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A Study of the Effect of Computer – Assisted Language Learning on Iranian EFL Learners' Grammar Performance. Roghayeh Sajedi Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Islamic Republic of IRAN sajedi4249@yahoo.com.
A Study of the Effect of Computer – Assisted Language Learning on Iranian EFL Learners' Grammar Performance Roghayeh Sajedi Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Islamic Republic of IRAN sajedi4249@yahoo.com R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
With the development of new technologies, there has been a tremendous interest in applying these technologies in the educational area. The field of computer- assisted language learning (CALL) has a great potential to empower language learners and teachers. It is beneficial especially when the web- based instruction is used in language classes. The web provides the learners with authentic and interesting materials and helps them get access to multimedia resources. R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
Introduction In the realm of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), the most recent effort to enhance the process of language learning has involved computer technology. In this regard, Garrett [5] points out that the adoption of computer technology in foreign language education is part of a larger phenomenon known as the "new humanism" and represents one of the most exciting developments coming out of the participation of advanced technology in education. Since the initial introduction of computers in to the field of second/ foreign language education a large number of practitioners have concurred that this technology holds great potential for language learning. This belief leads to what is known as Computer – Assisted Language Learning, more commonly referred to as CALL. R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
Today many technologies can be, and are used in CALL, from blogs to virtual classroom. Most E-Learning situations use combinations of these techniques. E-Learning is naturally suited to distance learning and flexible learning but can also be used in conjunction with face to face teaching, in which case the term Blended learning is commonly used. E-Learning services have evolved since computers were first used in education. There is a trend to move toward blended learning services, where computer-based activities are integrated with practical or classroom-based situations. E-Learning lessons are generally designed to guide students through information or to help students perform in specific task. Information based e-learning content communicates information to the student. R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
According to Hanson-Smith [7], CALL has branched out in many ways in communicative pedagogy. The significant interest of CALL is to compare computer – enhanced classes with "traditional" or "conventional" classes. During the past decade, numerous studies have examined different approaches to teaching grammar [3];[4] &[6]. The use of computers to teach grammar has not received the same amount of attention as communicative CALL, but computer- based grammar instruction offers many potential benefits. R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
Web-based Instruction Web is a collection of a vast number of reference materials which could be assessed and selected through using common search engines or directories. Having found the relevant Wed sites, it is necessary to evaluate information in particular "source accuracy (i.e. authority objectivity and coverage), appropriateness (for learners' needs), and appeal ( easy to use, interesting to read)”[12]. R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
According to Warschauer[16], whatever reasons teachers have for teaching English via the web, the first important point is to clarify the goals for using the Internet, e.g. teaching writing, revising vocabulary and preparing a project. It is extremely vital to remember, "Little is usually gained by just adding random online activities into a classroom". R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
The second important point is integration of online activities into the course curriculum rather than adding these on top of the rest of classroom activities in a disconnected fashion. The third problem that teachers often encounter is that there are a number of complexities in introducing the web-based activities. A few to be mentioned are basic computer illiteracy of EFL students, malfunction of hardware and software, and slow loading of web sites. Therefore Warschauer [16], recommends that teachers have to provide support, i.e. personal help to learners during activities, assigning students to work in pairs or groups, and crate detailed handouts. These measures should prevent students from being overwhelmed by encountered difficulties and discouraged [8]. R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
The Research Question and hypothesis To achieve the purpose of the study, the following question is proposed: "Does Computer- assisted Language Learning have any effect on Iranian EFL learners' grammar performance?" Then the following null hypothesis is formulated: “Computer-assisted Language Learning has no effect on EFL learners' grammar performance.” R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
Methodology Participants A total of 40 EFL Iranian learners took part in this study. All learners enrolled for conversation course of English in Safir Institute. This study was carried out in spring 2010 for 20 sessions (each group had 10 sessions). All subjects were presented with a test of grammar, as the pre-test,one week before the onset of the study. There were 1 male and 24 female participants. While their ages ranged from 20 to 24. All the subjects had passed their grammar course and general English reading course, so they were expected to have the same background knowledge on both English grammar and reading. R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
Procedures A grammar test, the validity and reliability of which was proven to be high was administered as the pre-test. The research design consisted of one experimental group and one control group. The 40 students were randomly assigned into two sub groups. The students in control group read 20 texts from the printed pages of actual book during ten sessions in a conventional classroom. While the experimental group was asked to look through the web pages to read general articles carefully with a special focus on sentence structure. The two groups followed the same aim and scope of the course and they were taught by the same teacher. Both the actual book group and the computer group participated in 10 sessions. For both groups, these sessions occurred over a five – week period with 60 minutes allotted for each session (although this time limit was shorter in the experimental groups. After the treatment both groups took the same grammar test that they did at the beginning of the instruction as their post – test. Then the results were compared to see which group performed better. R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
Results In order to investigate the purpose of this study, the subjects in both groups took an equal pretest on week before the treatment and then at the end of the course, the post test was administered. Table1.Descriptive statistics for both groups' pre-test As Table1 well indicates that the mean, and the standard deviation of the experimental and control groups are not different. As the next step, the pre-test data were submitted to an independent two-tailed t-test to final whether the two groups had any significant difference prior to the treatment period (Table2): R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
Table2.Independent t-test for both groups on the pre-test The observed t value was .46 which was less than the critical t value of 2 at the probability level of p0.05. So, there was no significant difference between the two groups and they are almost at the same level of grammar knowledge. R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
After the treatment, the same grammar test used as the pre-test was administered as the post-test. The descriptive statistics of the post-test results of the experimental and the control groups are as follows (Table3): Table3. Descriptive statistics for both groups' post-test Table4.Independent t-test for both groups on the post-test R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
Since Table 4 indicates that the t. observed of 4.35 at a probability level of P<0.05 exceeded critical t of 2 the result of the independent t-test confirmed the positive relationship between computer – assisted language learning and EFL learners' grammar performance. Thus it can be concluded the task of reading articles on the net could help EFL learners' knowledge of grammar to a considerable extent. Also, the results could indicate that the web – based instruction is effective for teaching students certain aspects of foreign language learning such as vocabulary and reading skills. The results indicate that Computer Assisted Language Learning can be an effective method of teaching English grammar. R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
Conclusions The results revealed that the task of reading articles on the net could help EFL learners' knowledge of grammar to a considerable extent. They seem to indicate that computer- based grammar instruction can be more effective than traditional instruction. Furthermore the findings of this study may show that integration the technology as an essential component into curricula in the English educational settings is necessary and useful. It will be applicable for teaching English in high schools and universities. R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)
Thank You a Universe R.Sajedi (EDULEARN11, 2011, Spain)