to be measured to be completed by 2015 A new experimental program under development for 2015-2018

  21. LUNA MV Project April 2007: a Letter of Intent (LoI) was presented to the LNGS Scientific Committee (SC) containing key reactions of the He burning and neutron sources for the s-process: 12C(a,g)16O see M. Wiescher talk 13C(a,n)16O 22Ne(a,n)25Mg (a,g) reactions on 14,15N and 18O 3He(a,g)7Be on a wide energy range to reduce uncertainty These reactions are relevant at higher temperatures (larger energies) than reactions belonging to the hydrogen-burning studied so far at LUNA Higher energy machine 3.5 MV single ended positive ion accelerator

  22. Element abundances in the solar system Big Bang Nuclear Astrophysics ambitious task is to explain the origin and relative abundance of the elements in the Universe 1 1 H H H-burning & He-burning 4 He - - elements elements a a 16 16 O O 12 12 Type II SN Type II SN C C N=82 N=82 20 20 Ne Ne Fe Fe - - peak peak s s - - process peak process peak 56 56 Fe Fe N=126 N=126 Type I SN Type I SN AGB stars AGB stars 40 40 Ca Ca s s - - process peak process peak AGB stars AGB stars N=82 N=82 r r - - process peak process peak N=126 N=126 Type II SN Type II SN 19 F r r - - process peak process peak Type II SN Type II SN 138 138 Ba Ba 118 118 Sn Sn 208 208 Pb Pb 195 195 Pt Pt 232 232 Th Th 238 238 U U n source reactions

  23. 13C(a,n)16O experimental status of the art I=200 µA, Efficiency=50% ΔETarget=10 keV 215 counts/h @ ECM=318 keV Heil 2008 Big uncertainties in the R-matrix extrapolations. Presence of subthreshold resonances. A low background environment is mandatory for any new study

  24. 22Ne(a,n)16O experimental status of the art I=200 µA, Efficiency=50% ΔETarget=10 keV Jaeger 2001 90 counts/h @ ECM=678 keV Precise measurement of the known resonances down to the one at E = 831 keV to be performed at first, followed by a detailed search for unknown resonances down to E ~ 600 keV.

  25. "Progetto Premiale LUNA -MV" Special Project financed from the Italian Research Ministry with 2.805 Millions of Euros in 2012. 2.9 Millions of Euros requested in 2013 under final evaluation Schedule: 2014-2015 Site definition -Tender for the accelerator- Beam lines and detectors R&D 2016 Site preparation - Infrastructures 2017 Accelerator installation – Shielding- Beam lines construction- Detectors installation 2018 Calibration of the apparatus and first tests of beam on target A new collaboration is growing-up…new collaborations are highly welcome!

  26. THE LUNA COLLABORATION Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso A. Best, A.Formicola, M.Junker Helmoltz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, GermanyD. Bemmerer, T. Szucs INFN, Padova, ItalyC. Broggini, A. Caciolli, R. De Palo, R. Menegazzo INFN, Roma 1, Italy C. Gustavino Institute of Nuclear Research (ATOMKI), Debrecen, HungaryZ. Elekes, Zs.Fülöp, Gy. Gyurky, E.Somorjai, Osservatorio Astronomico di Collurania, Teramo, and INFN, Napoli, ItalyO. Straniero Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, GermanyF.Strieder Università di Genova and INFN, Genova, ItalyF. Cavanna, P.Corvisiero, P.Prati Università di Milano and INFN, Milano, ItalyA.Guglielmetti, D. Trezzi Università di Napoli ''Federico II'', and INFN, Napoli, ItalyA.Di Leva,G.Imbriani Università di Torino and INFN, Torino, ItalyG.Gervino University of Edinburgh M. Aliotta, C. Bruno, T. Davinson, D. Scott

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