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2013-14 Budget Development and Strategic Planning. Integrating planning goals into the budget development process . Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities Comprehensive Evaluation Report April 2011. Recommendations
2013-14 Budget Development and Strategic Planning Integrating planning goals into the budget development process
Northwest Commission on Colleges and UniversitiesComprehensive Evaluation ReportApril 2011 Recommendations 1. The Committee recommends the College develop an integrated planning process that is inclusive, well-documented, articulates priorities, and guides decisions on resource allocations
Northwest Commission on Colleges and UniversitiesComprehensive Evaluation ReportApril 2011 Recommendations 1. The Committee recommends the College develop an integrated planning process that is inclusive, well-documented, articulates priorities, and guides decisions on resource allocations
Northwest Commission on Colleges and UniversitiesComprehensive Evaluation ReportApril 2011 Recommendations 1. The Committee recommends the College develop an integrated planning process that is inclusive, well-documented, articulates priorities, and guides decisions on resource allocations
College Strategic Plan 2012-2017Strategic Goals Adopted July 2012
Core Theme 1 – Foundational Skills Prepare students with a foundation of the skills and abilities needed for college study and life-long learning • Core Theme 2 – Transfer Prepare students to successfully continue their education at a bachelor degree-granting institution • Core Theme 3 – Employment Prepare students for career employment in a global marketplace • Core Theme 4 – Business Productivity Improve the knowledge and skills of proprietors and employees of district businesses • Core Theme 5 – Personal Enrichment Assess the educational interests of the community and provide the resulting educational activities that are within the college’s authority to provide.
Improve College Processes • Schedule programs and courses to maintain an average credit section size of 20 students. • Increase job placement rates for career-technical programs by percent. • Improve staff and faculty satisfaction with institutional governance and operations. • Improve the Vitality and Stability of the College • Increase general fund ending balance to 15 percent of General Fund. • Increase non-general fund revenue by 20 percent (exclusive of Financial Aid flow-through). • Increase tuition-paying student enrollment (FTE) by 3 percent each year. • Improve Accountability and Transparency • Improve student satisfaction with instruction, advising, and registration services. • Regularly evaluate services and instructional programs to document program effectiveness and adjust program operation as indicated.
College Strategic Plan 2012-2017Strategic Goals Adopted June 2012 The plan for achieving these goals is under development Fall 2012: Staff ideas collected Winter 2013: Cabinet to select key strategies to achieve goals Spring 2013: Strategic Plan approved by College Council and Board
College Strategic Plan 2012-2017 The strategies for goal achievement include: Description of the strategy Operational definition of the expected result (how will you know if the strategy works) Current (baseline) level of success Annual interim levels of progress 2013-2017 Identification of who is responsible for the strategy
Achievement Compact Metrics • # Adult HS diplomas/GEDs • # Certificates/Oregon Transfer Modules • # Associate degrees • # Transfers to four-year institutions • % Enrolled Dev. Ed. Writing who complete • % Enrolled in Dev. Ed. Math who complete • #Who earn 15/30 college credits in the year • #/% Who pass a national licensure exam • # Are dual enrolled in Oregon high schools • # Are dual enrolled in OUS • # Who transfer to OUS
How to integrate the strategic plan with the budget process and the achievement compact?
Organizational Level BudgetsCurrent Operation for 2013-14 To what strategic goal(s) does the organization contribute?
Organizational Level BudgetsCurrent Operation for 2013-14 To what strategic goal(s) does the organization contribute? For each identified strategic goal –
Organizational Level BudgetsCurrent Operation for 2013-14 To what strategic goal(s) does the organization contribute? For each identified strategic goal – what is the current contribution of the unit to the goal?
Organizational Level BudgetsCurrent Operation for 2013-14 To what strategic goal(s) does the organization contribute? For each identified strategic goal – what is the current contribution of the unit to the goal? what changes in the unit’s operation with current resources are proposed to increase the unit’s contribution to the goal and by how much?
Organizational Level BudgetsCurrent Operation for 2013-14 To what strategic goal(s) does the organization contribute? For each identified strategic goal – what is the current contribution of the unit to the goal? what changes in the unit’s operation with current resources are proposed to increase the unit’s contribution to the goal and by how much? what reassignment of current budget resources are proposed to support the unit’s contribution to the goal?
Organizational Level BudgetsProposed increases for 2013-14 Identify to what strategic goal(s) the proposed increase contributes
Organizational Level BudgetsProposed increases for 2013-14 Identify to what strategic goal(s) the proposed increase contributes For each identified strategic goal – describe how the proposed budget will influence achievement of the goal staff materials and services equipment and capital
Organizational Level BudgetsProposed increases for 2013-14 Identify to what strategic goal(s) the proposed increase contributes For each identified strategic goal – describe how the proposed budget will influence achievement of the goal staff materials and services equipment and capital what measure will be used to assess the effectiveness of the increase in improving the unit’s contribution to the goal and by how much?
What measures apply to the college’s core themes and strategic goals?
Core Theme 1 – Foundational SkillsPrepare students with a foundation of the skills and abilities needed for college study and life-long learning Achievement Compact Metrics: # Adult HS diplomas/GEDs % Enrolled Dev. Ed. Writing who complete % Enrolled in Dev. Ed. Math who complete # Are dual enrolled in Oregon high schools Institutional Measures Volunteer tutor retention Number of students completing financial literacy workshop Etc.
Core Theme 2 – TransferPrepare students to successfully continue their education at a bachelor degree-granting institution Achievement Compact Metrics: # Oregon Transfer Modules # Associate degrees # Dual enrolled in Oregon high schools # Who earn 15/30 college credits in the year # Transfers to four-year institutions # Dual enrolled in OUS # Who transfer to OUS Institutional Measures # of articulation agreements with senior institutions 90% of AAOT students were able to enroll in courses they needed Etc.
Core Theme 3 – Employment Prepare students for career employment in a global marketplace Achievement Compact Metrics: # Certificates # Associate degrees (AAS) # Who earn 15/30 college credits in the year #/% Who pass a national licensure exam # Are dual enrolled in Oregon high schools Institutional Measures % Graduates employed in field of study Employer satisfaction with training Etc.
Core Theme 4 – Business ProductivityImprove the knowledge and skills of proprietors and employees of district businesses Achievement Compact Metrics: None Institutional Measures # of training partnerships with local employers # of students trained through contracted training Provide % more required professional improvement sessions # of IT certifications earned by employees and proprietors Etc.
Core Theme 5 – Personal Enrichment Assess the educational interests of the community and provide the resulting educational activities that are within the college’s authority to provide. Achievement Compact Metrics: None Institutional Measures Reduce % of unmet interest in annual survey Improved ‘make’ rate for community education courses Increased community education revenue Etc.
SG#1: …maintain an average credit section size of 20 students. Achievement Compact Metrics: None Institutional Measures Average credit section size
SG#2: Increase job placement rates for career-technical programs by ?? percent. Achievement Compact Metrics: None currently Employment (under development) Institutional Measures % Graduates employed in field of study % Continuing education Program completions increase Etc.
SG#3: Improve staff and faculty satisfaction with institutional governance and operations. Achievement Compact Metrics: None Institutional Measures % rating institutional governance and operations satisfied or very satisfied on surveys (to be defined) Etc.
SG#4: Increase general fund ending balance to 15 percent of General Fund. Achievement Compact Metrics: None Institutional Measures General fund ending balance
SG#5: Increase non-general fund revenue by 20 percent (exclusive of Financial Aid flow-through). Achievement Compact Metrics: None Institutional Measures Non-general fund revenue (exclusive of Financial Aid flow-through).
SG#6: Increase tuition-paying student enrollment (FTE) by 3 percent each year. Achievement Compact Metrics: # Dual enrolled in Oregon high schools # Who earn 15/30 college credits in the year Institutional Measures Ratio of revenue to expenditures of Community education operation Increase tuition-paying student FTE enrollment
SG#7: Improve student satisfaction with instruction, advising, and registration services. Achievement Compact Metrics: None Institutional Measures % of students rating instruction, advising, and registration satisfied or very satisfied on surveys (e.g., SENSE or CCSSE) % of students rating instruction, advising, and registration satisfied or very satisfied on institutionally developed surveys Etc.
SG#8: Regularly evaluate services and instructional programs to document program effectiveness and adjust program operation as indicated. Achievement Compact Metrics: None Institutional Measures Under development by Assessment Steering Committee Work Groups
2013-14 Budget Development and Strategic Planning Strategic goals are the first consideration in making budget development decisions