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COLLEGE OF SCIENCE. The scientific core of Texas A&M. Who are we? What roles are we playing? What challenges do we face? What is our impact under Vision 2020? What are our goals ?. WHO ARE WE?. Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics

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  1. COLLEGE OF SCIENCE The scientific core of Texas A&M • Who are we? • What roles are we playing? • What challenges do we face? • What is our impact under Vision 2020? • What are our goals?

  2. WHO ARE WE? • Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics • The three basic laboratory sciences, plus the two basic mathematics sciences • Cyclotron Institute • Institute of Developmental and Molecular Biology • Center for Chemical Characterization and Analysis • Information Technology in Science (ITS) Center for Teaching and Learning • Institute for Quantum Studies • Others … • Important members of genetics, nutrition, neuroscience, materials science intercollegiate faculties

  3. SCIENCE AT A GLANCE • Dual role: huge service teaching load and strong basic/interdisciplinary research program • 213 tenured/tenure-track faculty (12% of TAMU); 1,850 undergraduates; 650 graduates • 20% of sem. credit hours; 35% of TAMU indirect cost • 18 of 40 distinguished professors; 6 of 25 University Faculty Fellows • 2 National Academy of Sciences members • CHEM, STAT among top 3 of TAMU departmentsranked in National Research Council; top 10 nationally • BIOL, MATH, PHYS rising rapidly since earning second quartile ranking

  4. SCIENCE AT A GLANCE • National leader in production of minority, female Ph.D.s • 22 tenured/tenure-track female faculty (7 professors, no fewer than one in each dept.); 8 minorities • Most faculty in each dept. have peer-reviewed funding • Most young faculty have CAREER, NYI, Sloan awards • Extensive teaching experts/quality control in large lower division courses • Development efforts on the rise over past five years, including 8 Bright or AUF matches • Leaders locally/nationally in technology-mediated instruction • State/national leaders in confronting mathematics and science teacher shortage

  5. CHEMISTRY • 6 distinguished professors, 46 tenured/tenure-track; 200 majors, 230 graduate students • 4th in undergraduate SCH, 2nd in graduate SCH • Arguably strongest department on campus • Highest TAMU NRC rating (4.11 of 5; next highest 3.81) • 15th of 168 programs nationally (.089), which also ranks as highest percentile • Up from 3.65, 22nd in 1982 NRC • Inorganic 7th, 6th of 15 peers • Top nationally in Ph.D. production (total and minority) • Produces half again as many Ph.D.s as any other dept. at A&M

  6. STATISTICS • 2 distinguished professors, 25 tenured/tenure-track; Statistics option in APMS, roughly 100 grad. students • 34th in undergraduate SCH, 4th in graduate SCH • Third highest TAMU NRC rating (3.78 of 5) • 13th of 58 programs nationally (.224), 7th among peer institutions • Up from 3.7, 24th in 1982 NRC • 10th in 1998 U.S. News & World Report rankings • Produced 3 of last 5 Hispanic Ph.D.s nationally • Recently received NCI R25 training grant - first at A&M • Faculty serve on an average of 15 external graduate advisory committees

  7. PHYSICS • 4 distinguished professors, 40 tenured/tenure-track; 80 majors, 110 graduate students • 13th in undergraduate SCH, 17th in graduate SCH • 7th in TAMU NRC ratings (3.22 of 5) • 46th of 146 programs nationally (.315), 12th among peer institutions • Up from 2.71, 54th in 1982 NRC • 17th in nuclear physics; 20th in particle physics in 1998 U.S. News & World Report rankings • Among world leaders in several fields, including quantum optics/computing for telecommunications

  8. MATHEMATICS • 5 distinguished professors, 68 tenured/tenure-track; 300 majors, 100 graduate students • 1st in undergraduate SCH, 17th in graduate SCH • TAMU NRC rating of 2.84 of 5 • 59th of 135 programs nationally (.437), last among peers but up from being unranked in 1982 NRC • 48th in 1998 U.S. News & World Report rankings • Two-thirds of faculty have NSF grants, including5-year, $5M VIGRE grant (1 of only 8 in nation) in 1999 • Extraordinary system of undergraduate review sessions (Week in Review, etc.) • Extraordinarily small class sizes relative to peers

