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The Skolkovo Project, Progress Report. Brief Overview Progress per activity Public and government relations Clusters Education and research Commercialization Key partners Technopark City development Cluster strategy Energy efficiency Biotechnologies IT Technopark
The Skolkovo Project, Progress Report • Brief Overview • Progress per activity • Public and government relations • Clusters • Education and research • Commercialization • Key partners • Technopark • City development • Cluster strategy • Energy efficiency • Biotechnologies • IT • Technopark • Skolkovo Institute of Technology Overview For approval
Government and public relations in March – May 2011 • According to a study by VTsIOM (Russian Public Opinion Research Center), cited by Chairman of the Board of Trustees Dmitry Medvedev in his April 25 speech, the majority of Russians routinely expect key updates on Skolkovo on a monthly basis, which they receive mainly through television and the Internet. TV Programs Once a weekor more often Internet publications 30% Once a month Once a quarter Once a year or less often I’m not interested I’m not sure
Government and public relations in March – May 2011 Public discussion of the Skolkovo mission • The Skolkovo mission was promoted in the Foundation's leaders‘ public speeches in the mass media and at conferences where relevant target audiences were represented. Messages important to the target audiences also appear in publications on Skolkovo.. • In parallel to the efforts aimed at building Skolkovo as a global brand, significant emphasis was also placed on working with the domestic audience. Within three months, a reliable system was created for communicating on a regular basis to target audiences (researchers, businessmen, and students) news of of the Foundation's daily activities. The system of advance and educational information involved representatives of the Foundation's departments who interface with project stakeholders, key partners, public associations, government authorities and partners in the scientific and educational communities. Creating a pole of attraction for world’s advanced research and development, ensuring consolidation of intellectual and creative resources in line with development imperatives and social aspirations. Transformation of best practices in commercializing research and development, speeding up introduction of leading technologies in actual economic sectors, renewing the bid at participating in developing global technological platforms. Creating in the Russian Federation an environment conducive to re-creating and development of innovation. Skolkovo is to host a self-perpetuating human-to-science system, which eliminates the gap between new areas of scientific knowledge and ensures their proliferation across the world and use for the good of the humankind. Creating an infrastructure of comfort for the talents. In the design and construction of Innograd, the most modern and efficient city planning, architectural and engineering solutions will be used, which will allow to create a most human-friendly environment and will ensure a high quality of life. Selection of young talents and ensuring their access to modern knowledge and world’s best practices. Achieving personal success will become possible through knowledge, creativity, work and the spirit of entrepreneurship. Public presentation of Skolkovo projects • A technology has been perfected for public presentation of innovation projects and of project teams working at the Innovation Centre: a package of presentation materials is prepared for each participant's project and then published on the Internet (A Flash-based project presentation, a videos, etc.). As a result, starting in April-May, discussion of the Skolkovo agenda has been shifting towards discussions of the contents of specific projects at the Innovation Centre. For example, the content (videos) returned by a Skolkovo query of www.youtube.com, the popular video sharing site, is 2/3 generated by the Foundation's PR department, of which more than half are about the project participants. • This technology has been tested at events attended by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Project participants themselves underscore at these events the communications value of the Skolkovo project participant status for attracting "smart money " from external investors. An additional effect of the communications-centered method of preparing for and holding official events is that the invited project participants begin to interact with each other as this will take place within the Skolkovo ecosystem.
Government and public relations in March – May 2011 Results • A stable communications pattern was created at the federal and regional levels. 160 news agencies and networks, 117 central and local TV channels, 32 national radio stations broadcast news about the project. Discussion of various aspects of the project can be found in 580 printed publications.. • The number of subscribers to the official Twitter account, @ i_Skolkovo, grew by 3,5 times (more than 10,000 subscribers), the members of the official community Skolkovo Foundation on Facebook - by 4,5 times (more than 900 active users). • The Skolkovo domain is currently under construction. • Without a doubt, a significant role in the prominence of the project on the national agenda was played by the relevant departments of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (the April 25 announcement of the Commission on the Modernization and Technological Development, quoted opening speech by Medvedev and the May 18 press conference at the Skolkovo MSM. (Note: unfortunately, the attention the project received in the mass media's coverage of the press conference was less than expected). • However, not only in April and May but also in March, the monthly indicator of references never fell below the 3,000 mark (KPI - 2500). An additional increase in May was associated with mentions of the view of the project by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, which certainly attracted additional audiences and received further developments in the statements of several other government officials within international and industry-specific projects in their areas of responsibility. • A maximum growth was observed in connection with the news on the views of the Skolkovo project's current participants or those who plan to join. Those were the speeches by M. Sitkovskiy (NewVac), B. Kanin (Optiflame), S. Kuzmin (Bazelevs), Petrov (Ural Pharm Cluster), Popov (Smeshariki) and others. • The launch of the New People Sk joint project with the Science 2.0 channel about the Skolkovo participants and their projects will help further reinforce this trend. 13,000 mentions (March – May) Sk in regional agenda Members and their projects, joint projects with key partners City Council, Advisory Board for Science, the Fund’s investment policy Peaks of mentions: April 25 - a meeting of the Modernization Commission May 18 – Dmitry Medvedev’s press conference. • A Skolkovo public communications model has been developed and discussed in the professional community. Indicators for evaluating the Foundation's effectiveness has been also prepared. Qualified agencies with regional networks and global partners have been selected (SPN Ogilvy, the IMA Group, CROS, Newton, the Ya Corporation and others).
