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Japan: Land of the Rising Sun

Japan: Land of the Rising Sun. Art, Manners, Bushidos and Ninjas. Art: Chinese influence. http://img279.imageshack.us/img279/1314/samuraiassault9ah.jpg. Art: Buddhist influence. http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00798/kyoto_798861c.jpg. Art: Japanese Shinto.

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Japan: Land of the Rising Sun

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Japan: Land of the Rising Sun Art, Manners, Bushidos and Ninjas

  2. Art: Chinese influence http://img279.imageshack.us/img279/1314/samuraiassault9ah.jpg

  3. Art: Buddhist influence http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00798/kyoto_798861c.jpg

  4. Art: Japanese Shinto http://www.brentwood.k12.ca.us/EHS/Teachers/Currie/ukiyo-e-edo-japan-pilgrimage-to-the-shinto-shrine-edo-japan.jpg

  5. Art: Spot the difference http://gregcookland.com/journal/uploaded_images/picRISDHokusai-713950.jpg http://moderntokyotimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00ahokusai9.jpg

  6. Game

  7. Manners: Chopsticks http://www.japanzine.jp/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/011.jpg http://j-cul.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/hashiwatashi.jpg

  8. Manners: Women http://vecto.rs/1024/vector-of-a-cartoon-waiting-man-with-spider-webs-coloring-page-outline-by-ron-leishman-13514.jpg http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31300000/Cinderella-and-the-clock-disney-princess-31391995-500-736.jpg

  9. Manners: Avoiding the number 4 http://www.tofugu.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/missing_4.jpg

  10. Manners: Waiting for most honored guest http://www.clipartguide.com/_named_clipart_images/0511-1011-2417-0712_Family_Praying_Over_Thanksgiving_Dinner_clipart_image.jpg

  11. Manners: Never pour your own drink http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2559/4096985135_94ba0eca0f_z.jpg

  12. Quiz 1.) True or false: When you are done eating your rice, stick them into your bowl 2.) True or false: Girls are seen as independent/strong people 3.) What is the number that has connotations of death to the Japanese? 4.) True or false: You are able to begin eating right when you are served 5.) When you are thirsty, and there is a pitcher of water on the table, what do you do?

  13. Bushido The code in which the Samurai lived by http://www.hanzo.bloger.index.hr/default.aspx?date=1.1.2007.

  14. Warrior class Nobles, like knights Upper classes

  15. Samurai "One who serves" Assigned to guard members of the imperial court

  16. Meaning of Bushido

  17. Skit

  18. Ninja- Shinobi http://landsofwisdom.com/?p=7184

  19. Ninja- Ninjutsu Training http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPUVBnjnqUA

  20. Ninja

  21. Skit

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