  9. BIOLOGY • 1 distinguished professor, 34 tenured/tenure-track; 1,300 majors, 95 graduate students • 8th in undergraduate SCH, 28th in graduate SCH • NRC doesn’t rate Biology departments • Very strong in molecular biology, with particular emphasis on genomics, circadian rhythms • Recently received first TAMU NIH program project grant

  10. CENTERS & INSTITUTES • Cyclotron Institute, a DOE-supported university facility, operates a K500 super-conducting cyclotron, one of only four in the world • NSF Information Technology in Science (ITS) Center for Teaching and Learning, $10M, first of its kind nationally • Center for Mathematics and Science Education • Center for Chemical Characterization and Analysis: umbrella for Biological Mass Spectrometry, Crystal and Molecular Structure, Neutron Activation Analysis, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Gene Technology, Molecular Simulation, and Protein Chemistry Labs • Institute for Quantum Studies • Important members of faculties of genetics, nutrition, neurosciences, materials science

  11. TENURED/TENURE TRACK FACULTY • Approximately 12% of TAMU total • Al Cotton, Marlan Scully Nat’l Academy of Sciences members • Down 7 since 1997, 17 since 1991

  12. UNDERGRADUATE MAJORS ~ FALL SEMESTER ~ • Note overall increase • PHYS close to creating engineering physics degree; new APMS options; BIOL adding genomics/bioinformatics • CHEM, MATH have federally-funded REUs; CHEM has capstone research requirement; MATH has NSF VIGRE grant, etc. • Development Council working on finding matching funds for scholarships; LIFELINES Program


  14. GRADUATE MAJORS ~ FALL SEMESTER ~ • Desperate state of underfunding; most areas $2-4K lower stipends, plus $3-4K tuition and fees not waived

  15. GRADUATESEMESTER CREDIT HOURS • Overall decrease matches TAMU trend • Note service courses for STAT

  16. FALL SCH, WSCHPER FTE FACULTY SCH/FTE WSCH/FTE • Tenured/tenure-track plus lecturers WEIGHTS



  19. RESEARCH FUNDING* * in millions • Generated close to $2M per year in Indirect Cost Return (40% of TAMU total)

  20. TAMU NRC RANKINGS TAMU rated in 25 of 41 areas KEY • 1st col: NRC rating (0.00 means unrated) • 2nd col: TAMU rank of this rating • 3rd col: No. of universities rated in this area • 4th col: National rank of TAMU in this area • 5th col: Proportion of universities rated higher than TAMU in this area • 6th col: TAMU rank of this proportion

  21. ROLES WE’RE PLAYING • Basic science • Interdisciplinary science • Graduate and undergraduate majors • Technology-Mediated Instruction, Distance • Huge service teaching • Confronting mathematics and science teacher shortage • Outreach and women’s programs

  22. RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY The Fundamental Keys to the Life Sciences • Biological Clocks • Inner Ear Development • Molecular Motors in E. Coli • Gene Silencing

  23. RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY The Fundamental Keys to the Life Sciences The Department of Biology’s mission is to provide high quality education in biological sciences to the students of Texas A&M, to advance the body of scientific knowledge through scholarly research, and to provide technical and educational expertise locally, nationally and internationally.

  24. RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY The Fundamental Keys to Matter • Synthesis of Vitamin B12 • Discovery of Quadruple Bonds • Nanocatalysts • Instrumentation

  25. RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY The Fundamental Keys to Matter The Department of Chemistry is ranked ninth in the U.S. by the National Research Council and has the seventh-ranked inorganic program. Other areas of expertise in the Department include analytical, biological, organic and physical/nuclear chemistry.

