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The History of Pavement Noise and New Directions in Arizona

The History of Pavement Noise and New Directions in Arizona. Noise Issues Are Not New. 8000 BC Worlds First Major Town-Jericho 5000 BC Wheel Invented 4000 BC Mesopotamia 800 BC Iron Tires Introduced 44 BC First Noise Regulation 1869 London Report 1870s Use of Wood Blocks

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The History of Pavement Noise and New Directions in Arizona

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The History of Pavement Noise and New Directions in Arizona

  2. Noise Issues Are Not New • 8000 BC Worlds First Major Town-Jericho • 5000 BC Wheel Invented • 4000 BC Mesopotamia • 800 BC Iron Tires Introduced • 44 BC First Noise Regulation • 1869 London Report • 1870s Use of Wood Blocks • 1888 Pneumatic Tire Invented

  3. Roman Wagon Circa 100AD

  4. Noise Issues Are Not New

  5. 1897 Survey of 122 Cities with Paved Streets and Pop. > 10,000

  6. AdditionalSurface Types Hot Mix Sheet Asphalt 6,000 Yrs 100 Yrs Engine Tire

  7. What is Noise, How is it Controlled, and How Does it Affect Our Lives

  8. Doubling Traffic adds 3dBA

  9. How Is It Controlled • At the Source • Vehicle & Tire Emissions • Through Distance • 3 dBA Reduction for Each Doubling of Distance • 25ft=70dBA, 50ft=67dBA, 100 ft=64 • Through Obstructions • Berms, Walls, And Combination of both

  10. Controlled At the Source

  11. Controlled Through Obstructions1 dBA for each 2 ft of Wall Above

  12. Ways of Measuring Sound Wayside (Far Field) Close Proximity (Near Field) Noise Intensity (Near Field)

  13. ADOT ISO CPX Trailer 1995 Spg 2000 Spg 2001 Spg 2002 Spg 2003 2004

  14. Noise Intensity

  15. The Arizona Noise Thing

  16. ADOT Uses ARFC to Provide Quiet Pavements • ADOT is Spending $34M to Overlay PCCP in the Phoenix Metropolitan • The ARFC is Minus 9.5mm & 9-9.5% Binder • 12.5 mm Thick When Used on Flexible Pavement • 25 mm Thick When Used on PCCP • ADOT Uses Pavement Type (ARFC) as a Noise Mitigation Strategy (4 dBA)

  17. How Did We Get Here? The Technical Journey Begins!

  18. OGFC Gradat ion

  19. The Technical Journey? • Development of Improved OGFC for Use in Snow Country (1970s-80s) • Improved OGFC Used to Resist Reflective Cracking (1980s-90s) • Improved OGFC Used as PCCP Overlay (1980s-2000s) • Benefit For Smoothness (1990s) • Benefit for Noise (1990s-2000s)

  20. The Social Journey Begins • 1990 Industry Study • 1995 ADOT initiates first formal research • 2002 ISO Noise Trailer Constructed • 2002 Collaborative Research with Caltran’s & NCAT • 2002 Network Level Evaluation of ARFC • 2002 PCCP Surface Texture Experiments • 2002 ADOT Elects to Use ARFC for Noise • 2003 ADOT’s Quiet Pavement Pilot Program

  21. The Social Journey Continues Population Growth of Arizona

  22. The March to the Arizona Quiet Pavement Pilot Program

  23. (1) Network Level Evaluation of ARFC Surfaces

  24. (2) Evaluation of PCCP Tining Methods Longitudinal Uniform Transverse Random Transverse

  25. (3) Comparison of Different Mixes

  26. Quiet Pavement Pilot Program

  27. Lessons Learned To Date • Comparison of Various Surface Types • Comparison of Measurement Systems • Environmental Effects • We Have Only Just Begun the JOURNEY!

  28. Noise Levels By Surface Type

  29. Mix Design Procedures

  30. Laboratory Tests • Impedance Tube (Mobile) • Complex Modulus Test-Loss Function • Permeability/Infiltration • Air Flow

  31. In Summary • Surface Type Does Matter-Noise Should be Controlled at the Source • Noise Should be Managed Just Like Friction, Roughness, Rutting, and Cracking • People Do Care How They Live-It’s a Quality of Life Issue!!!

  32. Thank You 6,000 Yrs 100 Yrs Future Tire/Pavement Engine Tire

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