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Company name and/or logo: Project title: Presenter name and position:. Please send your English PPT (and also one in Chinese for the secondary screen if possible) to info@g-med.com.cn before April 30. Company identity card:. - Founding date:
Company name and/or logo:Project title:Presenter name and position: PleasesendyourEnglish PPT (and also one in Chinese for the secondaryscreen if possible) to info@g-med.com.cnbeforeApril 30.
Company identity card: - Founding date: - Activity Sector:- Specialized area: - HQ location:- Company size: - Turn over - Markets - Other relevant data
Main activity of your company, detailed introduction: Main products (+ foresee/current product in China) Your position on other market Benchmarks …
Business intentions in China(technology, products…):think of:your innovationyour advantagesprojected sales’ volume…other attractive data
Business model for collaboration:sales, tech transfer, license out, JV…How much are you ready to invest in this collaboration?