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Influencing. Influencing Styles. PULL. PUSH. Directive ( I tell you what you should do). Participative ( We work on the problem together). Influencing Styles. Logic, fact opinion and debate Not afraid to stick neck out Persistent and enthusiastic Ingenious in support/rebuttal

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Influencing

  2. Influencing Styles PULL PUSH Directive (I tell you what you should do) Participative (We work on the problem together)

  3. Influencing Styles • Logic, fact opinion and debate • Not afraid to stick neck out • Persistent and enthusiastic • Ingenious in support/rebuttal • May not listen to others points • High verbal fluency • Active in discussion • Focus on persuasive behaviours Assertive Persuasion

  4. Influencing Styles • Use of pressure and incentives to control • Use of power, status and authority • Use of praise and criticism • Approval/disapproval • Moralistic judgements • Focus on assertive behaviours Reward (and Punishment)

  5. Influencing Styles • Involves others in decision making • Values the efforts of others • Reduced supervision • Commitment • Atmosphere of mutual trust • Understanding and openness • Active listener • Focus on strengths • Gives credit • Focuses on listening and involving behaviours • Pull style Participation and Trust

  6. Influencing Styles • Shared vision by collective support • Appeals to hopes, values and aspirations • Common purpose • High verbal fluency • Looks to the future • Common goals and ideas • “We” • Enthusiastic and excited • Focus on “visioning” behaviours Common Vision

  7. Push Characteristics Harrison PUSH Strategy • Set the scene, identify issue & make proposal • Invite reactions • Summarise & check understanding • Deal with objections • Agree outcome Characteristics • More talking then listening • Rational arguments - facts not feelings • Influencer works alone • Focus on quick results

  8. Pull Characteristics Harrison PULL Strategy • State your view • Clarify others’ views • Explore and discuss • Look for a solution • Come to joint agreement Characteristics • Listening, questioning and then some talking • Understanding needs and getting to know people • Influencer works with others, using networks and coalitions • Focus on long term co-operation

  9. Choosing Your Style PUSH • Problem is clearly and easily defined and agreed • High personal credibility • An emotionally neutral environment • It fits with cultural expectations PULL • The problem is difficult or complex • Your credibility is not high • You are dealing with emotional resistance • You want commitment to a course of action For fast results To gain commitment Harrison

  10. MBTI and Influencing- E/I & S/N Sandra Krebbs Extraverts • Project energy, enthusiasm • Speak up (project voice) • Use non-verbal behaviour • Be action-orientated - a doer! Introverts • Present your idea in writing beforehand to allow time for reflection • Don’t expect an immediate reaction • Take time for 1:1 or small group interaction • Build trusting relationships Sensors • Be factual • Document successful applications • Reduce risk factors • Work out details in advance • Show why it makes sense Intuitives • Give the global scheme • Don’t let the opportunity pass • Be confident and enthusiastic • Indicate challenges • Point out future benefits

  11. MBTI and Influencing- T/F & J/P Sandra Krebbs Thinkers • Be logical • State principles involved • Stress competent handling of issue • Be well-organized • List the costs and benefits Feelers • Mention other proponents • Be personable and friendly • Indicate how it is helpful • Tell why it’s valuable • Show how it supports personal goals Judgers • Plan ahead • Set deadlines and live by them • Be ready to make decisions when necessary • Avoid inappropriate jokes or diversions Perceivers • Be flexible • Listen for new information • Don’t demand immediate answers • Leave matters open-ended for as long as possible

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