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Regulations the Netherlands for regular discharges of radioactivity ( aquatic environment)

Regulations the Netherlands for regular discharges of radioactivity ( aquatic environment). R. Heling NRG-Arnhem The Netherlands. Hydrological Models Relevance. Application : Nuclear accidents Regular discharges Relevance :

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Regulations the Netherlands for regular discharges of radioactivity ( aquatic environment)

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  1. Regulations the Netherlandsforregular discharges of radioactivity(aquatic environment) R. Heling NRG-Arnhem The Netherlands EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  2. Hydrological ModelsRelevance • Application: • Nuclearaccidents • Regular discharges • Relevance: • dosisbelasting niet verwaarloosbaar maar niet cruciaal in reguliere situaties, in ongevalssituaties perceptie van het risico een probleem EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  3. Type of modelling • Runoff, Transport land-to-water • Transport in rivers • Transport in estuaries en coastalregions • Transport in reservoirs en lakes • Transport in groundwater EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  4. Different kind of models (1) • Hydrodynamics • Transport of radionuclides • Near- field to far – field modelling • Modelling of short, middle, and long-term EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  5. Aquatic model and type (2) • Runoff: 2D (grens: 1000 km2) algoritme • Rivers: 2D, 1D, box, multi-box • Lakes: 3D, 2D, box • Estuaries: 3D, 2D, box • Coast: Box, 2D, 3D • Groundwater: 1D, 2D, 3D EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  6. Modelberekeningen • Oplossen van de advectie/diffusie vergelijking (numeriek) • Verzamelen inputgegevens • bijv: meteo, bathymetry, lozingen, water afvoer, salinity, getijdengegevens • Klant krijgt eindresultaat toegesneden op de vraagstelling EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  7. EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  8. EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  9. Tsjernobyl koelvijver + Dnjepr EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  10. EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  11. 3D model Estuarium (Dniepr Boeg) Sr-90 EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  12. Groundwater model (beneath the Chernobyl) Sr-90 90Sr (Bq/L) in groundwater - 2045 EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  13. North Sea – THREETOX Cs-137 in Seawater Cs-137 Bottom sediments Hypothetical Discharge Borssele PP (NL) EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  14. POSEIDON – Coastal regions Local compartments can be added by user EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  15. BesluitStralingsbescherming2001 Article 35 (and 108) EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  16. Necessary to model or not? • “Radiotoxicity-equivalence • Activityleading to 1Sv effectivedosebyingestion • Modelling not needed if: • Surface waters: A= 0.1 RE • On the sewer system: A = 10 RE EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  17. Derived criteria Wsn – secondary level test – assuming dilution 108, leading to 1 uSv/ yr, (unit f RE) so Wsn = 100 RE, leading to this dose. Wmax = A/RE Criteria (max) - 100 uS / yr (max per location, above no permit) Criteria : (low) 1 uS / yr (SN secondary level) – under this no modelling needed External irradiation: 10 us/yr (SN), under this no modelling needed Wmax/Wsn <1; dose < 1 uSv, no modelling needed EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  18. EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  19. Discharge per year, under which no permit needed, otherwise acquiring permit obliged (dose less than 10 uSv/yr). EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  20. To model objects: Rivers Lakes Coastalregion Estuaries Waste Water TreatmentInstallations Important Note: IF the system is connected to the coastalregion, the these shouldbeincluded as well Model Concept “DOVIS”Dosisberekening voor de Omgeving bij Vergunningverlening Ioniserende Straling EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  21. Processes sedimentation resuspension Transport betweencompartments Daughter - nuclides Standard Kd- values Notobliged: Sediment - water interaction These processes have to taken account in the model, more processes are of courseallowed in more complex models Model concept“DOVIS” EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  22. Exposurepathways Consumptionfisheryproducts Consumptiondrinking water Consumptionagriculturalproducts (irrigation) Externalirradiation Secondary pathways Usage of harboursludge and sewersludge in agriculture Irrigation Effect of flooding Residence at the coast (sea) Model concept “DOVIS” EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  23. Source to Dose Sewage sludge Floodplains Meat/Dairy products Water Fish Dose Calculations (input: consumption Behaviour Population) Drinking water Sediment Irrigation Agricultural Pr. Sand External Irridation + (Inhalation) EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  24. Gridresolution (homogeneousmixing) DynamicorSteady-State Conservativeornon-conservativebehaviourradionuclide Reference Group (>5% of the population) Available input data (veryrestrictive) Drinking water inletlocation (lakes, rivers) Fish migration ChoiceDispersion model“Criteria” EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  25. Company: Discharge data Discharge scenario Discharge rates Radionuclides in discharge Consultant: Collects model input Calculationconcentrationsradionuclides Calculation doses Company & Consultant EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  26. Case Study (1): North Sea • Discharges NORM on the continental shelf (continuous) • Discharges of radioactivity in the Westerscheldt estuary. (semi-continuous) • Question: Does it matter which compartments are chosen, and which model has been applied EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  27. Scenario 1: Coast at Rotterdam (min) Scenario 2: Coast at Rotterdam (max) Scenario 3: ContinentalShelf Scenario 4: Westerschelde estuary Comparison between NRG models for the coastal waters with PC CREAM (commercial dose assessment tool, HPA (formerly NRPB, UK) Case Study (2): Noordzee EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  28. Case Study (3): NorthSea Model configurationPC CREAM - NRG models Model configurations EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  29. NRG – model 10 compartiments EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  30. Exposurepathways inhalation (particles, sea spray) consumption (fish, mussels, shrimps) Externalirradiation (beach) Dose After a year (Scen. 4. Westerscheldt) YearlyDose (other scenario's) Discharge scenario 4: realestimated release into the environment Other scenario's: Unit Discharge Case Study (4): Noordzee Model input EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  31. Case Study (5): NoordzeeReferentiegroepen EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  32. Case Study (6) NoordzeeTabel: resultaat NRG-1 model 10 compartimenten: Rotterdam-Den Helder 1GBq/yr EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  33. Case Study (7): Noordzee Resultatenvergelijking PC-CREAM en NRG modellen (-) Dominant belastingspad 1 TBq /jaar Ra-226 (2.8 105 RE) EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  34. Discharge Westerscheldt (1E+5 MBq/y) EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  35. Case Study (8): NorthSeaConclusies • Choice of compartment size affects the results. • Commercial software not straight-forwarded applicable (be careful for wrong usage). • Inhalation negligible exposure pathway • Dosis below the legal upper limit of 100 Sv EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  36. Huidige Beschikbaarheid Modellen NRG • Alle lozingssituaties zijn te modelleren m.b.v RIVTOX, COASTOX, SUSTOX, WATOX, THREETOX, LAKECO-B, en POSEIDON • Meestal voldoet 1D model of compartiment model voor reguliere lozing • Aanpassing voor RWZI’s en baggerslib noodzakelijk EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

  37. Tot slot: Praktische punten • Binnen NRG expertise aanwezig • Projecten kunnen worden geformuleerd • Voor toxische stoffen expertise binnen KEMA/NRG • Alle modellen betrouwbaar: uitgebreid getest en gevalideerd in internationale projecten (EC, IAEA) in de afgelopen 15 jaar EMRAS-II IAEA, Vienna

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