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Class 3 review. What are the different types of Shirk?. Major Shirk Minor Shirk. What is Ar - Riyaa ?. To beautifies ones actions for the people to see and not for the pleasure of Allah To acquire some worldly gain Corrupted intention when doing good deeds.
What are the different types of Shirk? • Major Shirk • Minor Shirk
What is Ar-Riyaa? • To beautifies ones actions for the people to see and not for the pleasure of Allah • To acquire some worldly gain • Corrupted intention when doing good deeds
What are some examples of Ar-Riyaa? • Intention from the beginning to the end was not to please Allah. There is no reward. • The action in the beginning is for Allah’s pleasure but ar-riyaa entered his/her but the person repents to Allah and corrects the intention. This person will be rewarded • The action in the beginning is for Allah’s pleasure but ar-riyaa entered his/her but the person does NOT repent to Allah until the end of the action. There is no rewarded
What are the conditions for an action to accepted by Allah? • The action must be sincerely for Allah’s sake • The action must be in according to the Quran and Sunnah.
The ten commandments of Islam • Do not associates any partners with Allah (Tawheed) • Be good to your parents • Do not kill your children out of fear of poverty • Do not approach immoralities, whether hidden or apparent • Do not kill those who Allah has forbidden to kill except with legal right
The ten commandments of Islam • Do not take from the orphan’s property until he reaches maturity • Give full measure and weight in justice • Fulfill your covenant with Allah • Follow the straight path of Allah • Do not follow the other paths leading away from Allah Surah (Al-An’aam(6): 151-153)
Hadith • Mu’aadh ibn Jabal (radiallaahu ‘anhu) narrated: • “I was with a companion rider of the Prophet (salallaahu ‘alayhewasallam) on a donkey. The Prophet (salallaahu ‘alayhewasallam) asked, ‘O Mu’aadh! Do you know Allaah’s right on His servants and the right of His servants on Him?’ I replied, ‘Allaah and His Messenger (salallaahu ‘alayhewasallam) know best.’ He said, ‘Allaah’s right on His servants is that they must worship Him (only) and must not worship any besides Him. And the servant’s right on Allaah is that He must not punish whoever worships none besides Him.’ I said, ‘O Allaah’sMessenger (salallaahu‘alayhewasallam)! Should I not inform the people of this good news?’ He said, ‘Do not inform them of it, lest they should depend on it (absolutely)’.” (Related by Al-BukhaareeandMuslim)
Points from the hadith • The Prophet (SAW) was humble • Did not care about status • He (SAW) made use of all available resources • He allowed someone to ride with him • Permissibility of having someone ride along as long as you do not overburden he animal. • The Messenger (SAW) used to ask questions to the companions to answer
Points from the hadith • If a person does not know the answer to a question they should say “Allah knows best” • The stress on worshiping Allah alone • Any act of polytheism invalidates worship • Abandoning shirk is a must for our worship to be accepted • Those who hold Tawheed will enter paradise
Points from the hadith • Muslims should love to give good tidings • The permissibly of keeping knowledge • Not speaking to people above their level of understanding • Understanding the pros and cons of certain topics making sure it is relevant to the audience • Making sure the it is the right time and place • Every student should display good manners with his/her teacher
Lack of knowledge • One who obeys the scholars/rulers knowingly and willfully while knowing they have opposed the command of Allah, yet still considers their ruling to be permissible. This is major shirk. • One whose belief in the halal and haram is established and firm, and he knows what he is doing is wrong and that they have opposed the command of Allah, but he has a desire. So he falls into the minor shirk. • One who is ignorant and does not know any better, so he is excused.
Excellence of Tawheed and the way it expiates and nullifies bad deeds • “It is those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah and worship none but Him Alone) and confuse not their belief with Dhulm (wrong, i.e. by worshipping others besides Allaah), for them (only) there is security and they are the guided.” [Suurat ul-An’aam (6):82]
Points from Ayah • This ayah shows the excellence of Tawheed and the fruits one enjoys in this life and the next such as safety and security with regards to your person, your Hereafter, and guidance (i.e. being rightly guided).
Points from Ayah • Shirk is dhulm (oppression) and it can nullifies a person’s belief in totality (Shirk al-akbar) • Shirk takes away the completeness of eeman (Shirk al-aSghar) • Shirk is not forgiven by Allah • Those who mix dhulm with there eeman shall have no security in this life or in the Hereafter and they are not rightly guided • Polytheism causes fear both in this world and in the hearafter.
Points from Ayah • Polytheism causes fear both in this world and in the hereafter. He will not have the tranquility in his soul and the kind of confident safety that the people of Tawheed and eemaan enjoy. He will be a person who always fears for his safety, his property, and his person. Because of the shirk that he commits with Allah, he has not been granted by Allah the easiness in his chest and the tranquility of his heart. Rather he is always afraid and worried. And it is the people of Tawheed and eemaan, the people of belief and the people who worship Allah Alone; they are the ones who enjoy this tranquility.