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A B. HMB-45. 60 65 | |. L L K N G E R I tta c tg aag aat gga g ag aga att. 2m (aa) B2M (nt ). deleted in Ma-Mel-100b. HLA class I.

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  1. A B HMB-45 60 65 | | L L K N G E R I tta ctgaag aat gga gag aga att 2m (aa) B2M (nt) deleted in Ma-Mel-100b HLA class I Supplementary Fig. S6: A, Analysis of HMB-45 (melanoma cells) and HLA class I antigen expression in serial sections from cryopreserved metastasis Ma-Mel-100b. Positive cells stain red. B, Localization of the 12 bp deletion in the B2M gene of Ma-Mel-100b cells. Capital letters (upper line) indicate the 2m amino acid sequence (aa), small letters (lower line) the nucleotide sequence of the corresponding B2M gene region (nt). Numbers indicate the aa position within the protein sequence.

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