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Open Enrollment for 2013. November 5 -16 2012. Open Enrollment Overview. The Open Enrollment period is from November 5 – November 16 The plans you select now will become effective on January 1 and will remain in effect through December 31, 2013
Open Enrollmentfor 2013 November 5 -16 2012
Open Enrollment Overview The Open Enrollment period is from November 5 – November 16 The plans you select now will become effective on January 1 and will remain in effect through December 31, 2013 Enrollment elections will be made through the ADP – Self Service Portal or by calling the ADP Benefits Service Center at the number listed on your enrollment worksheet
Open Enrollment Overview • If changes are not made during Open Enrollment, only changes consistent with a qualified family status change will be allowed during the year and must be made within 31 days of the event. Examples of family status changes are: Marriage Birth or Adoption Divorce Death Dependent eligibility changes Spouse’s Job Loss
Dependent Eligibility Requirements Spouse or Domestic Partner Your legal spouse, civil union spouse and qualified domestic partner see Valassis Domestic Partner Declaration on www.valassisbenefits.com for requirements) If you and your spouse both have access to health care coverage, compare the available plans and make your choice before Open Enrollment is over. Remember, changes not made during Open Enrollment will have to wait until the next Open Enrollment period or be in conjunction with a qualified life event.
Dependent Eligibility Requirements • Your children who meet the following criteria. Your children include: natural or legally adopted children; stepchildren and your domestic partner’s children who live with you and are dependent upon you for support and children for whom you are the legal guardian. • Unmarried children under age 19 • Unmarried children age 19-25 if they are a full-time student and dependent upon you for support are eligible for dental, vision and dependent life coverage • Your children to age 26 for medical coverage • Children who became mentally or physically disabled before age 25 and who are dependent upon you for support
2013 Benefit Plan Changes Affordable Care Act Affordable Care Act – Effective January 1, 2013 Women’s preventive care will be expanded to allow 100% coverage for the following services: FDA approved contraceptive methods and counseling, including sterilization procedures Breastfeeding support, supplies and counseling Counseling, screening and/or testing for: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Human Immune-deficiency Virus (HIV) Interpersonal and domestic violence Gestational diabetes Sexually Transmitted Infections Health care and limited purpose spending accounts limited to $2,500
2013 Benefit Plan Changes – Prescription Drug Coverage Maintenance Choice Mail/Retail Program Applies to maintenance medications For example: medications that treat/control chronic conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol or hypertension Two 30-day supplies may be filled at retail Then mail order or CVS retail for 90-day supply Physician must write the prescriptions accordingly Smoking Cessation Medications Prescription or over-the-counter Covered 100% Examples include: Chantix & Zyban Nicotine Replacement Therapy Commit, Habitrol, Nicorette, Nicoderm, Nicotrol 7
2013 Benefit Plan Changes Wellness Incentives • Annual physical and Health Risk Assessment • Enrolled associates and spouse/domestic partners • Have annual physical and complete Health Risk Assessment by July 1 • Earn $150! • Register on Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s (BCBSM) website at http://www.bcbsm.com/portal/registration/introduction.shtml • Must be enrolled in either the Traditional PPO or the Health Choice Savings Plan in order to receive the incentive • Will be paid in a September paycheck • Is treated as taxable income
2013 Benefit Plan Changes Wellness Incentives • Smoking Cessation – Quit the Nic • Tobacco users are eligible • Enrolled associates and spouse/domestic partners • Call Quit the Nic at 1-800-775-2583 • Complete the BCBSM Quit the Nic program and receive your certificate of completion • Submit certificate to HRSC • Earn $50 each, associate and spouse/domestic partner • Lifetime maximum of 1 incentive award per person • Will be paid via payroll within 2 months of the HRSC’s receipt of your certificate • Is treated as taxable income
2013 Benefit Plan Changes – Traditional PPO Deductible will increase $100 for individual and $200 for two person or family contracts The out-of-pocket maximum will increase accordingly
Blue Cross Website Health Care Benefits Online (HCBO) Access by logging into www.bcbsm.com Register on Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s (BCBSM) website at http://www.bcbsm.com/portal/registration/introduction.shtml Use the cost estimator (Coverage Advisor) to help you determine which medical plan is right for you Review claims information Health Risk Assessment Obtain information on specific medical conditions Find an in-network provider Review and compare provider patient satisfaction and claim reimbursement information
