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Project Scheduling Progress Report. By: Ernawati Mustafa Kamal School of Housing, Building & Planning Universiti Sains Malaysia. What is project?. A project is a collection of tasks that must be completed within certain time frame, with specific cost & quality. What is Project.
Project SchedulingProgress Report By: Ernawati Mustafa Kamal School of Housing, Building & Planning UniversitiSains Malaysia
What is project? • A project is a collection of tasks that must be completed within certain time frame, with specific cost & quality.
What is Project Planning • Input • Land • Money (capital) • Labour • Material • Machine Process • Output • Design • Product • Buildings • Infrastructure What do we do to get it done? How do we do it? What do we want?
Project Scheduling Objectives • Estimating time of project by determining the earliest start and finish of each activity. • Finding the minimum cost schedule needed to complete the project by a certain date. • Investigating the results of possible delays in activity’s completion time. • Progress control • Smoothing out resource allocation over the duration of the project.
Project Scheduling • Tasks are called “activities.” - Estimated completion time (and sometimes costs) are associated with each activity. - Activity completion time is related to the amount of resources committed to it. - The degree of activity details depends on the application and how specific is the data.
Identifying the Activities of a Project • To determine optimal schedules we need to • Identify all the project’s activities. • Determine the precedence relations among activities.
Identifying Activities • Example: - Company A is a contractor & they need to construct a house.
Identifying Activities • Major task they need to perform & complete: - Sub-structure - Superstructure - Internal Finishes - Services and finishing - External Works
Identifying Activities • Company A needs to develop a precedence relations chart. • The chart gives a concise set of tasks and their immediate predecessors.
Identifying Activities ActivityDescription APiling Sub-Structure B Pile caps and ground beams CFrame D Upper Floors E Roof F Stairs and Ramps Superstructure G External Walls H Windows and External Doors I Internal Walls and Partitions J Internal Doors Internal Finishes K Wall finishes L Floor Finishes M Ceiling Finishes
Identifying Activities ActivityDescription NSanitary installation Services & Finishing O Water installation PElectrical installation QRoad, Paths, Pavings & Surfacing External Works R Landscaping and Irrigation Systems S Fencing T External drainage U External services From the activity description chart, we can determine immediate predecessors for each activity.
Scheduling Tools & Techniques • Mathematical Analysis - calculating theoretical early and late start and finish dates for all projects activities without regard for any resource limitations. - The resulting dates are not schedule, but it indicate the time period within which activity should be schedule.
Mathematical Analysis • Critical Path Method (CPM) • Graphical Evaluation and Review Techniques (GERT) • Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
Scheduling Tools & Techniques • Bar Charts - Milestone charts - Gantt charts • Horizontal time scale is used, often divided into weeks. • Various operations comprising the project are listed vertically down the left-hand side.
Bar Charts • The timing and duration of each operation indicated by a horizontal bar spanning the relevant period of weeks and shown on the same line as the operation it refers to.
Progress Report • It is a document used for updating the progress of work. • Can be in many forms i.e: report (short report, formal report), memo, letter, or presentation.
What is expected to be in progress report? • Background of the project • Discussion of achievement during that period of time (including the photos). • Discussion of the problems arise • Discussion on the work to be completed. • Current cost/budget • Assessment of whether you will meet the objectives in the proposed schedule and budget