Government and public relations in March – May 2011 Work with target audiences aimed at attracting new participants focuses on the established model of the Foundation presentation at exhibitions • Through the presentations of the Innovation Centre at its exhibition stands, a physically recognizable image and design of Skolkovo itself is being gradually created. On the one hand, each stand serves as a mockup of the knowledge factory under construction. On the other hand, it serves as a platform for different levels of communications including interacting with representatives of government bodies and of public associations. Skolkovo’s first exhibitions were set up in a record time this spring with the active support of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry's Exhibition Committee at Russia’s leading exhibitions in Moscow (the XIV Moscow International Salon "Archimedes" (presentations by the Foundation's representatives called "How to get to Skolkovo?"), High Technologies of the XXI Century (a presentation of an information system for clusters and 3D passports of the first projects), SvyazExpocomm 2011 (discussion of the site’s layout with representatives of the professional community, presentations of the cluster project). As a result of these events, more than 30 applications for joining Skolkovo have been received. All presentations are broadcast live on the Foundation's website, which is also additionally reflected in the online media sources relevant to our target audience. • A Skolkovo exposition is set up at the Sheremetyevo International Airport (a competition of handset photos of the Skolkovo stand is held jointly with PACO and LG Electronics) The Skolkovo Exhibition Stand The Skolkovo Exhibition Stand Visualizing the physical Skolkovo Presenting Skolkovo development trends Presenting Skolkovo participants (the first opportunity for commercialization) Additional positioning in online media Government representatives Skolkovo potential members and partners Public associations and organizations • An effort to explain the policy is actively underway at various forums and conferences attended by representatives of government bodies and public associations. These activities include a meeting at the Embassy of PRC as part of the Business Russia delegation, events such as the Russian Assembly of Orthodox Businessmen Forum and the OPORA Russia conference. • Working with alumni of the Presidential Program for National Economy Management Training is promising. Videos of the speeches by the Foundation management and its strategic advisors was posted on Facebook and provoked a lively discussion. Work with target audiences aimed at attracting new participants focuses on the established model of the Foundation presentation at exhibitions Skolkovo expositions • The Foundation's stands at Russian and international exhibitions have become a permanent meeting place of the Skolkovo Foundation Club. During such meetings, various socially significant topics are discussed and projects initiated, which are to be developed in the future. For example, at the Congress of the Chidren's Products Industry in Moscow, investment projects in the Children's Internet were presented and a public discussion took place of the sketches for the The Guest from the Future series, which is set in Skolkovo. Due the video, Alisa: a guest from the future, Bazelevs Innovation was actively discussed in the media. A draft design of the Skolkovo theater was prepared jointly with Director Kirill Serebryannikov. Skolkovo Foundation Club Presentations of the Humanitarian Skolkovo projects New innovation projects Discussion of social issues
Government and public relations in March – May 2011 Promoting the Skolkovo brand in global public communications. Attracting potential partners. Cooperation agreements with: Rosoboronexport, ISS Reshetnev, RWE, Nanohale, DeutcheMesse, techno parks Opitec, Sophia Antipolis • To promote Skolkovo internationally, a series of presentations was held in Europe: a presentation of Skolkovo and signing of the agreements with Alstom and EADS, the signing of a contract with AREP, Paris (France), a presentation of the Space Technology and Telecommunications and Biomedical Technology Clusters in Berlin (Germany) as part of the Russian-German Economic Congress, the presentations of the Information Technology and Energy-efficient Technologies and Biomedical Technology Cluster projects at the CEBIT-2011 International Exhibition in Hanover (Germany), and the Science, technology and innovation achievements of Russia 2011 exhibition in Madrid (Spain). A meeting took place between the President of the Foundation, V.F. Vekselberg, and Prince Philippe of Belgium and a delegation of heads of Belgian companies. Safe City, an international project conference, was held and attended by Russian, German, Israeli, French experts, as well as representatives of the world's leading companies in the security industry - CISCO, EADS, SIEMENS, GLS. The Foundation took an active part in the Russia Day at the annual Global Technology Symposium (CTS), and held their own discussion under the title of Russia: the cradle of innovation. The events involving Vice President Joseph Biden and a Stanford University professor and former Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice received extensive media coverage. Both events were attended by Skolkovo representatives. • V.F. Vekselberg's Interviews were organized and held with Les Echo, a leading French newspaper, and the BBC, a British TV channel. Craig Barrett, the Co-chairman of the Foundation Board, gave an interview to the Russia Today TV channel.. • This set of measures can solve the problem of attracting attention to the project from the active parts of the research and business communities abroad thereby creating a fashion for Russian innovation based on the understanding of Russia's desire to integrate into the global knowledge economy. Cooperation proposals from: CNBC, BBC, Euronews, Bloomberg Presentations in Europe (France, Germany) International exhibitions (Germany, Spain) International conferences and conferences attended by foreign experts (Germany, Russia) Interviews to Les Echo, BBC, Russia Today Cooperation agreements with Trade Missions in Germany, France, Spain, Indonesia. Skolkovo’s first projects were demonstrated to Vice Prime Minister A. Zhukov, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, Roskosmos, the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Communications This spring, Vice President of the Foundation S.A. Naumov received proposals for cooperation within SPIEF-2011 from 4 global media holdings: CNBC, BBC, Euronews, and Bloomberg. Under these proposals, a breakthrough can be achieved within a fairly short time period, which will create country association of Skolkovo with Russia and thereby elevate the Skolkovo brand to the level of brands already understood by the business community - those of general partners of the Saint Petersgburg Forum. The proposals were passed for further elaboration to the Director of Advertising and spokesperson, Alexander Chernov. Cooperation with key partners in the field of information should be conducted differently. It is not enough to rely only on local industry pools. It is necessary to reach to the press services at the headquarter and to seek joint promotion of the information in the foreign mass media with the subsequent reprinting through the pools of political and business publications of a wide spectrum.