Medical Plans Valassis offers associates two choices in medical plans, both administered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Traditional PPO Plan Health Choice Savings Plan
Prescription Drug Plan Caremark/CVS is the plan administrator National pharmacy network which includes CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens and smaller independent pharmacies Advantage of obtaining mail order medications at CVS retail pharmacies Separate CVS ID card is issued for prescription drug coverage
Prescription Plan – Traditional PPO Remember: Maintenance medications must go through the mail order program after 2 fills at a retail pharmacy
Health Choice Savings Plan There are two parts to the Health Choice Savings Plan: High Deductible Health Plan + Health Savings Account (HSA)
Health Choice Savings PlanHigh Deductible Health Plan In-network preventative care is covered at 100%, no deductible Other medical expenses, including prescriptions, are subject to the deductible. In-network: $2,000 Individual $4,000 Individual + 1 or Family Once deductible is met, all eligible medical service are covered 100% After the deductible, prescription drugs are then covered with a copay based on the type of prescription $10 copay for generic $40 copay for formulary-brand $65 copay for non-formulary brand 100% coverage once out-of-pocket of $1,000 Individual or $2,000 for Individual + 1 or Family has been met Note: Individual + 1 or more must satisfy the full family deductible before any covered member receives 100% benefits.
Health Choice Savings PlanHealth Savings Account (HSA) Enrollment in the HSA is optional, howeverthere are several advantages to opening an account Tax savings on contributions Tax savings on investment earnings Tax savings on eligible disbursements
Health Choice Savings PlanHealth Savings Account (HSA) • HSAs allow you to save for current and future medical expenses • Used to offset current deductible and copay amounts for medical, dental and vision care • Used to pay for retiree health care premiums and other post-retirement health care expenses • You own your account, even if you leave Valassis • No “use it, or lose it” provision • Your account balance rolls over year after year • Once your account balance reaches $1,000 you can investment the money in your account in a number of different options and earn tax free interest!
Health Choice Savings PlanHealth Savings Account (HSA) • WageWorks and BNY Mellon administer the HSA • After January 1, you must establish an account with WageWorks and BNY Mellon for your HSA contributions • You will receive a debit card to use to pay for eligible expenses • If you spend HSA dollars inappropriately on ineligible expenses, the money spent will be taxed as normal income and you will be subject to a 10% tax penalty • Unlike an FSA, IRS rules do not allow you access to funds until they are actually deposited into your account
Health Choice Savings PlanHealth Choice Savings Account You may also enroll in the Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for dental and vision expenses Note: If you have a 2012 Health Care Flexible Spending Account, you must use all of your funds no later than December 31, 2012 in order to be eligible to make contributions to your HSA account for 2013.
Which Plan is the Best One for You? Trying to decide which plan works for you and your family? Compare the annual cost in associate payroll contributions Document the type and cost of health care services that you and your family receive The most cost effective plan may not be the most obvious A few examples will help to compare the plans under different coverage tiers benefit situations Use the tools available through the Blues’ HCBO and WageWorks to help you track your health care costs
Which Plan is the Best One For You? Sue – Single associate with no children Salary: $35,000 Health History: Generally healthy; allergies; two minor illnesses Annual savings under the Health Choice Savings Plan are $145.52
Which Plan is the Best One For You? Pam & Edwin – Married, no children Salary: $75,000 Health History: Edwin – Surgery for broken leg; concussion; hospital stay; x-rays/CT Scan; three prescriptions; physical therapy Pam – preventive care only
Which Plan is the Best One For You? Pam & Edwin Annual savings under the Health Choice Savings Plan are $235.52
Which Plan is the Best One For You? • Paul & Crystal – Married with one child Salary: $57,000 Health History: Paul – preventive care only Crystal – preventive care only Stephanie – chronic medical condition; maintenance medication; specialist office visits; imaging examinations
Which Plan is the Best One For You? Paul & Family The Traditional PPO is the best option for Paul and his family.
