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Student Services. Student Services/Community Education. Dale Wisely, Ph.D., Director Janice Grammer , Administrative Assistant 877-8349. Student Services. Counseling Services Attendance/Residency Discipline/Safety Substance abuse & violence prevention Mountain Brook Anti-Drug Coalition
Student Services/Community Education Dale Wisely, Ph.D., Director Janice Grammer, Administrative Assistant 877-8349
Student Services Counseling Services Attendance/Residency Discipline/Safety Substance abuse & violence prevention Mountain Brook Anti-Drug Coalition Alternative School School Nursing/Health
Student Services Early Warning Program Parenting Support & Education Consultation & Professional Development re: Mental Health Issues Community Education
Janice Grammer, Student Services and Community Education Assistant Janice Grammer
Janice Grammer, Student Services and Community Education Assistant Janice Grammer
Seclusion: Isolates and confines student in a separate, locked area. NOT PERMITTED.
Ok (because not considered seclusion) • Staff member, trained in de-escalation, is physically present with student in room. • Student-requested break in a different location in a room or a different room. • Time-out as defined below.
Time-out • Unlocked setting, lighted, ventilated, heated/cooled. • Reasonable duration, not to exceed 45 minutes. • Reasonably monitored by a close-by adult. • No objects in room which could harm student.
3 types of RESTRAINT • Chemical - NO. • Mechanical – NO. • Physical – MAYBE.
Restraint: Definitions • Mechanical Restraint-useof any device or materials attached or adjacent to student’s body to restrict normal freedom of movement and which cannot be easily removed by student. NOT PERMITTED. • DOES NOT INCLUDE: Seat belts, adaptive or protective devices from therapist or doctor to promote normative posture or functioning or to prevent self-injury.
Restraint: Definitions Physical Restraint – direct physical contact from adult that prevents or significantly restricts a student’s movement.
THIS IS NOT PHYSICAL RESTRAINT, so is not restricted by the Rule: • Limited physical contact or redirection to promote safety or prevent self-injury • Physical guidance or prompting when teaching a skill • Redirecting attention • Providing guidance to a location • Providing comfort • Providing limited physical contact as reasonably needed to prevent imminent destruction of property.
Physical restraint that restricts flow of air to student’s lungs. Face up/face down, choke hold. NOT PERMITTED.
Physical restraint • May only be used when student is immediate danger to himself or others • and student is not responsive to less intensive behavioral interventions including verbal directives or other de-escalation methods. • Must be terminated as soon as immediate danger has passed or if the student is in severe distress. May never be used as a form of discipline or punishment.
Required procedures for physical restraint. • Documentation of every incident on a Physical Restraint Incident Report. • Immediate written notification of parent/guardian, including Incident Report and notice of debriefing session. • Debriefing session within 5 days.
Nothing in this law is intended to interfere with… • Appropriate use of Time-out, as defined. • Any classroom management technique, including removing student from classroom, not otherwise noted in the rule. • Reasonable measures to break up a student fight or altercation. • Reasonable actions to obtain possession of a weapon or other dangerous objects on a student.
Counseling Elementary: 1 counselor each, 2 at Crestline. MBJH: 3 counselors MBHS: • 1 counselor per grade level • Student Assistance Counselor • College Admissions Advisor
See the counselor about: • Serious academic problems • Student mental health concerns (depression, suicide, any rapid change. Better to say something about nothing than nothing about something. • Concerns about student family issues • Sit in on parent conferences R e a c h o u t e a r l y !
Diversity issues Serve all the young people in our district regardless of race, creed, lifestyle, political affiliation, etc. Make every student and family (and visitor) feel welcome, valued, honored, and respected each and every time they walk through the door.
Religious diversity To make sure all students and staff feel welcome and fully included (and to comply with law). Students have broad 1st Amendment rights to religious expression in school. Teachers do not.
Students may not harass each other about religion (or anything else.) Teachers must remain NEUTRAL re: One religion vs. another or religion vs. secularism. Unconstitutional for teachers to lead prayer or to conspicuously pray with students at school.
Teachers may not use “the Bible says..” statements to defend value or moral statements or as authoritative source on history or science. “Winter break,” not “Christmas holiday.” No religious symbols.
Religious holidays respected and accommodated. Students should never feel pressured to choose between school attendance & religious observance and should not be made to feel conspicuous for observing the holidays. None of our students, regardless of religion, are penalized for being absent from school for religious observances.
Jewish High Holidays (Fall 2012) Be considerate about what you schedule for the Jewish High Holidays. Work with your colleagues and principal. Be generous in allowing lots of make-up time. None of our students, regardless of religion, are penalized for being absent from school for religious observances.
Jewish High Holidays (Fall 2011) • ROSH HASHANAH begins at sundown this year on Sunday, September 16th, the holy days of the holiday will be Monday, September 17th and for some students, Tuesday, September 18th, No work is permitted on Rosh Hashanah. • Generally, we do not give major tests on these days, or the day following, as the students will not be able to study. We also discourage using these days as major review days for upcoming tests as this can also put Jewish students at a disadvantage. • In general, be sensitive to the fact that observance of these holidays may prevent a student from preparing for things you have planned.
YOM KIPPUR this year will be observed on September 25-26. (Tuesday, sundownthrough Wednesday). Yom Kippur is the most important holiday of the Jewish year. Yom Kippur is a complete rest day, no work can be performed. Like Rosh Hashanah, no work is permitted on Yom Kippur and for this reason, so be aware of what you are scheduling this day and the day or days following.
Student bullying/harassment • Our policy is to work against harassment and bullying and not to enable or permit it. • NO STUDENT (or staff member) deserves mistreatment for any reason. Race, ethnicity, creed, socioeconomic status, gender identity or sexual orientation, or any personal or family characteristic, real or perceived. • Intervene, work with your administrators and counselors; do not let it go unreported. • We do not say to a student “If you didn’t act or look like _____, people wouldn’t pick on you.”
Confidentiality and school culture • Confidentiality is not a natural part of the culture of schools. • Stop and think before you speak and write.
Guidelines: FROM THE SCHOOL to OUTSIDE • Written parent authorization to talk to anyone outside school and/or to send written material. • Don’t chat about students and their families. • Even when names are not disclosed, people can often “figure out” who you’re talking about, so not ok.
Guidelines: WITHIN THE SCHOOL/SYSTEM “NEED TO KNOW” • Only discuss sensitive student matters with those colleagues who NEED TO KNOW. • Then only discuss what that colleague needs to know. • If a colleague shares information with you about his or her student, remember you have a duty to keep that info confidential.
Guidelines: CONSULT with counselors and school administrators • Many complicated judgment calls exist. • So, when there is any doubt, consult with counselors and school administrators.
Email When you are writing an email, even internally, ASSUME that sooner or later, the parents of the student will read that email.
Recap • Written authorization for outside communication • “Need to know” for internal communication • CONSULT when unsure • Careful with email
Mandatory reporting of suspected abuse and neglect • Work with counselor and make sure your principal knows the situation. • Counselor will help you make the report, but you cannot “pass on” the reporting duty to anyone else. • You are protected from lawsuit when you make a good faith report.
Boundary issues • Balancing accessibility with appropriate limits • Home phone numbers • After-hours emails • Dual relationships • Diagnosis/ “prescribing”, recommending outside services.