  26. RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS The Fundamental Language of Science • Mathematical & Computational Biology • Switches on Band Gaps • Out-of-Classroom Instruction

  27. RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS The Fundamental Language of Science Notices of the American Mathematical Society is the premier newsletter of the mathematical community. Its editorship is a singular honor that requires its holder to possess broad knowledge of both mathematical research and current events and issues and, of course, superb writing skills. In January 2001, Harold P. Boas, professor of mathematics at Texas A&M, began a three-year term as Notices editor.

  28. RESEARCH IN PHYSICS The Fundamental Science of Relations of Matter and Energy • Quantum Optics • High Energy • Condensed Matter

  29. RESEARCH IN PHYSICS The Fundamental Science of Relations of Matter and Energy Through its numerous research thrusts, the Department of Physics provides broad educational opportunities to students at all levels. Its faculty members have many years of interest, including atomic and quantum optics, condensed matter and high energy. The faculty in nuclear physics are associated with the Cyclotron Institute as well as other nuclear programs around the world. The faculty in high energy have programs at FermiLab and other national and international laboratories.

  30. RESEARCH IN STATISTICS The Fundamental Interdisciplinary Science • Statistical Modeling • Nutrition and Cancer • Remediation of Groundwater Contamination • Distance Learning • Chemometrics

  31. RESEARCH IN STATISTICS The Fundamental Interdisciplinary Science The Texas A&M Department of Statistics, listed among the Top 10 in U.S. News & World Report rankings, is one of the largest and most prestigious departments of its kind in the nation. As such, it plays important teaching, research and service roles within the University.

  32. INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE • Institute for Quantum Studies • Information Technology in Science (ITS) Center • Faculties of materials science, nutrition, toxicology, genetics, neuroscience • Center for Mathematics and Science Education • Nanotechnology • Theoretical telecommunications • Center for Environmental Rural Health • Biology, bioinformatics, biostatistics NIH training grant

  33. TECHNOLOGY-MEDIATED INSTRUCTION, DISTANCE • Local and national leaders in TMI • For several years mathematics and statistics computer laboratories used in service classes • Information Technology Working Group; $70K laboratory and $50K of grants in FY01 • Larry Brown’s televised lecture course, CHEM 107 • Mike Speed’s TMI and distance versions of STAT graduate courses • James Hardin’s problem solving (applets, certificates) • Desperately need better networking • Capturing and streaming classes

  34. SERVICE TEACHING LOADS FY01 HEADCOUNTS: BIOL 10,398; CHEM 15,670; MATH 22,450 PHYS 7,557; STAT 6,153 Instructional enhancement/equipment access fee has helped tremendously!

  35. CONFRONTING QUALIFIED M/S TEACHER SHORTAGE • ITS Center, including searches for biology and chemistry education tenured faculty • Reinvigorated Center for Math and Science Education to serve as umbrella organization • Major players in TAMUS Regents’ Initiative • Math and Science Scholars (MASS) Program - Simplifies certification process for M&S majors - Program recently received $300K Richardson grant • 53 people reviewed middle school textbooks for TEA • Masters of Natural Sciences (teacher oriented)

  36. CONFRONTING QUALIFIED M/S TEACHER SHORTAGE • AP summer workshops in all five subjects • Matched TxCETP grant for teacher prep course reform • Gearing up for large NSF math education initiatives • Supplying content and IT expertise to TEA Region IV

  37. EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH AND WOMEN’S PROGRAMS • WISE Career and Professional Development Conference: 100-150 women from around the state at all levels of their professional careers hear invited presentations from TAMU and other nationally prominent female speakers • Ethel Ashworth-Tsutsui Memorial Lecture/Awards: prominent TAMU female scientist invited to deliver memorial lecture; awards presented to TAMU female grad students/postdocs in research and mentoring • Texas Junior Science & Humanities Symposium: 100 high school students from around the state selected through nomination process for 3-day event

