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McKeesport Area School District

McKeesport Area School District. Starting Your Own Cyber Program. Presenters: Dr. Jane Coughenour District Technology Integrator and Cyber School Principal Mr. Michael Matta Director of Federal Programs. Why We Started Our Own Cyber School?.

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McKeesport Area School District

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Presentation Transcript

  1. McKeesport Area School District Starting Your Own Cyber Program

  2. Presenters: Dr. Jane Coughenour District Technology Integrator and Cyber School Principal Mr. Michael Matta Director of Federal Programs

  3. Why We Started Our Own Cyber School? • Increased tuition payments from MASD to Cyber Charter Schools. • Provide additional educational options. • Military acceptance

  4. Army Regulation 601-210 • The Army sets recruiting regulations for all branches of the United States Military. • Regulation 601-210 states that an online diploma is considered the same as a GED, which is a Tier 2 recruit. At this time, no branch of the service takes Tier 2 recruits. • Potential recruits must become a Tier 1 recruit, to accomplish this a student with a Cyber diploma will have to complete 15 accredited college credits before the military would consider them for enlistment.

  5. Alternate high school credentials (Tier 2). Each of the following has separate MEPCOM Integrated Resource System and Recruit Quota System (REQUEST) codes Test-based equivalency diploma (GED)(ED LVL code E). Enter years completed followed by general education development-high school graduate (GEDH), a diploma or certificate of general education diploma (GED), or other testbased high school equivalency diploma. This includes statewide testing programs such as the California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE), whereby an examinee may earn a certificate of competency or proficiency. A state or locally issued secondary school diploma obtained solely on the basis of such equivalency testing is not to be considered a high school diploma. (4) Distance learning school diploma (ED LVL code 7). A secondary school diploma or certificate awarded upon completion of correspondence school course work, home study, Internet, or distance learning program, regardless of whether the diploma was issued by a correspondence school, a state, or a secondary or postsecondary educational institution. This is considered an alternate high school credential. U.S. Army Regulation 601-210

  6. Additional Benefits of a District Cyber Program • Drop-out Recovery for Students • Additional Credit Options • Credit Recovery • Curriculum Alignment between traditional and cyber courses • Dual participation in traditional and cyber classes • Alternative education for students who have been expelled

  7. Additional Benefits of a District Cyber Program • Supplemental Educational Services • Students can participate in all extra-curricular activities • Students graduate with their classmates • Students receive a MASD diploma

  8. How We Got Started? • Began by focusing on Secondary Students • Purchased core academic courses to meet graduation requirements. • Targeted students who were already attending Charter Cyber Schools. The first two year of the program were experimental and after the first two years our focus changed and thus the program changed and began to grow.

  9. How We Grew and Changed! • Began with High School • Assigned a principal as the Cyber School Administrator (Administrator has a technology background) • Identified 4 highly qualified teachers to instruct within the program • Developed processes and procedures for enrollment into the program with the assistance of the High School guidance department • Advertised the program

  10. Equipment Questions • In the beginning years we purchased new equipment for each student • Later as we grew, we started using recycled equipment for cyber students • Hard drives are replaced when computers are returned • MASD provides the computers and software, the family is responsible for the Internet connection • In 2010/2011 school year we began using Netbooks for students

  11. Software for MASD Cyber+ • Began with core curriculum for High School students • Expanded the High School curriculum to included many electives • Expanded to the Middle School and the Elementary School • Assigned Cyber responsibilities to an existing Elementary teacher • 2011-2011 went to an all web-based system

  12. Questions that you may have?? • Attendance • Grading • Graduation Requirements • Credit Value • Not a Stand Alone Program • Child Accounting/PIMS • Contacts and One-on-One tutoring

  13. Subject:PIMS Reporting Guidance for School Districts with a Cyber School Program If you are a School District that offers a Cyber program, please report the students enrolled in your District, but taking these online programs (either in full or for specific courses), in the school where they would have been served if they were in the actual school building.  Think of these students as being virtually in a seat at your school. These students do belong in your October 1 Student Snapshot template. This is not to be confused with students attending a Cyber Charter School that has their own AUN and reports their students to PIMS. Please note, this email has been sent to all PIMS Administrators and Approvers in McKeesport Area SD. Michele Hiester|Statistical AnalystDivision of Data QualityPennsylvania Department of Education333 Market Street | Harrisburg PA 17126mhiester@state.pa.us|www.education.state.pa.us

  14. Supplemental Educational Services

  15. How we became a SES provider? • Applied to be an SES provider using the A+ software

  16. Why we became an SES provider? • Lack of participation in the SES program • Better alignment with district curriculum and PA standards • More systematic approach to our tutoring program • Built in assessment tool • Were able to keep Title I SES funds within the school district

  17. What we did this school year? • Sent letters of interest to parents of eligible students • Hired a coordinator and teachers to work within the program • Inservice the teachers on the program • Program has both small group instruction and an individual assessment piece

  18. Financial Ramifications • SES staff were hired and paid monthly from district funds • Monthly the district bills Title I a pro-rated amount of the SES per pupil allocation • Billing is based on membership

  19. MASD Cyber+ Wikispacewww.masdcyberschool.wikispaces.com

  20. Questions and Answers

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