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Luciano Pandola INFN Gran Sasso Genova, July 18 th , 2005

Geant4 and the underground physics community. Luciano Pandola INFN Gran Sasso Genova, July 18 th , 2005. User requirements & validation. (My feeling) Geant4 is still not considered a fully established and trustworthy Monte Carlo in the underground physics community.

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Luciano Pandola INFN Gran Sasso Genova, July 18 th , 2005

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  1. Geant4 and the underground physics community Luciano Pandola INFN Gran Sasso Genova, July 18th, 2005

  2. User requirements & validation (My feeling) Geant4 is still not considered a fully established and trustworthy Monte Carlo in the underground physics community • small overlap between the Collaboration and the experiments ( = 2) • no test-beams available, so validation much more complicated • requires extensions to High Energy (e.g. muons) and to LowEnergy (e.g. fluorescence)  typically “decoupled” in the modular development of Geant4 The goal of the G4 Collaboration –> to improve this situation, consistently with the available manpower. Effort for a more complete validation plan (what are the priorities?). Needs strong connection with experimental and MC groups of the experiments, also for providing data!

  3. What is needed ? (my collection...) • High energy muons interactions & showers: • neutron and hadron production (critical for DM experiments) • isotope production has ever been validated or cross-checked? • Low energy electromagnetic extensions: • precise tracking of low-energy leptons and hadrons • more precise energy and angular spectra • atomic de-excitation (e.g. fluorescence x-rays)    • Other: • very precise decay schemes for Radioactive decay (low-branching channels) • EC decay (with fluorescence) Other decays (e.g. spont. fission)   

  4. A few examples of applications... Double beta decay 76Ge experiment (GERDA & Majorana): OO toolkit based on Geant4 (MaGe) Flexible enough to allow common parts (e.g. generators, physics, other tools)  not duplicated experiment-specific parts (geometry, i/o) Preliminary physics studies: gbackground from outside and from structures (ropes, contact) efficiency of segmentation/anticoincidence background from cosmic ray muons

  5. A few examples of applications... Preliminary results: Goal 10-3-10-4 counts/keV·kg·y @ Qbb Achievable for g and cosmic ray m (with dedicated veto): Cosmic ray muons mainly from EM showers  physics reliable 76Ge 0n2b region Fission, (a,n) and cosmogenic neutrons are not an issue (very different for DM expts) physics reliable? (with the proper physics list)  work in progress from DM groups Isotope production not an issue reliability unknown  we plan to cross-check (!)

  6. simulation simulation sample detector data data source A few examples of applications... Small (simple) application derived from studies of environmental radioactivity from rocks and sands Geant4 (LowE EM) can reproduce very well the results of a calibration with a 60Co source (in presence of the sample) it works very well in this regime

  7. A few examples of applications... Dark matter experiment (ZEPLIN 3): Code from A. Howard and H. Araujo. Released as an advanced example of Geant4

  8. Data Data Simulation Simulation (all components included) (all components included) A few examples of applications... F. Di Pompeo, N. Ferrari, L. P. Dark matter experiment (WARP): 39Ar 85Kr 208Tl energy (MeV) energy (MeV) Goals: understand the background spectrum and its components

  9. Priorities for validation Suggestions from ILIAS meeting in Prague • Production of m-induced neutrons in high-Z materials • Propagation of Low Energy neutrons (up to a few MeV) • Inelastic scattering of neutrons • Interactions of high-energy muons • Isotope production comparison with FLUKA, experimental data comparison with MCNP, experimental data comparison with other codes t.b.d. Validation is this field is a difficult task close collaboration required with MC and experimental groups

  10. Conclusions A lot of work! Requires constant feedback and support from the experimental groups Validation & cross-check should be done in synergy Present ILIAS activity of cross-check and comparison between different Monte Carlo codes is very welcome

  11. Backup slides

  12. A few examples of applications... Experiment backgrounds internal detector radioactivity rock radioactivity m-induced neutron production shielding and veto systems G4 is uniquely suited forintegratedsimulations of Dark Matter detectors Detector response Scintillation Ionisation (thermal) Optics Photon generation Light collection studies Simulated Data Visualisation Run-time analysis Input to data analysis software Calibration Neutrons Gammas

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