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Q-1. What does it really mean to be a ‘Family of Churches on Mission’?. Q-2. What do you think the Apostle Paul would be doing if he were alive today?. Q-3. How would the Apostle Paul respond to the changes and turmoil in North Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan and Afghanistan ?.
Q-1. What does it really mean to be a ‘Family of Churches on Mission’?
Q-2. What do you think the Apostle Paul would be doing if he were alive today?
Q-3. How would the Apostle Paul respond to the changes and turmoil in North Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan and Afghanistan ?
Q-4. What would the Apostle Paul say to the churches in multicultural societies like the UK and Europe?
Q-5. If he were planning to visit the UK and speak here for the first time, what do you think the Apostle Paul would say to a “Family of Churches on Mission” if they gathered to hear him at this time, in this centre and city?
Into All the World Dr Len Bartlotti / ELC Oxford
Into All the World Releasing a New Generation of Apostolic Workers, Vision and Passion for the Final Frontiers of the Gospel Dr Len Bartlotti / ELC Oxford
Romans 15I. Establishing Relationships in the FamilyII. Explaining the Nature of the FamilyIII. Embracing Nations to Extend the Family
Christ the Center “For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: ‘The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.’” (15:3) I - Establishing Relationships in the Family
Christ the Center “May God…give you a spirit of unity as you follow Christ Jesus…” (15:5) I - Establishing Relationships in the Family
Christ the Center “Accept one another, then, just as Christ has accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” (15:7) I - Establishing Relationships in the Family
Christ A. The Manner of His Acceptance • Expressing Love Despite Our Sinfulness • Establishing My Value and Significance I - Establishing Relationships in the Family
Christ B. The Method of His Acceptance • Entering Our World as Savior • Eating at Our Table as Friend I - Establishing Relationships in the Family
Christ C. The Measure of His Acceptance • Extending His Hands in Service • Emptying Himself in Sacrifice I - Establishing Relationships in the Family
Christ D. The Motive of His Acceptance • Embodying the Son’s Submission • Exalting the Father’s Glory “...Glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” “…In order to bring praise to God.” I - Establishing Relationships in the Family
A. Christ, Our Head 1. Initial Priority • Servant of the Jews (“the Circumcision”) II - Explaining the Nature of the Family
A. Christ, Our Head 2. Inviolable Promises “To confirm the Promises to the Patriarchs” (Rom 15:8) • Abraham: Gen 12:1-3; 17:7; 18:19; 22:18 • Isaac: Gen 26:34 • Jacob: Gen 28:13-15; 46:2-4 “All Nations will be blessed through you.” II - Explaining the Nature of the Family
A. Christ, Our Head 3. Ultimate Purpose • “My salvation to the ends of the earth” (Isa 49:6) • “You [the Church] are a Chosen People, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a People belonging to God…Once you were not a people, now you are the People of God.” (1 Peter 2:9-10) A People from All Peoples II - Explaining the Nature of the Family
A. Christ, Our Head 4. Unbounded Mercy • “Once you had not received mercy, but nowyou have received mercy.” (1 Peter 2:10) • “But now in Christ Jesus, you who were once far awayhave been brought nearthrough the blood of Christ (Eph 2:13) II - Explaining the Nature of the Family
A. Christ, Our Head 5. Unending Praise • “That the Gentiles (nations) might glorify God for his mercy” (Rom 15:9) II - Explaining the Nature of the Family
B. Christ, The Nations’ Hope 1. Praise Among All Nations • “Therefore, I will praise you among the Gentiles (nations).” (Rom 15:9; Ps 18:49) II - Explaining the Nature of the Family
B. Christ, The Nations’ Hope 2. Praise From All Nations • “Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles (nations), and sing praises to him, all you peoples.” (Rom 15:11; Ps 117:1) II - Explaining the Nature of the Family
A. Ministers of Christ 1. To the Church • “I am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another. I have written to you quite boldly to remind you of them again…” (Rom 15:14-15) • Ministry to & in the Church—“our people” III - Embracing Nations to Extend the Family
A. Ministers of Christ 2. To the Nations • “Because of the grace God gave me to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles (nations)…” (Rom 15:16) • Ministry to the nations, crossing cultural barriers to “a people not your own” III - Embracing Nations to Extend the Family
B. Priestly Duty 1. “Proclaiming the Gospel of God” 2. “Offeringthe Nations” 3. “Leading the Nations to obey God” 4. “Nations Acceptableto God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.” (Rom 15:16) III - Embracing Nations to Extend the Family
C. Anointing for Ministry 1. Christ at Work Through Me “What Christ has accomplished through me” 2. The Spirit’s Power Beyond Me “…the power of signs and miracles” 3. The Gospel Proclaimed Fully “From Jerusalem to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ” III - Embracing Nations to Extend the Family
D. Ambition of Pioneer Apostle 1. My Ambition “Preach the gospel where Christ is not known” 2. My Rationale “so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation.” 3. My Authority “Rather, as it is written…” God’s Plan for the Nations is revealed through Scripture III - Embracing Nations to Extend the Family
D. Ambition of Pioneer Apostle 4. My Vision “Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand.” III - Embracing Nations to Extend the Family
E. Assessment of the Task • Churches Planted (Finished Work in Eastern Med) • Pioneer Missions (In Route to Western Med/Spain) • Apostolic Visit for Blessing & Base • Apostolic Vision for All Peoples III - Embracing Nations to Extend the Family
E. Appeal to the Church • Assist me on my journey • Affirm our Unity in Christ and mutual Love in the Spirit • Join me in my struggle • Pray to God for me • Refresh our souls together III - Embracing Nations to Extend the Family