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生物感測器原理與應用. 神經元電訊號之分析及應用 . 從分子、細胞、組織,到整個生物,生命有機體不斷可向上發展層級更高也更複雜的系統,而每一層系統都會有一些新的特質出現,而這些特質就算是透徹探討過組成份子後也無法預測得知的, 一如水分子的性質無法由組成之氫原子和氧原子的特性中看出 。 emergence (突現 ). single unit recording multiple unit recording. Scale bars (A) 1 mm per division (B) 250 µm (C) 60 µm. .
生物感測器原理與應用 神經元電訊號之分析及應用
從分子、細胞、組織,到整個生物,生命有機體不斷可向上發展層級更高也更複雜的系統,而每一層系統都會有一些新的特質出現,而這些特質就算是透徹探討過組成份子後也無法預測得知的, 一如水分子的性質無法由組成之氫原子和氧原子的特性中看出 。 emergence(突現)
single unit recording multiple unit recording
Scale bars (A) 1 mm per division (B) 250 µm (C) 60 µm.
In the first monkey, 96 microwires were implanted in the 1. left dorsal premotor cortex (PMd, 16 wires) 2. left primary motor cortex (MI, 16 wires) 3. left posterior parietal cortex (PP, 16 wires) 4. right PMd and MI (32 wires) 5. right PP cortex (16 wires) In the second monkey, 32 microwires were implanted in the 1. left PMd (16 wires) 2. left MI (16 wires) Recordings of cortical neural ensembles began 1-2 weeks after the implantation surgery and continued for 12 months in monkey 1, and 24 months in monkey 2.
Volume 408(6810): 361-365, 16 November 2000 [Letters to Nature] • Real-time prediction of hand trajectory by ensembles of cortical neurons in primates • Wessberg, Johan*; Stambaugh, Christopher R.*; Kralik, Jerald D.*; Beck, Pamela D.*; Laubach, Mark*; Chapin, John K.†; Kim, Jung‡; Biggs, S. James‡; Srinivasan, Mandayam A.‡; Nicolelis, Miguel A. L.*§[//] • * Department of Neurobiology; § Department of Biomedical Engineering; [//] Department of Psychology-Experimental, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27710, USA • † † Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, State University of New York Health Science Center, Brooklyn, New York 11203, USA • ‡ ‡ Laboratory for Human and Machine Haptics, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA.