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Refresher Lecture Dr. Mukta J. Mahajan. Associate Professor. North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. Dr. Mukta
2. Definitions: Guyard called it the history of International literary relations. Van Teigham remarked that the object of Comparative literature is essentially the study of diverse literatures in their relations with each other. Anna Revignas has given narrow concept of literature. She spoke of it as a modern science which centers on research into the problems connected with the influences exercised by various literatures. Jean Carre defines Comparative literature as a branch of literary history it is the study of International spiritual relation—between Byron, Pushkin—even the lives of writers belonging to different literatures. Dr. Mukta
2. Definitions: 5) Baldnesperger, the recognized leader of French School of Comparative literature claimed to have had no use of comparisons which did not involve a real encounterthat had created a rependance. 6) H. H. Remark defines that comparative literature is the study of literature beyond the confines of one particular country and the study of relationship between literatures on one hand and other areas of knowledge belief such as art, philosophy, history, social science and religion etc. on the other. In brief it is the comparison of literature with other spheres of human expression. Dr. Mukta
3. Features: • It is a branch of literary history • It is not only a study between works of literatures but also the inspirations and lives of writers. Comparison between stimuli and biography is also included • Comparative literature includes study of tradition of literatures and investigates what is common in them • Comparative study is not restricted to the study of literature as only form of expression but also extends to other forms of expression such as art, science and religion Dr. Mukta
3. Features: • Comparative study is horizontal in the sense it studies relationship between literatures but also vertical in the sense, between specific and universal • Comparative literature studies literature in totality that is its intra-national and international links Dr. Mukta
4. History of Comparative Literature – @ Originated as a reaction against narrow nationalism @ Occasional comparative evaluation from Christian era @ No comparison in Greek period- closed period @Romans dependant on Greek comparisons @Longinus tried comparative method systematically recognizes spiritual friendship between great minds @ In 1886 Irish Barrister H.M. Possnett claimed first to state method and principles of new science i.e. comparative literature. Dr. Mukta
4. History of Comparative Literature – @In 1848 Mathew Arnold used the term Comparative Literature in one of his Letters. Use of Touchstone method @ Mathew Arnold – pioneer of Comparative Criticism. Further extended by Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot @Coleridge and his classmates were taught to study and discriminate between classical authors on the ground of plain sense and universal logic Dr. Mukta
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: Sources/Myths/Archetypes/Study of Folk Literature- @ Folk literature- oral literature for the unlettered and of the unlettered Includes- folksongs, ballads, fairytales, drama, proverbs, riddles, charms and legends – tradition based @ Scholars and researchers – ThodoreGaster, Gertrude Kwath, Krohen Die, Maria Beach, AlenDundes @Western Scholar William John Thomas coined the term folk lore in 1846 @William Bascon- folk lore is a kind of verbal art, concerning folk epic, folk legend, folk tales, folk customs, proverbs, riddles and folk literature Dr. Mukta
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: Sources/Myths/Archetypes/Study of Folk Literature- @folk lore – 2 divisions- folk literature and folk arts and customs. @ Various schools of folk lore- mythological school, anthropological school, psychoanalytical school, structure school, Benfey’s school, Finnish school @ Holmes- Science of folklore can be used to clarify the origins of most of basic literary themes @ Myths, legends, oral traditions of one country and another have always provided a source material for a writer to construct his own ideas in the form of literature Dr. Mukta
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: Sources/Myths/Archetypes/Study of Folk Literature- Greek myth- Farie Queen Myth of first incarnation- Second Coming – W.B.Yeats Myth of Lazarus- Lady Lazarus- Sylvia Plath Myth of Serpent- Nagamandalam- GirishKarnad Myth of Bhasmasura – The Man-eater of Malgudi- R. K. Narayan Myth of Goddess of Silence- Calcutta Chromosome- AmitavGhosh @ Myth of WalyaKoli - All My Sons – Arthur Miller Asian and Western notion of life Dr. Mukta
