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Gao Cong, Long Wang, Chin-Yew Lin, Young-In Song, Yueheng Sun SIGIR’08 Speaker: Yi-Ling Tai

Finding Question-Answer Pairs from Online Forums. Gao Cong, Long Wang, Chin-Yew Lin, Young-In Song, Yueheng Sun SIGIR’08 Speaker: Yi-Ling Tai Date: 2009/02/09. OUTLINE. Introduction Algorithms for question detection Algorithms for answer detection Preliminary

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Gao Cong, Long Wang, Chin-Yew Lin, Young-In Song, Yueheng Sun SIGIR’08 Speaker: Yi-Ling Tai

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  1. Finding Question-Answer Pairs from Online Forums Gao Cong, Long Wang, Chin-Yew Lin, Young-In Song, Yueheng Sun SIGIR’08 Speaker: Yi-Ling Tai Date: 2009/02/09

  2. OUTLINE • Introduction • Algorithms for question detection • Algorithms for answer detection • Preliminary • Graph base propagation method • Experiments

  3. INTRODUCTION • Online forums contain a huge amount of valuable user generated content. • It is highly desirable if the human knowledge in user generated content can be extracted and reused. • 40 forums were investigated and found that 90% of them contain question-answer knowledge. • This paper focus the problem of extracting question-answer pairs from forums.

  4. INTRODUCTION • Mining question-answer pairs from forums has the following applications. • Enrich the knowledge base of CQA(community-based Question Answering services). • Access to forum content could be improved by querying question-answer pairs extracted from forums. • Augment the knowledge base of chatbot.

  5. INTRODUCTION • Question answer pairs embedded in forums are largely unstructured. • Question detection • Question-mark and 5W1H question words, are not adequate for forum data. • This paper proposes a sequential patterns based classification method to detect questions.

  6. INTRODUCTION • Answer detection • multiple questions and answers may be discussed in parallel and are often interweaved together. • consider each candidate answer as an isolated document and the question as a query. • model the relationship between answers to form a graph. • For each candidate answer, we can compute an initial score of being a true answer using a ranking method.

  7. ALGORITHMS FOR QUESTION DETECTION • Question mark and 5W1H words, are not adequate. • imperative sentences • “I am wondering where I can buy cheap and good clothing in beijing." • question marks are often omitted. • short informal expressions should not be regarded as questions. • “really?" • To complement this, this paper extract labeled sequential patterns to identify sentences.

  8. ALGORITHMS FOR QUESTION DETECTION • labeled sequential patterns (LSPs) • “i want to buy an office software and wonder which software company is best.“ → “wonder which...is“ • LHS → c, where LHS is a sequence and c is a class label. • a sequence is contained in if • there exist integers such that • the distance between the two adjacent items and in needs to be less than a threshold (we used 5). • if the sequence p1.LHS is contained by p2.LHS and p1.c = p2.c

  9. ALGORITHMS FOR QUESTION DETECTION • To mine LSPs, need to pre-process each sentence by applyingPart-Of-Speech (POS) tagger(MXPOST Toolkit). • keeping keywords including 5W1H, modal words, “wonder",“any" etc. • “where can I find a job“ → “where can PRP VB DT NN“ • The combination of POS tags and keywords allows us to capture representative features for question sentences by mining LSPs. • “<anyone, VB, how> → Q”; • “<what, do, PRP, VB> → Q“

  10. ALGORITHMS FOR QUESTION DETECTION • sup(p)is the percentage of tuples in database D that contain the LSP p. • conf(p)= • EX, , , • Its support is 66.7% and its confidence is 100% • , with support 66.7% and confidence 66.7%. • p1 is a better indication of class Q than p2. • In our experiments, we empirically set minimum support at 0.5% and minimum confidence at 85%

  11. ALGORITHMS FOR ANSWERDETECTION • Input : a forum thread with the questions annotated; • Output : a list of ranked candidate answers for each question. • For each question we assume its set of candidate answers to be the paragraphs in the following posts of the question. • paragraphs are usually good answer segments in forums. • the answers to a question usually appear in the posts after the post containing the question.

  12. ALGORITHMS FOR ANSWERDETECTION • three IR methods to rank candidate answers • Cosine Similarity where f(w,X) denotes the frequency of word x in X • Query likelihood language model • KL-divergence language model

  13. ALGORITHMS FOR ANSWERDETECTION • The candidate answers for a questions are not independent in forums. • Graph based propagation method • Given a question q, and the set Aq of its candidate answers. • Build a weighted directed graph denoted as (V;E) • Given two candidate answers a0and ag, • use KL(a0|ag) to determine whether there will be an edge a0→ ag . if 1 / (1 +KL(a0 | ag)) > µ, an edge will beformed from a0 to ag.

  14. ALGORITHMS FOR ANSWERDETECTION • computing weight • the distance between a candidate answer and the question, denoted by d(q, a). • the number of his replying posts and the number of threads initiated by him.

  15. ALGORITHMS FOR ANSWERDETECTION • normalize weight in PageRank algorithm • Computing Propagated Scores • Propagation without initial score • Propagation with initial score

  16. EXPERIMENTS • Data • 1,212,153 threads from TripAdvisor forum • 86,772 threads fromLonelyPlanet forum • 25,298 threads from BootsnAll Network • From the TripAdvisor data, we randomly sampled 650 threads. • Two annotators were asked to tag questions and their answers in each thread.

  17. EXPERIMENTS • Q-TUnion a sentence was labeled as a question if it was marked as a question by either annotator; In Q-TInter a sentence was labeled as a question if both annotators marked it as a question.




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