  38. EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH AND WOMEN’S PROGRAMS • Texas A&M Regional Science Bowl: 32 teams of 5 high school students primarily from south, east and central Texas • Brazos Valley Regional Science & Engineering Fair: 200-plus middle and high school students from local counties within the Brazos Valley as well as other counties without regional fairs • Expanding Your Horizons: 300 6th-7th grade girls, mostly local and Houston area • Junior Science Bowl: nine teams of 6th-8th grade students from east, south and central Texas

  39. EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH AND WOMEN’S PROGRAMS • Texas Science Olympiad: 50 teams of 15 middle and high school students from across the state, plus observers and teachers, for 2-day event • Texas Junior Academy of Science: 100 high school students from around the state for 2-day event • NASA SHARP PLUS Program: 20 top caliber high school students, predominantly minority, from across the nation participate in this eight-week, on-campus research-oriented program

  40. CHALLENGES WE FACE • The Three Rs:Recruiting, Rewarding, Retaining faculty • Attracting students • Space - the final frontier • Startup funds and equipment matching • Research infrastructure • Development efforts

  41. RECRUITING, REWARDING RETAINING FACULTY SALARIES VS. PEERS • Colorado State, Iowa State, MIT, N. Carolina State, Ohio State, Purdue, Arizona, Illinois, Missouri • Merit raises totaled 18% for FY98 - FY01

  42. FACULTY LOSSES SINCE SEPT 1997 • Does not include tenure decisions, retirements, resignations • 4 females • Money, partner placement, B/CS, lack of infrastructure • Successfully countered at least 10 more, some of which were hugely expensive

  43. BASIC PROBLEMS • Very little new money since 1985 • Very small raises over 10-year period • Retention, “proactive retention,” and occasional “equity” raises force us either to replace tenured/tenure track faculty with temporary faculty or to stop teaching lower division courses

  44. RECRUITING, REWARDING, RETAINING GRAD STUDENTS • Desperately underfunded • Our stipends are $2-4K lower than main competition • Most competitors waive tuition and fees ($4,500/yr.) • Bryan/College Station • In some areas, programs/faculty make the difference • FY01 spent $200K on five $8K “signing bonuses” in each department • Spend graduate enhancement fees almost entirely on stipends and/or tuition remission • $105K from “Next Steps” • Lack of faculty money puts more pressure on TAs

  45. SPACE - The Final Frontier Biology: • Old buildings; desperate need for renovation money • Location of life sciences building (“complex”) crucial to future Chemistry: • Laboratory space Math: • Dept. split between Milner, Blocker • Classrooms all over campus • Inadequately sized classrooms • Laboratory space • No expansion room Physics: Statistics: • Training grant; large increase in grads

  46. STARTUP FUNDS AND EQUIPMENT MATCHING • A new faculty member who is an experimentalist in lab sciences (almost all in BIOL, CHEM; most in PHYS) requires at least $300K (typical assistant prof.) and as much as $1-2M (full/chair holder) in startup funds (equipment, lab renovations, research staff) • Even MATH scientists warrant $15-25K • Almost all federal equipment grants require 25-35% match from TAMU; College has spent approximately $1M per year on average to provide such matching • Life science task force is helping

  47. RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE • Lab sciences very equipment-driven • College very successful at getting large equipment from local, state and federal funds and charging user fees to cover expendables • Problems: 1. Funding for technicians 2. Space 3. Deciding which labs get central support 4. Many more such labs likely in future • Research infrastructure oversight committee

  48. DEVELOPMENT • Notoriously difficult to raise large amounts of money from science alumni • Active but small External Advisory & Development Council • Finally have our own full-time development officer who has some science background • 8 Bright/AUF matches primarily for industry/foundation • Seeking $200K in scholarship matching funds • LIFELINES Program seeks 1,000 health care alumni willing to contribute $1K each for pre-med, pre-dent scholarships


  50. HATE TO WHINE, BUT... Ph.D.s, 1990/1999 NOTE: STAT included with MATH

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