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Plant Flowers Part I. Anagallis Arvensis. Anagallis Arvensis is also knows as Scarlet pimpernel , red pimpernel, red chickweed, poorman's barometer, poor man's weather-glass, shepherd's weather glass, or shepherd's clock.
AnagallisArvensis • AnagallisArvensis is also knows as Scarlet pimpernel, red pimpernel, red chickweed, poorman's barometer, poor man's weather-glass, shepherd's weather glass, or shepherd's clock. • AnagallisArvensis is a low-growing annualplant found in Europe, Asia and North America. • Scarlet pimpernel flowers are open only when the sun shines. • This common European plant is generally considered a weed and is an indicator of light soils. • Kingdom: Plantae, Order: Ericales, Family: Myrsinaceae, Genus: Anagallis, Species: A. arvensis
BoragoOfficinalis • Boragoofficinalis is also known as a starflower. • Boragoofficinalisis an annualherb originating in Syria, but naturalized throughout the Mediterranean region, as well as Asia Minor, Europe, North Africa, and South America. • Boragoofficinalis is most often blue in color, but can also be pink and white. • In milder climates, Boragoofficinalis will bloom continuously for most of the year. • Kingdom: Plantae, Family: Boraginaceae, Genus: Borago, Species: B. officinalis
CliviaMiniata • Cliviaminiata (commonly known as Bush lily) is a species of clivia, from South Africa. • Cliviaminiata grows to a height of about 45cm in the shade of trees and shrubs. • Cliviaminiata flowers are red, orange or yellow, with a faint, but very sweet perfume. • Cliviaminiata is sometimes known in cultivation as "Kaffir Lily". • Kingdom: Plantae, Order: Asparagales, Family: Amaryllidaceae, Tribe: Haemantheae, Subtribe: Cliviinae, Genus: Clivia, Species: C. miniata
ErinaceaAnthyllis • Erinaceaanthyllis is also known as Erinaceaepungens - Blue broom, Hedgehog broom • Genus: Erinacea • Family: Leguminosae
Fuchsia • Fuchsia is a genus of flowering plants that consists mostly of shrubs or small trees. • The first, Fuchsia triphylla, was discovered on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola (present day Dominican Republic and Haiti) in 1703 by the French Minim monk and botanist, Charles Plumier. • Kingdom: Plantae, Division: Magnoliophyta, Class: Magnoliopsida, Order: Myrtales, Family: Onagraceae, Genus: Fuchsia
Lithospermum • Lithospermum is a genus of plants belonging to the family Boraginaceae. • Lithospermum species are known generally as gromwells or stoneseeds. • Kingdom: Plantae, Family: Boraginaceae, Subfamily: Boraginoideae, Genus: Lithospermum
PallenisSpinosa • Pallenis is a small genus of flowering plants in the sunflower family (Asteraceae). • The type species is Pallenisspinosa. • The name is derived from palea (chaff), referring to the chaffy receptacle. • This is a typical Mediterranean genus, occurring in desert and coastal habitats of Southern Europe, North Africa, the Canary Islands and the Middle East. • Pallenisconsists of, annual or biennial, herbaceous plant. • Pallenisgrow on uncultivated or disturbed land and roadsides. • Pallenisare hardy, even surviving in dry to very dry environments or cold spells. • Kingdom: Plantae, Order: Asterales, Family: Asteraceae, Subfamily: Asteroideae, Tribe: Inuleae, Subtribe: Inulinae, Genus: Pallenis
RuscusAculeatus • Ruscusaculeatus is a low evergreen Eurasian shrub, with flat shoots known as cladodes that give the appearance of stiff, spine-tipped leaves. • Small greenish flowers appear in spring, and are borne singly in the centre of the cladodes. • The female flowers are followed by a red berry, and the seeds are bird-distributed, but the plant also spreads vegetatively by means of rhizomes. • Common names: Butcher's Broom, Knee Holly, Jew's Myrtle, Sweet Broom, Pettigree • Kingdom: Plantae, Order: Asparagales, Family: Ruscaceae, Genus: Ruscus, Species: R. aculeatus
SolanumLycopersicum • Solanumlycopersicum is the plant that bears tomatoes. • Kingdom: Plantae, Order: Solanales, Family: Solanaceae, Genus: Solanum, Species: S. lycopersicum
Teucrium • Teucrium is a genus of perennial plants, of the familyLamiaceae. • Common names for this genus include germanders. These species are herbs, shrubs or subshrubs. • They are most common in Mediterranean climates. • Teucrium species are rich in essential oils. • They are valued as ornamental plants and pollen source, and some species have culinary and/or medical value. • Kingdom: Plantae, Order: Lamiales, Family: Lamiaceae, Genus: Teucrium