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: Influence and Source- @ Inter changeable from any country, any nation, any writer @ Jean Carre- Comparative Literature as a branch of literary history concerned with the factual contacts between the works, inspirations and even the lives of writers belonging to different countries -Dr. Faustus- Christopher Marlowe, originally German story -Shakespeare’s plays- History as source -Tughlaq – GirishKarnad- history as source -Shreeman Yogi- Ranjeet Desai- history as source Dr. Mukta
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: The Vicar of Wakefield- Oliver Goldsmith –Bible as source -East of Eden- John Steinbeck-Bible as source @ Translations a matter of influence- Othello- Zunzarrao- V.V. Shirwadkar EkHota Carver- VeenaGavankar Old Man and the Sea- EkaKoliyane- P.L. Deshpande Similarity- King Lear-Shakespeare – Natsmrat- V.V. Shirwadkar Dr. Mukta
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: • Themes/Themetology- • @ Harry Levin coined the word ‘ Themetology’ • @ involves study of themes and motifs- interchangeable terms • @ Chief Contributors- Raymond Troussan(Belgium) • Elizabeth Frenzel(France) • Harry Levin and Wesstein (U.S.) • @ Key word is from Grecio- Roman ‘Thema’ • @ French used the term to refer to translation. Dr. Mukta
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: Themes @Don Quixote- Quixotic. Same with Shylock, Iago, Malaprop, Dr. Faustus, Julius Ceasear stand for particular passion @ Endless similarities and differences Charles Dickens- R.K. Narayan - Society at center Jane Austen- Self education Anita Desai Female Psyche Kamala Das – Sylvia Plath - Identity Crisis and feminism Dr. Mukta
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: Themes/Themetology- Wordsworth- Balkavi ---- Nature Tukaram --- Kabir - Rebels Shobha De- MridulaGarg --- World of women Social problem and women- EkachPyala – Ram GaneshGadkari A Doll’s House- Henrik Ibsen Candida- G. B. Shaw @ Themes keep migrating from historical to social and social to personal. Dr. Mukta
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: Genre Study- @ Weisstein – genre, movement, period- extremely fruitful field of investigation @ Classical period- Cicero and Quintilian stressed on segregation of literary genres for generic purity. @ Aristotle and Horace are great masters of genre theory. @ Dictionaries like ‘The Princeton Encyclopedia of poetry and poetics’- an effort to catalogue provincial genres from the literatures of all five continents Dr. Mukta
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: GenreStudy- @ Study of genres takes beyond national literatures- brings together literary history and literary theory in an international perspective. @Genre, movement and period interlinked concepts @Theory of genres commences with Plato and Aristotle @ Plato- dramatic poetry, narrative and narrative+ dialogue @ Aristotle – tragedy- emphasis on genetic purity@Regrouping of genres after Aristotle- tragedy, comedy, lyric, elegy, Idyll, pastoral and prose fiction @16th century- shattered rigid classical division of tragedy and comedy and also dramatic unities @ 17th century- theatres closed Dr. Mukta
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: Genre Study- @ 18th century- new genres like novel, miscellaneous poems, lyrics- shifting critical theories altered concepts of genres – epic altered novel @ Romantic Period- not keen on division of literary works @Modern times- multiplicity of mixed genres @ Classical generic theory- regulative and prescriptive @ Modern generic theory- psychological and social • @ Identification of literary form- • Roman Jacobson- linguistic structures • Northrop Frye- Myth and Archetype (Anatomy of Literary Criticism) Dr. Mukta
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: Genre Study- • @Plato and Aristotle distinguish 3 major categories- • Manner of imitation – lyric (personal), Epic (subjective +objective), drama (Character + person) • @ Hobbes- Court- heroic, city- romantic, country- pastoral • @ E.S. Dallas- divisions according to time and narrative- • Drama- second person, present time • Epic- third person, past time • Lyric- first person, singular future Dr. Mukta
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: Genre Study- • @ Warren and Wellek- divide between ultimate and • subdivisions- • Drama- mystery, morality, tragedy and comedy • Prose fiction- novel and romance • Grouping based on • outer form (meter or structure) • Inner form (attitude or tone) • @ Problems of genre study Dr. Mukta
