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Student Tool R&D

Student Tool R&D. What type of student tool can be developed that will:. Provide students with opportunity to take the lead in their own learning Compliment streamlined PCDP Build functionality within jcstudent.org. Student Tool R&D: Process.

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Student Tool R&D

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  1. Student Tool R&D What type of student tool can be developed that will: • Provide students with opportunity to take the lead in their own learning • Compliment streamlined PCDP • Build functionality within jcstudent.org

  2. Student Tool R&D: Process Research and development process includes participation from: • PCDP workgroup • Student and staff focus groups • Student and staff prototype testing

  3. Student Tool R&D: Concept About the concept: • Best thinking to date • Reflects practical transition from existing resources to new tools • More information needed to work out details between ‘sharing applications’

  4. Student Tool R&D: Concept How the concept works: • Proposed concept is a ‘log-in’ functionality on http://www.jcstudent.org that allows students to save their work • Users can choose to view the site OR log-in, view the site, and save their work

  5. Student Tool R&D: Concept Immediate and future plans: • Initial R&D focus concentrates on current jcstudent.org content • Later development may include new site content designed especially for student tool

  6. Student Tool R&D: Initial Focus Several PCDP checklist questions relate to existing content on jcstudent.org: • Did you introduce CDSS to the applicant? • Did you discuss Labor Market Information with the applicant? • Did you discuss Job Search Skills and resources with student? • Did you complete or discuss Career Assessment resources with student? • Did student have any Wellness concerns? • Did student have any Communication concerns?

  7. Student Tool R&D: Concept Existing content on jcstudent.org: • CDSS quiz • LMI info found in ‘Explore Career Options’ • ‘Practice Employability Skills’ includes job search skills and communications • ‘CIA tool’ offers individual career interest assessment and related occupation search • ‘Know Yourself ‘ offers resources about learning, health, disabilities

  8. Student Tool R&D: Concept Additional content on jcstudent.org that students can save for use during and beyond their stay in Job Corps: • Contact information for employability kit items such as birth certificate, driver’s license and social security card • Resume • Cover letter • Job search results

  9. Student Tool R&D: New Content • Self-assessment developed from ESP criteria that can help students form their ‘plan’ • ‘Support plan’ items • Labor market information tutorial and subsequent search results to compliment occupation and job search information

  10. Student Tool R&D: Process Two unique user groups with specific needs use two types of information: • Staff (and JC program) use student data to monitor progress = Staff data • Students need information during and beyond their stay in Job Corps to accomplish their goals= Student useful

  11. Student Tool R&D: Process This workgroup can: • Offer insight regarding delivery of CDSS services and staff/student information needs • Shape initial concept development for further market testing • Provide additional information that will help determine specifications for new tools

  12. Staff data Student useful Issue: Employment History Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item OA, CP, CD Employment History information reviewed/updated? • Does student provide employment history details? • Does staff verify information? • Is staff or student primarily responsible for this information? • Is the information staff/data or student/useful?

  13. Staff data Student useful Issue: Student Support Plan Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item OA, CP, CD Student Support Plan reviewed/updated? • Does staff ‘approve’ student plan and goals? • Are the ‘plan’ and ‘goal’ information pieces collected (reviewed, analyzed) system wide from all individual records? • How does staff use this information? • How do students use this information? • Which electronic tool will be primary home for plan/goal info?

  14. Staff data Student useful Issue: Student Support Plan Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item OA, CP, CD Student Support Plan reviewed/updated? • Does staff ‘approve’ student plan and goals? • Are the ‘plan’ and ‘goal’ information pieces collected (reviewed, analyzed) system wide from all individual records? • How does staff use this information? • How do students use this information? • Which electronic tool will be primary home for plan/goal info?

  15. Staff data Student useful Issue: Student Goal Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item OA, CP, CD Student goal reviewed/updated? • Are academic/vocational/personal goals all included here? • Can a list of possible goals be compiled?

  16. Staff data Student useful Issue: TABE Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item CP, CD TABE test information reviewed? • How do students use TABE information?

  17. Staff data Student useful Issue: Course Enrollment Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item CP, CD Course Enrollment information reviewed? • How do students use course enrollment information?

  18. Staff data Student useful Issue: Vocation Certificate Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item CP, CD Vocation Certificate information reviewed? • Is there be a certificate to enter in the system when student is moving from CPP to CDP? • Is the certificate a portfolio item? • Is it currently electronic or hard copy?

  19. Staff data Student useful Issue: Personal Development Assessment Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item CP, CD Personal Development Assessment reviewed/updated? • What does assessment consist of? • When is the assessment given? (one time or multiple times?) • Is it currently electronic or hard copy? • Is this part of system-wide data collected by JC?

  20. Staff data Student useful Issue: Intake Counseling Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item CP Intake Counseling Interview completed? • Does ‘Intake’ information affect ‘plan’ or ‘goals’? If so, how?

  21. Staff data Student useful Issue: LMI Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item CP Did you discuss Labor Market with the student? • When does this discussion happen in relationship to student activities such as occupation search, job search, choosing a vocation? • Is the discussion complete after one conversation or can it be ongoing?

  22. Staff data Student useful Issue: WBL Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item CP Work Based Learning information reviewed/updated? • How does Work Based Learning happen? Is it arranged by staff?

  23. Staff data Student useful Issue: Evaluation Information Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item CP Evaluation Information reviewed? • Is this ESP? • When is evaluation given? • What does evaluation consist of?

  24. Staff data Student useful Issue: Wellness Concerns Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item CD Did student have any Wellness concerns? • What would a wellness concern be? • Can any staff note a wellness concern, or is it primarily health center staff? • Do privacy rules affect sharing health information? • Do wellness concerns relate to student personal development and goals?

  25. Staff data Student useful Issue: Communication Concerns Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item CD Did student have any Communication concerns? • What would a communication concern be? • Can any staff note a communication concern? • Would student set goals regarding communication concerns?

  26. Staff data Student useful Issue: Diversity Concerns Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item CD Did student have any Communication concerns? • What are examples of diversity concerns? • Can any staff note a diversity concern? • Would student set goals regarding diversity concerns?

  27. Staff data Student useful Issue: Career Assessments Relevant CDSS period PCDP Checklist item CD Did you discuss Career Assessments with student? • What are examples of career assessments? • What types of purposes do the assessments serve? • How would career assessments affect student plans and goals?

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