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Acts of the apostles

Acts of the apostles. Author, date, and similarities to Luke’. Author: Same as Luke’s Gospel (2 nd half of one work) Also addressed to Theophilus S imilar style and language Experiences and life direction of apostles mirror those of Jesus: aka: martyrdom Exception: John

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Acts of the apostles

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  1. Acts of the apostles

  2. Author, date, and similarities to Luke’ Author: • Same as Luke’s Gospel (2nd half of one work) • Also addressed to Theophilus • Similar style and language • Experiences and life direction of apostles mirror those of Jesus: aka: martyrdom • Exception: John • Date: mid-80s: directly after Luke

  3. Similarities to Luke Jerusalem still central - Before Ascension, apostles told they will be Jesus’ witnesses not only in Jerusalem, but to the ends of the earth. - the base of operations for future of the church

  4. Similar themes I. Central role of Holy Spirit: is active and alive in the disciples of Jesus - Apostles shown continuing Jesus’ work in the world - Jesus’ promise to send the Spirit - outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost - Spirit’s presence empowers apostles

  5. Similar themes in luke and acts (cont.) The Gospel is for all people • As in Luke, Jesus is universal Messiah - Spirit inspires church leaders at first ecumenical Council of Jerusalem (50 AD?) to allow Gentiles to convert without first becoming Jews - Faith, baptism, and repentance are all required for conversion to Christ

  6. Prologue (acts 1:1-11) • Addresses Theophilus-linking first work to Acts • Tells readers that Jesus appeared to disciples over 40 day period • Symbolic Meaning of Forty: • a reminder of Israelites’ 40 year experience in the desert • Jesus’ departure to the desert after receiving HS • A prep period for disciples before the coming of the Spirit • A complete generation

  7. The Ascension Marks a transition in salvation history: • From Jesus’ earthly ministry to the age of the church.

  8. The church in jerusalem(Acts 1:12-5:42) • Preparation for the coming of the Spirit • the apostles and other disciples, Jesus’ mother, and several other women form first community of Christians • 10 days later, the descent of the Holy Spirit will occur on Pentecost • the community prepares itself by praying

  9. Mathias is chosen to replace Judas • 12 apostles: symbolic of 12 tribes of Israel • Highlighted Church as the New Israel • Reflected God’s new covenant with all people.

  10. pentecost The Descent of the Holy Spirit • Pentecost (fiftieth): a major Jewish feast for the harvest • Also celebrated God’s covenant with Moses • Jews from all over the Mediterranean attend • Holy Spirit inspires the apostles to proclaim the gospel • people from different nations understand the message in their own languages

  11. Peter’s Pentecost sermon • Contains the kerygma-the central proclamation of the Gospel message • life, death, and resurrection of Jesus • Introduction: • relates the speech to rest of story • assures audience disciples are not drunk • Joel’s prophecy promising Spirit recalled

  12. Old Testament proofs to support argument: • Miracles of Jesus • Jesus crucified: indicts hearers for their part • Announces glorious resurrection and ascension • States that he and other apostles were eyewitnesses to these events • Jesus’ promise to send Spirit is fulfilled

  13. Sermon’s call to action: repentance and baptism • Gift of Holy Spirit then received

  14. Peter heals crippled beggar • Christian Community • Community must be rooted in the gospel truth handed down by apostles • Nourishment must come from Eucharist and prayer • Live out ideal of a community-loving fellowship: rich care for poor, healthy looking after sick, etc.

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