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: Literary Movements and Period- @ Rene Wellek defines period- a time section dominated by a system of norms @ A movement means the conscious and theoretically founded attempt on the part of likeminded persons to illustrate and propagate a new conception of art. @ Period- Western Culture- antiquity, middle ages, modern ages Dr. Mukta
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: Literary Movements and Period- • German notion – • The era beginning with renaissance • The era beginning with French revolution • Present or contemporary age • @ Easy to periodize ages before First World War • @ Periods/Epoch identified by historical figure, dominant writer or socio- political trend • @Movements- Expressionism. Feminism, Surrealism, Absurdism
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: Literary Movements and Period- • @ Period/ movements essential tools in the hands of Comparitists for vital interpretation of literary history and theory • English romanticism- Marathi romanticism • Reception and influence- English critical theories& Marathi • critical theories • French revolution – impact on literature • Indian freedom struggle- impact on literature • World war – impact on literature • Vertical comparisons- 18th century novel & modern novel • 16th century drama & modern drama • Classical tragedy – Sk tragedy – modern tragedy • Shifting of centre in various phases of criticism • Ecology – Marathi and English Nature poetry
5. Areas of Comp. Lit.: Translation- @ Vital area for comp. Study of literature @ Reception of genre through translation – novel and tragedy @ Reception and influence – translation of Shakespeare @ Introduction to new literature through translation – Maxim Gorky @ International, National, Regional
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. American School @ History of Comp.lit in USA begins in the end of 19th Century @First course of ‘General or Comparative literature’- Cornell University in 1897 by Reverend Charles Chancy Shackford @ Charles M. Gayley conducted a seminar on Comp.lit& established dept. in 1912 at University of California. @First American Chair of Comp.lit instituted at Harvard University during 1890-91 Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. 6. Schools of Comp. Lit. American School @ In 1904 actual dept. of Comp.lit. was established at Harvard. @ The oldest American dept. of Comp.lit. established in 1899 at Columbia University later integrated with English dept. @American school focused on –To examine phenomena of lit. as a whole, to compare, to group, to classify, to enquire into the causes, to determine their results. @ Arthur Richmand Marsh- first occupant of Chair of Comp.lit. studying literary origins, literary developments and literary diffusions Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. 6. Schools of Comp. Lit. American School @ Frank Chandeller- Prof. Of Comp. Lit. at Cincinati university- study of themes, types, environments, origin, influences @ Decline of Comp.Lit.in 1925, students knowing nothing about comp.lit., misinterpreted as contemporary literature. @1926- Oscar J. Campbell wrote essay- what is comp.lit. @1942- Arthur Christy created comp.lit. committee to promote study of comp.lit. in American high schools Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. 6. Schools of Comp. Lit. American School @1945- Werner Paul Friedrich published ‘The Case of Comp.lit.’- offered detailed plan for reform of academic curricula @ The International Comp.lit. Association founded in Oxford @1960- American Comp.lit. Association established Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. 6. Schools of Comp. Lit. German School @ German school of Comp.lit. was first branch of literary history @No equal academic status @Wilhelm Scherer moved in direction of Comp.lit. proper 3 kinds of development- fundamental likeness, reciprocal influence, innately literary @ Moriz Carrier evolved theory of literature based on principles of Aesthetics and comp. literary history Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. 6. Schools of Comp. Lit. German School @Breakthrough for comp.lit. through starting of Journal by Max Koch in 1897 @GreogeBrandes published essay ‘welliterature’ @ German scholars worked onInvestigations into the results produced by comp. Study of literatures @ World war II period was great vacuum Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. German School @ First Chair of comp.lit. in Gutenberg University, Mainz @Friedrich Hirth, Walter Hollerer rejected ‘literature comparee’ and ‘general literature’ and pointed to comp. History of European literature @1962, 1966- Congress of East European Comparitists held in Germany Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. English School @ Commencement at the beginning of Queen Victoria’s reign with Henry Hallam’s ‘Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries’ @ Mathew Arnold coined the term ‘comparative literature’ adoption of the French term- ‘LitteratureComparee’ @ H.M. Possnett- ‘The Science of Comparative Literature’ -Comparitis’s real concern is pinned to the internal development of various national literatures as an expression of their social progress. @ Saintsbury ‘A History of Criticism’ and ‘Period of European Literature’ Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. English School @Gregory Smith first published the results of Paris Congress of Historians ‘The Foible of Comp.lit.’ -Smith- ‘Some Notes on Comp. Study of Literature’ @Comp. Lit. not officially recognized until 1912 @Baldensperger delivered 8 lectures on 18th century European literature Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. 6. Schools of Comp. Lit. English School @ During 1942-1946 twenty four issues of Journal of Comp. Literary studies were published at the University of Cardiff @ 1948-1951 students of University of Aberdeen(Scotland) operated a society called Comparative Literature @1953- Britain’s first lecturership in Comp. Lit. Was instituted at Manchester Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. 6. Schools of Comp. Lit. French School @Strong national feeling- to them French literature formed backbone of universal literary system and the task of comparitists consisted in examining how and why the English, German, Spanish, Italian and Russian ribs were attached to it. @ Comp. Lit. as an ancillary discipline within the field of French literary history. @ Comparative method grew out of tension between conservative and progressive. Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. 6. Schools of Comp. Lit. French School @Madame De Stale commented on comp.lit.- sociological in approach @Impact of Taine till 19th century @Taine’s concept violets the spirit of comparison @ ‘Literature Comparee’ developed in third and fourth decade of 19th century. @ Jean Jacques Ampere’s essay offers a table of medieval literature in France, Italy, Spain and England (1841) Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. 6. Schools of Comp. Lit. French School @ Simondi’s book on ‘La Litterature du midi L’ Europe’ speaks about reciprocal influence of a people’s political and religious history on their literature and of their literature on their character. @Jean Noel first used the term ‘LitteratureComparee’1816 @ Noel and Laplace published in 1816 a series of anthologies from French classical and English literature @ Ampere or Abel Francois Villemain- father of systematically conceived comparative literature in France Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. 6. Schools of Comp. Lit. French School @ Joseph Texte founded school of Comp.lit in 1890 @1897- Chair of Comp.lit established in Lyon @1910-Second Chair at Sorbonne @1900- Louis Paul Betz published first version of ‘Bibligraphy de Litterature Comparee’, preface written by Joseph Texte @ 1900- in an International convention organized in Paris, Gaston Paris emphasized on studying literary and folkloristic parallels Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. 6. Schools of Comp. Lit. French School @ Bruntiere – conscious artistic intension was the yardstick to measure the literature. @ 1918- Third Chair at Strasbourg- end of first phase @ Second phase initiated by Baldensperger , introduced expanded Bibliography of Betz @Baldensperger, Hazard and Van Teigham established Institute of Modern and omp.lit at Sorbonne- Mecca of the comparitists @ Van Teigham, contemporary of Baldensperger rendered great service to Comp.lit in France Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. 6. Schools of Comp. Lit. French School @With German occupation of France in 1940 development of comp.lit. came to halt @ Paris School- Rene Etiemble(Founder) @ French Scholars- Jean Frappier, Robert Escarpit, Guyard, Claude Pichois @ After 1967, French school of comp.lit. became lip service to American school Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. 6. Schools of Comp. Lit. Russian School @ Emergence in 19th century with experience based research of A.N. Veselovsky, founder of Russian school @Veselovsky – the history of literature is nothing other than listory of culture -historical poetics Convergent currents @ V. Shklovsky in agreement with comparative work @ V.M. Zirmunsky – wrote on- Rhythm, History and Theory, Byron and Pushkin Dr. Mukta
6. Schools of Comp. Lit. 6. Schools of Comp. Lit. Russian School @DionizDurishin- calls comp.lit. as element of literature @ Slovak comparitists arranged International conferences at Moscow, Budapest @Soviet Scholars- M.P. Alekseev, N’K’Gudzil, P.N. Berkov,N. Kravtsov Dr. Mukta