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California Mandated Reporter Train the Trainers

f unded by California Department of Social Services, Office of Child Abuse Prevention p repared by The C hadwick Center at Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego. California Mandated Reporter Train the Trainers. Introductions Jenn Davis, MD Lisa Quinn Agenda.

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California Mandated Reporter Train the Trainers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. funded by California Department of Social Services, Office of Child Abuse Prevention prepared by The Chadwick Center at Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego California Mandated Reporter Train the Trainers

  2. Introductions • Jenn Davis, MD • Lisa Quinn • Agenda

  3. Mandated Reporter Training • Project Overview • Funded by the California Department of Social Services, Office of Child Abuse Prevention • Prepared by The Chadwick Center at Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego • Goal to provide standardized training for mandated reporters

  4. Mandated Reporter Training • Two options • Online training • Materials for in-person trainings

  5. Mandated Reporter Training • Online Training • 4 hour general training • Certificate provided when test completed and passed • Subspecialty trainings , 1-2 hours each • Intended to be taken after the general training • Tests and certificates for each specialty training • Clergy • Law enforcement • Medical • Social work • Educators • Developmentally delayed • Mental health

  6. Mandated Reporter Training • Online Training • FAQ’s • Rseources • CAPC, county CWS numbers • Link to 8572 • www.mandatedreporterca.com

  7. Mandated Reported Training • In-person trainings • Website with materials and resources/handouts • or • Powerpoint format • Group activities • Optional pre and post tests • Certificates of completion • Resource handouts • 8572, FAQ’s, CWS phone numbers, chart on reporting sexual abuse, one page handout on reporting

  8. Mandated Reporter Training • In-Person training • Approximately 100 slides • Can be customized or shortened • Local resources can be added • Group activities are optional but interaction is encouraged • Pre and Post tests are optional • Handouts can be customized

  9. Mandated Reporter Training http://trainthetrainer.mandatedreporterca.com • Information for trainers • Powerpoint • Handouts • Tests • Certificates

  10. Mandated Reporter Trainings • Interactive Exercises • Depends on the size of the group • Examples • Pre-test • “Scavenger hunt” • Small group discussions of clinical vignettes • Group handouts • Find the rest of your group w/ same topic • Test can be done in small groups

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