Delta Dental Plans Delta Dental of Michigan will remain our dental plan administrator We will continue to offer three plan designs: Delta PPO (Point-of-Service) Basic Delta PPO (Point-of-Service) Buy-up DeltaCare USADMO Two national dental networks Delta PPO network Delta Premier network 31
Delta Dental – National PPO & Premier Networks • If you are enrolled in either the Basic or Buy-up PPO plan, there are three ways to find a participating dentist in your area: • Search the online provider directory by visiting www.deltadentalmi.com and clicking on “Find a Dentist” • Call the Customer Service department at (800) 524-0149 • Contact your dentist’s office directly and ask if he or she is in a Delta Dental network (PPO or Premier) 32
DeltaCare USA – National DMO Networks If you are enrolled in the DeltaCare USA plan, there are two ways to find a participating dentist in your area: • Search the online provider directory by visiting www.deltadentalins.com and clicking on “Find a Dentist” • Call DeltaCare USA’s Customer Service department at (800) 422-4234 33
EyeMed/Lenscrafters Vision • No change in plan benefits or associate contributions
EyeMed/Lenscrafters Vision No change in the associate contributions for the Valassis vision plan.
Disability Insurance Associates are responsible for paying their health care/life insurance premiums while on disability leave in order to continue coverage CIGNA LTD will coordinate benefits with other sources of income. I.E. social security and other disability benefits
Flexible Spending Accounts Flexible Spending Accounts add value and convenience to your health care and dependent care expenditures. They also reduce your tax bill. Here is an example of possible tax savings with an FSA. * Potential tax savings shown for demonstration only. Actual savings will vary based on your individual tax situation. Please consult a tax professional for more information.
Flexible Spending Accounts Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) have a use it or lose it provision. So be certain to budget wisely. You have until April 30, 2013 to submit claims for reimbursement from the 2012 plan year. These same provisions will apply to the upcoming plan year. You will have up to March 15, 2014 to incur and April 30, 2014 to submit claims for the 2013 plan year Visit www.WageWorks.com for lists of qualified health care and dependent care expenses and to request additional/or replacement debit cards
Flexible Spending Accounts • Some FSA expenses require submitting a receipt to WageWorks to validate the item, so be certain to save your receipts! • Review your statements to determine if WageWorks needs a receipt for a specific item – particularly dental expenses • If your outstanding receipt-required expenditures equal 75% of your annual election, your account could be suspended until the required receipts are received
Purchased Vacation • Salaried full-time associates are eligible to purchase vacation days • The cost is based on your October 1 base salary • You can purchase 1 – 5 days, depending on your years of service, vacation accrual and position • If you are purchasing vacation, you must obtain approval from your leader • Forms are available at www.ValassisBenefits.com and will be submitted to the HR Solution Center when completed • They are signed by both, you and your leader • A copy of your Open Enrollment confirmation statement is attached to your form • If you terminate, you will be paid out unused, accrued time • Your election cannot be changed mid-year
Don’t Forget these Benefits! Commuter Benefits - allows you to pay for eligible commuting expenses with pre-tax dollars. Visit www.WageWorks.com for more information. MetLaw Legal -provides coverage for telephone and office consultations for a variety of legal matters Home, Auto & Pet Insurance – several programs and plans are available for you to review and purchase Financial Services – offered by banking and financial institutions to help you with everything from everyday banking needs to identity and credit protection
Open Enrollment Next Steps Open Enrollment Worksheets – you should have already received your enrollment worksheet, which was mailed to your home. If you haven’t received it, please contact the HR Solution Center. Open Enrollment Guides will be distributed by your local HR representative Carefully and thoroughly read your Open Enrollment materials and go to www.ValassisBenefits.com to review more information on our benefit programs If you are a recent new hire, please make your 2012 elections before you make any Open Enrollment changes
Open Enrollment Next Steps • You must make elections no later than November 16 • You have two enrollment options: • Enroll online at www.valassisbenefits.com • Contact the ADP Benefits Solution Center at 1-877-482-4236 to enroll via telephone (Shared Mail associates may use Ward Services at their work location to assist with their enrollment)
What Happens on January 1 Payroll Deductions – the first 2013 benefit payroll deductions will be deducted from associates’ January 3 check You may begin to use your 2013 Health Care Flexible Spending Account Remember - Dependent Day Care and HSA accounts must be funded before you can use them If this is the first year you are enrolled in Valassis medical plans and you have not yet received your medical plan ID cards, please contact the HR Solution Center for assistance Questions? Please see your local Human Resources representative or contact the HR Solution Center at 1-877-238-6847